September Baseball

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Yah Mule
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September Baseball

Post by Yah Mule » Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:23 pm

Watching the Dodgers and DBacks as I'm trying to listen to each of the precious few Vin Scully innings left. The two teams combined for only 11 hits and four runs, but they used a dozen pitchers between them. The Dodgers trotted out eight pitchers in a nine inning game. Four of them pitched to a single hitter. Kind of makes me wish they would install an active roster for games after September 1st so they could cap the number of players available every day. It has to suck for these managers when they have a tough lefthanded hitter on the bench and the other manager can just get a lefty up in the bullpen any time it looks like a pinch hitter might be useful.

Bob Enzyte
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Re: September Baseball

Post by Bob Enzyte » Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:22 am

MLB needs to do something about this. Only sport that changes its rules with a month to go. Expand the roster to 28 if they must, but 40 is ridiculous. Watching Bochy walk knock kneed to the mound after each batter from the seventh inning on, only to see Joe Nathan blow the game is more than I can take. And Dave Roberts using 8 pitchers tonight while allowing one run only adds to this insanity.

Bob Enzyte
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Re: September Baseball

Post by Bob Enzyte » Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:32 am

And another thing that needs to change is the replay system. The umpires don't have access to the replays when they make the call. Why then do the managers get to check the replays before they challenge the call? If they disagree with the umpire's call, challenge it immediately. It gets pretty old seeing the managers with their arm up, holding up play while watching their coach talking on the phone waiting for the thumbs up or down sign. Riveting stuff.

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Re: September Baseball

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:30 am

September baseball is bad for three groups.
First, us. As fantasy baseball players, we want the same level playing field as we had in April. Our stats dwindle, as a whole in September with the emergence of nobody pitchers facing nobody batters. The d.l. is not used because it becomes more of a formality than an extra bench spot. Pitchers are 'rested' more because the cavalry has come and there are more enlisted men to take their place.
Second, the fan. All season long, the season ticket holders have been rooting for 'their guys'. Now they're wondering 'Who are these guys?'. They have to endure parades to the mounds by Managers who want to show off that they know they have a lefty pitcher for every lefty batter the opposition can muster. In non-contending towns, the baseball is more similar to spring training baseball than the baseball they paid full price for.
Third, baseball. The Commish has harped all season about game times. Now, after the sixth inning, game times get longer and longer as pitcher after pitcher takes their turn in specialist situtions. September should be playoff run baseball, not tryouts for minor leaguers whose season has ended.
Pennant contenders should be facing full-strength teams as they have all year long. Not watered down versions of AAA/AAAA teams.
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

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Edwards Kings
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Re: September Baseball

Post by Edwards Kings » Thu Sep 08, 2016 11:41 am

But don't forget the good things:

1) More breaks to get beer and go to the recycling center without missing game action. Repeat.
2) More chances to pay attention to your wife.
3) Time to grab a shower because as a result of #2 above, you wife says you stink.
4) Can run out to the mailbox in case you forgot to check earlier.
5) Time to make a grocery store run for emergency supplies (Doritos, et al)
6) Time to grab a quick nine holes (because you couldn't grab any holes as a result of #2 above or even after #3 above).
7) Time to make sure the pigs are still there (relevant to at least some of us).
8) Time to run around your neighborhood and steal all the "I'm with Hillary" yard signs.

The list, like the games, goes on and on....
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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