Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Sat Dec 25, 2021 9:06 am

Merry Christmas NFBC Folks!

I know with the CBA that some of us think we have coal in our stockings, but there are some presents received from it...

For instance, never have we been able to buy any magazine without zillions of changes already being made through transactions of players.
Now, any magazine published after December 1 is up to date!

Also, remember being in a DC draft, certain that some drafters were bogarting the clock while waiting on current transactions...No more!

God and CBA willing, half the off-season is over!

We're also fortunate in that the work stoppage is during the off-season.
With Covid, we have suffered enough in-season.

May the new year bring peace between owners and players, the elimination of Covid, and fantasy Championships for us.
Dream BIG!

Merry Christmas Everybody.
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

Bronx Yankees
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Bronx Yankees » Sat Dec 25, 2021 2:49 pm

Thanks, Dan, to you and yours as well.

I agree. As dysfunctional as MLB is at times, I find it hard to believe they’ll be stupid enough screw-up this regular season. It’s a lot of fun drafting now, and the live drafts in March will be great. Merry Christmas to all now and, hopefully, we’ll have Christmas in March in New York City/Chicago and then Las Vegas!
Mike Mager
"Bronx Yankees"

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Greg Ambrosius
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Dec 27, 2021 2:55 pm

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone in the NFBC community.

Dan has always been the ultimate optimist in our community, so I'm glad to see that he sees a ray of sunshine during this lockout. I'm trying to keep the faith, Dan, I really am and now I'm going to do my best to stay optimistic.

I agree with Mike, the owners can't implode this $11 billion a year industry, can they? I don't think so, so the plan is to keep the faith, keep drafting and make those travel plans for the live events in March. Tom and I are booked and ready to go for New York City and Las Vegas. The issues the two sides are fighting over (5 or 6 years before a player reaches free agency) aren't enough to shut this game down even for spring training. They just have to drag this into February and threaten spring training games before they both get serious and settle this once and for all. And hopefully it's another 10-year deal so that this is the last time we have to deal with this for awhile.

Thanks for EVERYTHING everyone. I'm digging all the new NFBC content in draft guides, podcasts, video streams and more from so many of our top players. It's great to see industry writers diving into high-stakes competition and putting their reputations and skills on the line. We've never seen year-round content like this before and it's fantastic.

Good luck and here's to a 19th season of the NFBC. Damn, it seems like a lifetime ago when we introduced the NFBC, but in many ways it also seems like just yesterday. Time flies when you're having fun. :lol: Happy New Year everyone.
Greg Ambrosius
Founder, National Fantasy Baseball Championship
General Manager, Consumer Fantasy Games at SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @GregAmbrosius

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