PITCHFOLKS came to America over the Weekend!

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PITCHFOLKS came to America over the Weekend!

Post by GoBabyGo » Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:53 am

People waking up? Could this be?

http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Gr ... forks.html

P.S How about Madoff sounds like he is 1/2 way home isn't that just amazing. Any comments before they let him fly the coupe?

Chest Rockwell
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PITCHFOLKS came to America over the Weekend!

Post by Chest Rockwell » Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:47 pm

Originally posted by GoBabyGo:

People waking up? Could this be?

http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Gr ... forks.html

P.S How about Madoff sounds like he is 1/2 way home isn't that just amazing. Any comments before they let him fly the coupe? 2 sets of people in this story. The CEO's who need to be more accountable to their shareholders. What they did was bad business and they should be held accountable and in many cases lose their jobs.

I have a hard time seeing the people who signed subprime mortgages as victims though. If you see that differently I would love to hear your thoughts on it without it getting nasty.

Posts: 164
Joined: Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:00 pm

PITCHFOLKS came to America over the Weekend!

Post by GoBabyGo » Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:27 pm

You are correct the CEO's should be held accountable. However they have not.How many have gone to jail? NONE. How many will go to jail? My bet is NONE.

Subprime is a small aspect of this, and yes the people who took these loans are to blame no doubt.

Again this is all by design whether you believe it or not. Case in point I cannot provide the sales data becuase both these stocks do not trade anymore. But the TAN MAN, Angelo Mozilo, Countrywide Chairman, sold almost I believe 75% of his shares at the stocks height cashing out about I believe 500 mil and then about 2 years later they were finished. Yet His name is not in the news anymore and I believe he now lives in a castle in France. Exit stage right. (Do you think he knew what was coming and do you think he might have been given a plane ticket to leave in the end?

Then we have Dick Fuld the CEO of Lehman again he did the same thing sold the bulk of his shares well in advance at the hieght as he kept telling his people at Lehman to hold on. Where is he now? No jail time everything is cool for Dick now as he rode into the sunset.

Now if these guys believed in there companies why atfer all these years would they sell the bulk of their shares? In the case of COuntrywide they I believe kept raising money to buy back their shares while the Tan Man imho sold his at the height.

Everybody felt rich why because of the free credit. While the big boys bailed. I can go on about others, but always research what I am saying you will find it. No different than Madoff who today is 1/2 way to being a free man imagine my shock, like George Carlin said "We are not in the big club" All a dog and pony show folks, question why things are.

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