SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

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Greg Ambrosius
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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:06 pm

In the last week we've had two announcements that hopefully will help all players. First, we are reporting 1099s in 2017 that deduct ALL of your entry fees from all of our contests from your prize winnings and reporting that to the IRS. For hundreds of owners, this will result in no 1099 for 2017. It's a big savings for many, many NFBC and NFFC owners right now.

And now this acquisition, which at the very least shows that management is in a growth mode and we are serious about adding new players to all of our contests. It's a sign that in a consolidating industry where the barrier to entry for pay-to-play games is very, very high, we are on the acquisition side of that ledger. I think both moves are good signs for the stability of our division and for the growth of all our games.
Greg Ambrosius
Founder, National Fantasy Baseball Championship
General Manager, Consumer Fantasy Games at SportsHub Technologies
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King of Queens
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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by King of Queens » Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:33 pm

Greg Ambrosius wrote:In the last week we've had two announcements that hopefully will help all players. First, we are reporting 1099s in 2017 that deduct ALL of your entry fees from all of our contests from your prize winnings and reporting that to the IRS. For hundreds of owners, this will result in no 1099 for 2017. It's a big savings for many, many NFBC and NFFC owners right now.

And now this acquisition, which at the very least shows that management is in a growth mode and we are serious about adding new players to all of our contests. It's a sign that in a consolidating industry where the barrier to entry for pay-to-play games is very, very high, we are on the acquisition side of that ledger. I think both moves are good signs for the stability of our division and for the growth of all our games.
Exactly as I see it. Congrats on the big announcement.

And now...bring on the guppies! :lol:

Bronx Yankees
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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by Bronx Yankees » Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:02 pm

mkieffer wrote:I will say I appreciate growing the fanbase and think this is a positive.

I am 33 years old and have been playing in Fantasy Baseball Leagues since I was 12, often times being those $10-$50 leagues.

It has been from my successes in small to mid stakes leagues that afforded me the opportunity to play in the Main Event for the 1st time last year, and again this year. I could have pocketed more of the money but after doing really well in those smaller money leagues, I wanted to challenge myself more and last year was definitely a challenge as I got my butt kicked. Basically I had to choose whether to play in a lot of small to mid stakes leagues or play in less leagues with more of a challenge.

You never know: a small stakes player now might be a future high stakes player in the future.
Just want to second this perspective, which hit home with me. I started drafting with the NFBC in 2011 (for the 2012 baseball season). I previously had done smaller leagues only, on ESPN and CBS, as well as a league at work. I think the biggest league I had done up to that point had a $30 or a $50 buy-in. I was looking for a bigger challenge and somehow stumbled upon the NFBC. I still remember the trepidation I had the first time I registered for a $150 Draft Championships league. I had never done a fantasy league at anything close to that cost, and the few friends I mentioned it to thought I was crazy spending that much on a fantasy baseball league. I did a few smaller leagues that season and the next, and for 2014 I stepped up for my first live draft, a Main Event. Fast forward to now, and I'm signed up for live events in NYC and Vegas, and I do enough DC leagues that I still get embarrassed if asked by my wife or friends just how many fantasy teams I have going for one baseball season. On a personal level, I cannot overstate just how much enjoyment I have gotten over the years from not only competing in the NFBC against the best players around, but also in getting to know and become friends with many of the other players. Every year now, I look forward to the March live drafts for months, and think of it as my personal Christmas and birthday celebration all rolled up into two glorious weekends. Importantly, however, there is no way I'd ever have made the jump to any live event but for the experience I gained playing in the $150 leagues. For many folks, playing and gaining some success in the smaller leagues (including leagues with a smaller than $150 buy-in) will lead to increased interest and participation in the high-stakes events, and that can only benefit the NFBC and its players (provided these newbies don't take too long to make picks in DC drafts!).

While I understand some of the trepidation expressed, particularly with various IT-related challenges, this sounds like it should be a good thing for the NFBC (although I confess I have never heard of MFL10). With all of the BS fees being imposed by states, it seems natural - and basic business - that there would be a push for consolidation and growth so as to spread these added costs over as big a customer base as possible. To the extent these transactions lead to more - not less - resources being made available to the NFBC for IT-related improvements, it is all good, although the benefits may not be seen as soon as some of us may like. Based on Greg and Tom's comments, it sounds like things are moving in the right direction, and the NFBC is in a better position than in prior years. Hope that's exactly how things turn out.

Last edited by Bronx Yankees on Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mike Mager
"Bronx Yankees"

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Greg Ambrosius
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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:42 pm

Another LIKE post if we had it!! :D :D
Greg Ambrosius
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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by rkulaski » Wed Jan 03, 2018 7:38 pm

From my own selfish point of view, I tried to play in some Mfl10 leagues this year and couldn't because I live in TN. First time I had been slapped in the face and told I couldn't join a fantasy sports contest. So now that problem has been solved.

Got 3 boys to raise and spend time with so I really like things staying simple. I like being able to go to 1 web site and being able to play a variety of different contests. Simple.

Love the growth of options now. I don't have the cash many others have. I used to do a ME team live and have to skip out on the mixed auction. Hated to do that.... now I can draft a ME team online (save on costs of flight and hotel and food although drafting live so much fun) and do some mixed auctions online. Can space out drafts now with DCs starting so early. More options than ever regarding entry fees. Things have changed so much in the 10 years since I first joined. But, imho, it's all been to the benefit of me, the customer.

Congrats on the continued growth.
Richard Kulaski
Fairview, TN

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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by Baseball Furies » Thu Jan 04, 2018 2:50 am

DOUGHBOYS wrote:Now, I've gone from confused to aggravated....
Thanks for the answers?
I second this. Greg, you really, really need to work on not being so damn defensive and bitching and moaning every time your loyal, paying, baseball customers voice their concerns rather than just kiss your ass all the time as you had hoped for especially when they all aren't as ecstatic and enthusiastic as you may be about something and in particular your corporate expansions. It truly is aggravating, annoying, and yes, even antagonistic. I know this may be difficult to swallow, but a lot of people involved with your baseball product don't give a rat's ass about your penny ante football expansions and acquisitions. And what's even more infuriating to me, is that virtually everything that myself and others have been clamoring for in terms of upgrades and improvements to the NFBC, you are now saying you are doing because you are forced to do due to this acquisition rather than just have done it already when it was a great idea that we had and have been asking for time and time again. :roll: :evil: I for one am sick and tired of being treated like a second-class citizen to football and just about everything else under the SportsHub umbrella these days whenever management jumps on these boards to "explain themselves" to us because obviously we're just too damn stupid to figure it out ourselves. And yeah, I'm pissed. So be it. Ten dollar games? Seriously? Meh! God Bless America. Rant complete and no response needed. We get it. :roll:
"If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base." ~Dave Barry

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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by Baseball Furies » Thu Jan 04, 2018 2:52 am

Greg Ambrosius wrote:
jdryan wrote:It seems as if the NFBC is going the direction of cheaper and cheaper drafts.
Are we headed from high stakes to penny-ante?
Is that the plan?

I hope not that’s what is feels like ..
NICE. Don't jump on that bandwagon Jody because it's wrong. Why would we lower the price point of ANYTHING we're currently doing when every high-stakes contest sells out quickly? Geez. We're adding more season-long players to our family, strengthening a very solid product and growing as a company.

The real story is why was this product for sale when it's so successful? Ask the government, which is making it so tough for strong industry companies to stay afloat in the pay-to-play space with these state-by-state licensing fees. It was supposed to be consumer protection and now it's just a money grab that is hurting entrepreneurs. Sucks. But this shows why we became licensing in every state and I doubt this is the last company that will join forces with us.

That's good. For you. For us. For the industry. Hope that helps.
Nice antagonistic and covertly hostile response, Greg. Sure Jody appreciated this.
"If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base." ~Dave Barry

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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by Thurman15 » Thu Jan 04, 2018 11:51 am

My first post here. I was in 3 live Vegas auctions last year, (Team Ottawa) and have expanded to even more this year. I realize Baseball Furies, that you have been around a lot longer than me. I respect that. But I read almost all posts, and while I see there are glitches, and yes they need fixing, I believe you are far too negative on Tom and Greg. These guys work like dogs, and rarely get the credit they deserve. For any person, in sports betting, in business, in a social setting, or with family, things are a lot more enjoyable when you are positive. Trust me, although I'm only in my 2nd year here, I have been in more fantasy pools than pretty well anyone on this board. I started 32 years ago. I've run many (and it is no easy task), and I've participated in so many I could never count. I always try to be positive and support those that run them. Of course there are problems, but I see Greg and Tom responding positively 98% of the time. Much higher than the guys posting.

I was incredibly impressed last year at the live auctions. So professional. And Greg and Tom are real good guys to the core. Yes any paying customer has the right to point out things that need improvement, but the insulting goes a little far. You may hate me, but I bet you would like me if we met. Hey I'm in Vegas the 2nd week for live auctions.

What I see this year is some problems that were not anticipated. But realistically in ANY new venture there WILL be problems. It happens. As long as they are being worked on, that satisfies me. Ask (demand) anything you want. You have the right to do so, but every one of us would enjoy the experience more if everybody was a little more positive, and friendly. The NFBC is amazing. Period. Full stop. And things are always improving, maybe not at the pace some would like, but better to solve problems properly, as opposed to rushing and not solving them.

I believe you have done a tremendous job promoting the NFBC. People should be thanking you. I'm just suggesting we all try a bit harder to understand things can not always be perfect. But the boys WILL try to improve anything that needs improvement. For me, I'm thankful to be part of this. And I'm darn impressed with Greg and Tom. Thanks for listening guys.
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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by Gekko » Thu Jan 04, 2018 11:56 am

Thurman15 wrote:My first post here. I was in 3 live Vegas auctions last year, (Team Ottawa) and have expanded to even more this year. I realize Baseball Furies, that you have been around a lot longer than me. I respect that. But I read almost all posts, and while I see there are glitches, and yes they need fixing, I believe you are far too negative on Tom and Greg. These guys work like dogs, and rarely get the credit they deserve. For any person, in sports betting, in business, in a social setting, or with family, things are a lot more enjoyable when you are positive. Trust me, although I'm only in my 2nd year here, I have been in more fantasy pools than pretty well anyone on this board. I started 32 years ago. I've run many (and it is no easy task), and I've participated in so many I could never count. I always try to be positive and support those that run them. Of course there are problems, but I see Greg and Tom responding positively 98% of the time. Much higher than the guys posting.

I was incredibly impressed last year at the live auctions. So professional. And Greg and Tom are real good guys to the core. Yes any paying customer has the right to point out things that need improvement, but the insulting goes a little far. You may hate me, but I bet you would like me if we met. Hey I'm in Vegas the 2nd week for live auctions.

What I see this year is some problems that were not anticipated. But realistically in ANY new venture there WILL be problems. It happens. As long as they are being worked on, that satisfies me. Ask (demand) anything you want. You have the right to do so, but every one of us would enjoy the experience more if everybody was a little more positive, and friendly. The NFBC is amazing. Period. Full stop. And things are always improving, maybe not at the pace some would like, but better to solve problems properly, as opposed to rushing and not solving them.

I believe you have done a tremendous job promoting the NFBC. People should be thanking you. I'm just suggesting we all try a bit harder to understand things can not always be perfect. But the boys WILL try to improve anything that needs improvement. For me, I'm thankful to be part of this. And I'm darn impressed with Greg and Tom. Thanks for listening guys.
This has got to be THE best first post ever!!! Ditto and welcome to the boards.

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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by CC's Desperados » Thu Jan 04, 2018 2:47 pm

Baseball Furies wrote:
DOUGHBOYS wrote:Now, I've gone from confused to aggravated....
Thanks for the answers?
I second this. Greg, you really, really need to work on not being so damn defensive and bitching and moaning every time your loyal, paying, baseball customers voice their concerns rather than just kiss your ass all the time as you had hoped for especially when they all aren't as ecstatic and enthusiastic as you may be about something and in particular your corporate expansions. It truly is aggravating, annoying, and yes, even antagonistic. I know this may be difficult to swallow, but a lot of people involved with your baseball product don't give a rat's ass about your penny ante football expansions and acquisitions. And what's even more infuriating to me, is that virtually everything that myself and others have been clamoring for in terms of upgrades and improvements to the NFBC, you are now saying you are doing because you are forced to do due to this acquisition rather than just have done it already when it was a great idea that we had and have been asking for time and time again. :roll: :evil: I for one am sick and tired of being treated like a second-class citizen to football and just about everything else under the SportsHub umbrella these days whenever management jumps on these boards to "explain themselves" to us because obviously we're just too damn stupid to figure it out ourselves. And yeah, I'm pissed. So be it. Ten dollar games? Seriously? Meh! God Bless America. Rant complete and no response needed. We get it. :roll:
Did your Balco shipments get shutoff? Maybe the NFBC message boards are the training ground for your next movie script....beating up the host to show you have a bigger...pen.. (mouth) sounds like a one way me street.

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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by Quahogs » Thu Jan 04, 2018 6:02 pm

You see Shawn unbeknownst to many, The MOUTH Greg fued goes back many years.

They've know each other for quite a while as this old football newspaper photo can attest - hastening Mouth's disdain for the NFL...
Greg of the Sportshubs stiff arming a spindly armed Mike Massotto circa 1975.jpg
Greg of the Sportshubs stiff arming a spindly armed Mike Massotto circa 1975.jpg (52.35 KiB) Viewed 4501 times

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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by FrozenTundra » Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:11 am

I have a hard time understanding the negative comments on this board. I see the glass being completely full and improvements being announced regularly. It's a great site and I'm just disappointed I didn't discover NFBC until I retired seven years ago. Keep up the good work.

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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by Baseball Furies » Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:13 am

Thurman15 wrote:My first post here. I was in 3 live Vegas auctions last year, (Team Ottawa) and have expanded to even more this year. I realize Baseball Furies, that you have been around a lot longer than me. I respect that. But I read almost all posts, and while I see there are glitches, and yes they need fixing, I believe you are far too negative on Tom and Greg. These guys work like dogs, and rarely get the credit they deserve. For any person, in sports betting, in business, in a social setting, or with family, things are a lot more enjoyable when you are positive. Trust me, although I'm only in my 2nd year here, I have been in more fantasy pools than pretty well anyone on this board. I started 32 years ago. I've run many (and it is no easy task), and I've participated in so many I could never count. I always try to be positive and support those that run them. Of course there are problems, but I see Greg and Tom responding positively 98% of the time. Much higher than the guys posting.

I was incredibly impressed last year at the live auctions. So professional. And Greg and Tom are real good guys to the core. Yes any paying customer has the right to point out things that need improvement, but the insulting goes a little far. You may hate me, but I bet you would like me if we met. Hey I'm in Vegas the 2nd week for live auctions.

What I see this year is some problems that were not anticipated. But realistically in ANY new venture there WILL be problems. It happens. As long as they are being worked on, that satisfies me. Ask (demand) anything you want. You have the right to do so, but every one of us would enjoy the experience more if everybody was a little more positive, and friendly. The NFBC is amazing. Period. Full stop. And things are always improving, maybe not at the pace some would like, but better to solve problems properly, as opposed to rushing and not solving them.

I believe you have done a tremendous job promoting the NFBC. People should be thanking you. I'm just suggesting we all try a bit harder to understand things can not always be perfect. But the boys WILL try to improve anything that needs improvement. For me, I'm thankful to be part of this. And I'm darn impressed with Greg and Tom. Thanks for listening guys.
Great stuff, Thurm. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm actually one of the most positive people you'll ever meet, but things aren't always beer and skittles for me and others when it comes to some things in regards to the NFBC. And it is for the very reason that it is amazing that I want to see that it stays amazing and gets better whenever it can while meeting this customer and other's expectations. So not trying to be negative, but I've been at this a long time on here as a player and as a social participant, and I invest a ton of time and money on it. So if my gears get ground by Greg and Tom in addition to all the great shit that they do, then yeah, they are are going to hear mine/our frustrations, input, feelings, etc. in whatever form they may take. It just comes with the territory. I may be critical and tough from time to time, but I really try to not be insulting and make it personal as some have done on here. Greg may take it personally, but he knows that it's not even though his emotions may get the best of him when it comes to taking criticism of the NFBC. But I'll work on being extra positive of at least the next couple of days just because I enjoyed your post. :mrgreen: Hope that you'll introduce yourself out in Vegas week two. I'll be there and of course for most, this will be the highlight of their entire trip. Just ask me. :lol:
"If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base." ~Dave Barry

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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by Baseball Furies » Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:37 am

CC's Desperados wrote:
Baseball Furies wrote:
DOUGHBOYS wrote:Now, I've gone from confused to aggravated....
Thanks for the answers?
I second this. Greg, you really, really need to work on not being so damn defensive and bitching and moaning every time your loyal, paying, baseball customers voice their concerns rather than just kiss your ass all the time as you had hoped for especially when they all aren't as ecstatic and enthusiastic as you may be about something and in particular your corporate expansions. It truly is aggravating, annoying, and yes, even antagonistic. I know this may be difficult to swallow, but a lot of people involved with your baseball product don't give a rat's ass about your penny ante football expansions and acquisitions. And what's even more infuriating to me, is that virtually everything that myself and others have been clamoring for in terms of upgrades and improvements to the NFBC, you are now saying you are doing because you are forced to do due to this acquisition rather than just have done it already when it was a great idea that we had and have been asking for time and time again. :roll: :evil: I for one am sick and tired of being treated like a second-class citizen to football and just about everything else under the SportsHub umbrella these days whenever management jumps on these boards to "explain themselves" to us because obviously we're just too damn stupid to figure it out ourselves. And yeah, I'm pissed. So be it. Ten dollar games? Seriously? Meh! God Bless America. Rant complete and no response needed. We get it. :roll:
Did your Balco shipments get shutoff? Maybe the NFBC message boards are the training ground for your next movie script....beating up the host to show you have a bigger...pen.. (mouth) sounds like a one way me street.
Hey Shawn, did I miss something, or did Greg hire you as his attorney now, too? And the whole Balco reference insult attempt thing is getting a little stale. You need some new material. Just an FYI, you can't get this physique lifting bowling balls and kissing Greg's ass all day long. You're not working enough muscles groups. :lol:

And no one is beating up the host. I'm just not enamored with the idea of the NFBC turning into Fan Duel Light. And on top of that, there are barely enough personnel resources to support everything and everyone now let alone supposedly tens of thousands more at $5-$10 bucks a head or whatever. So I'll reserve final judgement when I see how this amazing acquisition translates into a better season-long, high stakes, fantasy baseball experience for me before I go passing out the cigars and dousing Greg with a cooler of Coronas...I meant not the actual glass bottles of Coronas. Cans either. I meant like if you filled one of those big Gatorade coolers with several gallons of Corona and sneaked up behind Greg and poured it on him when he wasn't expecting it before we all hoisted him on our shoulders in celebration and paraded down Main Street in Iola before we all eventually froze to death...that's what I meant. :mrgreen:
"If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base." ~Dave Barry

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Baseball Furies
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Re: SportsHub Technologies Acquires MFL10s

Post by Baseball Furies » Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:41 am

Bronx Yankees wrote:
mkieffer wrote:I will say I appreciate growing the fanbase and think this is a positive.

I am 33 years old and have been playing in Fantasy Baseball Leagues since I was 12, often times being those $10-$50 leagues.

It has been from my successes in small to mid stakes leagues that afforded me the opportunity to play in the Main Event for the 1st time last year, and again this year. I could have pocketed more of the money but after doing really well in those smaller money leagues, I wanted to challenge myself more and last year was definitely a challenge as I got my butt kicked. Basically I had to choose whether to play in a lot of small to mid stakes leagues or play in less leagues with more of a challenge.

You never know: a small stakes player now might be a future high stakes player in the future.
Just want to second this perspective, which hit home with me. I started drafting with the NFBC in 2011 (for the 2012 baseball season). I previously had done smaller leagues only, on ESPN and CBS, as well as a league at work. I think the biggest league I had done up to that point had a $30 or a $50 buy-in. I was looking for a bigger challenge and somehow stumbled upon the NFBC. I still remember the trepidation I had the first time I registered for a $150 Draft Championships league. I had never done a fantasy league at anything close to that cost, and the few friends I mentioned it to thought I was crazy spending that much on a fantasy baseball league. I did a few smaller leagues that season and the next, and for 2014 I stepped up for my first live draft, a Main Event. Fast forward to now, and I'm signed up for live events in NYC and Vegas, and I do enough DC leagues that I still get embarrassed if asked by my wife or friends just how many fantasy teams I have going for one baseball season. On a personal level, I cannot overstate just how much enjoyment I have gotten over the years from not only competing in the NFBC against the best players around, but also in getting to know and become friends with many of the other players. Every year now, I look forward to the March live drafts for months, and think of it as my personal Christmas and birthday celebration all rolled up into two glorious weekends. Importantly, however, there is no way I'd ever have made the jump to any live event but for the experience I gained playing in the $150 leagues. For many folks, playing and gaining some success in the smaller leagues (including leagues with a smaller than $150 buy-in) will lead to increased interest and participation in the high-stakes events, and that can only benefit the NFBC and its players (provided these newbies don't take too long to make picks in DC drafts!).

While I understand some of the trepidation expressed, particularly with various IT-related challenges, this sounds like it should be a good thing for the NFBC (although I confess I have never heard of MFL10). With all of the BS fees being imposed by states, it seems natural - and basic business - that there would be a push for consolidation and growth so as to spread these added costs over as big a customer base as possible. To the extent these transactions lead to more - not less - resources being made available to the NFBC for IT-related improvements, it is all good, although the benefits may not be seen as soon as some of us may like. Based on Greg and Tom's comments, it sounds like things are moving in the right direction, and the NFBC is in a better position than in prior years. Hope that's exactly how things turn out.

Mager you, BROWN-NOSER! :roll: :lol:
"If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base." ~Dave Barry

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