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Football Playoffs

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 6:50 am
My son-in-law just got back from his second tour in Iraq. I love the guy. He's everything you can ask for in a son-in-law. He treats our daughter with respect, treats her parents the same way, and serves his country. Everything you can ask for.

He is a rabid football fan. Coming from Dallas, he thinks the world revolves around the Dallas Cowboys. I can live with that, I have no allegiance to any sports franchise and live in Colorado where everybody wonders why I don't have a vying interest in the Broncos.

Anyway, Dallas has to win this coming Sunday to have a chance at the playoffs. After, literally, half an hour of Dallas stats, Philly shortcomings and why Dallas will win that game, I finally got a word in. I asked him that if Dallas won and went on and won the next four weeks, would that make them the best football team this year? He looked at me like I was my non-knowing of football daughter, "Of course it does, Super Bowl winners."

I asked him who the best team in football was last year...another look..."The Giants", he said.

I told him this was a big reason for my not aligning with any team. That every major sport has become a joyride for owners and others that will take and make any oppurtunity to make a buck. We don't play to see who the best team is anymore. After essentially wasting 17 weeks of playing, seeding teams, we go into a 4-week playoff to determine who the hottest team is and that hot team is the Super Bowl winner.

If owners and fans wanted to see the real Champ and have a Super Bowl, they would divide the teams into two divisions, let each division fight it out amongst themselves and the team with the best records would play in the Super Bowl two weeks later.

The Super Bowl winner is hardly ever the best team in football, really, just the better tournament team.

Once the Patriots entered the tournament last year, their spotless record was thrown aside as meaningless and were lumped in with 11 also rans. One of those also rans beat them and the rest is history.

The owners are even thinking about extending the seeding part of the season, for what will become more much ado about nothing except the lining of pockets.

Its why I don't play fantasy football much, the real money comes in the space of two or three weeks with a team that was drafted 16-18 weeks ago, just too much luck involved for me.

I told him that I wasn't ripping football or any franchise in particular, every major sport does it and just about every fan buys into it because it gives the team they support more of a chance to be in the tournament. I understand that, but when we talk about best teams, I hardly ever acknowledge that the best team in football wins the Super Bowl.

So after my 30 minute filibuster, I asked, " Now, who was the best team in football last year?" "I guess I'd have to say the Patriots, after all that!"

I said, "And if the Cowboys luck out and win the next five weeks, who would be the best team in football?" Without hesitation, "The Cowboys!"


[ December 26, 2008, 12:54 PM: Message edited by: DOUGHBOYS ]

Football Playoffs

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:23 am
by Captain Hook

SIL walks out of your house shaking his head and thinking FIL is a nutbag :D

Football Playoffs

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:21 pm
by KJ Duke
Interesting reading Dough ... your conclusion struck me as logical from my viewpoint as a fantasy player, but empty from my viewpoint as a player or coach.

What I've always loved about sports, and I go back to my first baseball and football coaches, is that they are about two things: one, becoming a better player; two, learning to function as a team. From this viewpoint, your conclusion of who the "best team" is, would more appropriately be termed "most talented". The best team, I think, is the team that gets better over the course of the season and pulls together when everything is on the line and beats the team on the other side when everything is on the line for them. Thus, a playoff is true to the nature and objective of team sports. The team that wins the World Series or Super Bowl isn't just a team that got hot at the right time, it is the one and only team that accomplished what every team set out to do. And that makes them the "best team"!

Without a playoff, baseball would be no more than a talent show - may as well just go see a well-acted play. ;)

[ December 29, 2008, 07:28 PM: Message edited by: KJ Duke ]

Football Playoffs

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:00 pm
Although it looks like you are athletic and stout enough, Kevin, I doubt that you've played pro sports at the highest level.

The elongated playoffs in every sport do not field a best team, just one lucky enough to have their injuries earlier and who played well at the right time. Its not always about getting better, heck, there have been teams that have won four, lost four, and seesawed from there until the playoffs to win the Super Bowl.

I alluded to your athletic background, most probable from an amateur standpoint. I can understand your argument there, but as far as the Pro's, no, the best team does not always win.

One of the reasons I do not play fantasy football for money is that the best team does not always win. Silly h2h matchups, freak injuries, teams giving up, making h2h even more laughable, the playoffs are just downright silly. It isn't about skill, its about having the right players, playing against the right teams both in fantasy and real life. Everything alighning perfectly. The luck ratio has to be astounding.

Sorry, got off track.I understand not agreeing with me, Kevin. Hardly anybody does. Just about every soul is used to the extended playoffs and think that that is the best way to crown a "Champion". The true champion every year though, are the owners that profit off of the extended playoffs.

Anyway, I love the simplicity of fantasy baseball. No playoffs, no gimmicks, best team after six months wins. There are not many games, like it, left.

[ December 29, 2008, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: DOUGHBOYS ]

Football Playoffs

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:26 pm
by KJ Duke
A fair response, Dough - and yes my playing experience is not at a high level, but I think the spirit of the game remains the same even if team owners and some players don't get it.

I agree that a shorter season would be better as players in both major sports tend to wear down, but I still believe any competition is about strategizing to accomplish your goal, which is not the same as being the prettiest-looking team during the regular season. Perhaps the best team is one that focuses on developing depth and thus keeping its players healthy, as opposed to the one with the most star players who runs up the score against overmatched opponents?

As for fantasy football, agreed the luck component is certainly greater, but you need only look at the NFFC and the consistent success of certain players to debunk the fact that luck is off the charts. I am consistently a top 3-4 team in most of my football leagues (which kinda proves my point while also pissing me off :mad: ), but much better examples are players like Jules, Jupinka, Gillis and BillyWaz and that are consistent winners. It can be done. ;) But I am with you on the appeal of roto baseball, nothing else beats it.

[ December 30, 2008, 12:50 AM: Message edited by: KJ Duke ]

Football Playoffs

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:26 am
9-7 Cardinals host NFC Championship game.

:confused: :eek: :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

[ January 12, 2009, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: DOUGHBOYS ]

Football Playoffs

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:29 am
by rockitsauce
Originally posted by DOUGHBOYS:

9-7 Cardinals host NFC Championship game.

:confused: :eek: :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Especially since EAGLES had a better record AND kick the Card's butts head to head! :mad:

Nice post Dough, valid pts about team w/ momentum not truly being the BEST, but I guess that's what we're stuck w/. I just hope the EAGLES remain the HOTTEST!!!

Football Playoffs

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:04 am
by bjoak
Okay, I watch about three football games a year so I don't know much, but has anyone done research on whether the colors of the uniforms affect team play? It just seems that if you were the quarterback, it would be easier to hit someone that was dressed in bright red like the Cardinals than someone who was dressed in camouflage of the exact same colors as the field like the Eagles.

Football Playoffs

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:48 pm
by sportsbettingman
It really comes down to crunch time human performance elevation.

Why is it so hard to close a game?

Because humans feel that "do or die" and rise to the occasion. They are focused.

Single elimination playoffs like the NCAA basketball tournament and the NFL playoffs are amazing.

You and your opponent know you have ONE GAME to execute.

Your coaches and players feel that "do or die"...and the team that wins keeps going.

Simple and beautiful.

Arizona is hot. Their team is unified. They beat three teams they were not favored to beat.

I thnk they will win it all.


Football Playoffs

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 5:26 pm
by Navel Lint
Opening line at Caesars

Pittsburgh -7