I grew up in the 60's. It was a time when we got our news from radio, tv, and newspapers. Getting sports scores was tough. The best way to do it was to listen to a local game and wait for them to mention the 'Out of Town Scoreboard'.
There were no all sports stations. On the local news, mostly, only the local scores were mentioned.
In the 70's, things didn't change much. The NFL exploded. Their scores were easy to get since all games were played on one day and one night. Other scores, not so much.
In the 80's, things changed a bit. Technology started to come into play. For sports scores, before the internet, there was 900 numbers. We were charged at least 50 cents a call for sports scores that were about 15 minutes old. Still, 15 minutes old was ok. Especially if we had a wager on the game.
Fast forward to now. We can know any score from anywhere within seconds. We should be in heaven. I'm not.
Don't get me wrong, I love that we have everything up to date. But now, with so much information at our fingertips, tv has become almost a chore to watch.
The MLB Channel, The NFL Channel, ESPN, Fox Sports, blah, blah, blah.
And it has become blah, blah, blah.
Blah, blah all the time.
Scores are no longer as important as the talk of why the score was the score.
The modern fan is more sophisticated. We don't need to hear a former jock talk about his sport. What we want to know more than anything is 'WHAT HAPPENED'.
I don't need to be told WHY it happened. Especially since the WHY is based on opinion.
TV reporting has become 100% reactionary. Even preview shows talk about what happened to teams IN THE PAST.
There are now 100's of pre-game shows leading into the opening kickoffs on Sunday. These shows feature 1000's of talking heads.
I don't need a talking head.
So, I have a new idea for a tv channel
This channel would not have even one on air personality.
Not one.
The star would be the camera and folks behind the scenes. When a major story breaks, big block letters would appear 'ADRIAN PETERSON INDICTED'. This would be followed by sound bytes from relevant parties. Not opinions from 'somebody with kids of their own'.
This channel would also have every MLB game and every NFL game in a box much like the Direct tv package. And when only one major game is on tv, it would have the screen to itself.
This channel would have a bottom line for sports news and stats. It would also have a 'top line' for scores.
It would be the perfect restaurant, airport, or bar tv channel. No sound is needed to enjoy this channel.
The money that others would spend on talking heads would be spent on getting the rights for all these sporting events.
The bottom line and top line would be consistent even during commercials.
We would Joe Friday this channel. We only need the facts.
I know that most will roll their eyes at this idea. And I don't blame them.
I would have done the same thing during the sixties if somebody told me that scores would be instant in the future.
The Dream Sports TV Channel
The Dream Sports TV Channel
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!