Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Ryan C
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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Ryan C » Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:06 am

I think allowing players to draft anonymously is better than allowing them to use an alias. However - if they are in a draft room with me - then I have a right to know who they are. I paid my money just like they did and their identity should not be hidden to those they will be drafting against. This may give people some incentive to not avoid a draft with anonymous players listed.

I also understand the frustration with anyone who had their week 1 picks posted online for all to see - but I don't see this issue going away no matter what the powers that be do to try and prevent it.

With the demise of other contests- the NFBC is poised to build on their position as the premier baseball contest. Allowing owners to have multiple entries in the Main Event should come with the caveat that all results will likely be discussed, dissected and disseminated by entities beyond the NFBC's control. The NFBC Main Event is poised next year to be just that. THE MAIN EVENT. To think the the legions of fantasy writers out there won't discuss the ADP's of first week Main Event drafts is highly doubtful.

Now I am not saying that if I am playing in the second week I should get to see every draft board that comes out of Week 1. I do think that those playing both weeks have a right to have THEIR specific drafts protected from those not drafting both weekends. But if I pony up the cash to play in the Main Event - I should have access to the combined ADP's of the first weekend drafts. I believe that any 2nd week drafter is entitled to this information at the very least.

This should be the small price that those drafting two ME teams incur and will be a necessary evil to help build buzz for the second weekend - which will still be the bigger event of the season and the weekend that will have the most potential for growth in terms of bringing in first time players to the contest.

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Chest Rockwell
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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Chest Rockwell » Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:44 am

Originally posted by Glenneration X:

quote:Originally posted by Gekko:

quote:Originally posted by Glenneration X:

OK, good point. However, let's turn this around. Lindy & Gekko are in a satellite the week before the Main. Gekko's in the satellite as Frank Kowalski, Lindy's in as himself. Gekko now has access to Lindy's sleepers while Lindy doesn't knowingly have access to Gekko's. Where's the fairness in that?

sorry glenn, your point is moot because lindy has the option to be anonymous. HE chose not to. that's 100% fair.

as greg mentioned, this is part of the tradeoff of greg publicly announcing every signup.
[/QUOTE]Mark, I'll give you some credit here. You know you're on the minority and unpopular side of this issue, yet you continue to fight for it, openly admitting you use it because you believe in it. Fair enough. We disagree.

I do wonder where the others who like to remain anonymous are while the battle over this issue goes on. I guess they've chosen to remain anonymous here as well.

One more thought on a point that Greg brought up. For those who choose to remain anonymous because they fear getting googled by a potential employer or their wives :rolleyes: , I'm guessing if they win the Main Event we'll have to congratulate the 2nd place finisher. God forbid it get out in public that the anonymous player had won.
[/QUOTE]Glenn I usually agree with most things you say here. I do not agree with the roll eyes tone of the end of your statement. Very often when I meet people in a business setting they know about my love for fantasy baseball in advance. Some think it is cool and ask a lot of questions. Some take a different angle. They do not understand the game or our love for it. You end up spending some time trying to keep someone from thinking you play Dungeons and Dragons with a bunch of guys in trench coats with Chuck Taylors on every weekend. I know one player who played under an alias here because was CEO of a publicly traded company. Those concerns are legit.

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Fourslot40 » Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:02 am

How would one envision the award picture if an anonymous winner took home the main event?

Would the person holding the check have a black box across their face and on the check.

Or does the person pull a Bobby Valentine and go with the glasses and big nose disguise?

:D :D :D :D :D

[ October 07, 2011, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: Fourslot40 ]

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by BEF » Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:51 am

Just to throw it out there (not sure if this will help or hinder the discussion): why not just create one "Anonymous" league? Pick some pre-Main leagues (perhaps one at each pricing level) and say "if you want to play anonymously at the $350 level, here is the league. It will be the only $350 pre-Main league for which you can sign up as Anonymous. If you can't make that draft then you can't be Anonymous." And if the league doesn't get filled then the anonymity will be stripped after first giving the owners the right to drop out and get their money back.
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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Gekko » Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:28 am

folks, if the "Anonymous" option goes away or is limited, i can see some of them just signing up through the use of a friend,esp for any league offered online.

any of you trying to get rid of the option are just wasting your time/energy.

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Sack » Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:29 am

First off, I've had the chance to both meet and compete against Mark aka Gekko in both the NFBC and the NFFC. I like and respect the guy.

That said. This whole "anonymous" topic and stir was created by him aka Frank Kowalski for one reason. To get you to believe his picks and or knowledge are superior to your approach. He wants you to believe he is so good, HE must cloak his identity. It is no more than an ironic ploy of using anonymity to actually draw attention back to himself. Bottom line is, he is full of himself and wants you to buy in by creating a stir. His mission accomplished, after all he did want all of us to eventually know he was soooooo good he had to resort to an alias.

The initial premise of an "alias" irked me at first. Not just by Gekko, but for anybody else as well. Then, I stopped to think about ANY draft I've ever participated within here at the NFBC/NFFC. I simply go round by round concentrating simply on MY picks. I'm not adjusting my draft EVER to counter what GEKKO or any other player within my league "might " do. The second I do that, I am the person at fault. While I truly understand and empathize with those who oppose owners choosing to remain "anonymous" in the end I believe that provided I get my one pick in each of the thirty rounds I could care less if every other owner's identity was cloaked from me. My chance to beat those owners rest with me.

Lindy Hinkelman didn't care one bit whom Gekko drafted in all of his satellite's and/or other drafts. The Champ concentrated on his team and kicked ole Gordon's ass no matter what name or names ole Mark drafted under in 2011. Anonymous was simply yet another way for Gekko to make YOU believe he is bigger and better. He isn't. One could say that Lindy was actually helped this season by having Gekko in his Main Event and called him "dead weight". But I won't go that far, Gekko would enjoy the attention way to much.

[ October 07, 2011, 04:52 PM: Message edited by: Sack ]

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Gekko » Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:55 am

ken - i've said repeatedly that i failed this past year.

failed to put in enough time

failed to have a feasible draft plan

failed to pick the right players

failed to fully manage my teams the last 2 months of the season

AGAIN, I FAILED. and yes lindy was helped with me being in his league.

reading your post again, it sounds like you have some venom toward me and wanted to swing away and beat me down:

*i'm full of myself

*i'm dead weight

is that really how one talks to/about someone they "like and respect"? thanks for getting my weekend off to a great start ken. knew i could count on you :rolleyes:

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MadCow Sez
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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by MadCow Sez » Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:52 pm

One of the major principles of war is initiative. If you react to what other owners do, you've given them the initiative to drive your draft.

I couldn't give a hoot if you're anonymous. If I execute my plan, you'll be anonymous below me in the standings.
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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Fourslot40 » Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:57 pm

There are ways around everything, let's be honest. Hopefully, the reasons for wanting to remain anonymous are done with the right intentions. If not, oh well. Let's face it... there is stiff competition everywhere. Let's just trust the decisions made and focus on how to proceed with such rules in place.

Greg and Tom really do a great job in taking on opinions that can mold the procedures of our hobby. Let's not forget that they ultimately make the final decisions and those who know them understand that they are making those decisions for the right reasons for both their customers and their business, regardless of opposition.

Don't turn on each other. Everyone is entitled to make an opinion and then let's see how it plays out.

If I win the main event, I'm showing up as Lady Gaga to screw around with everyone. Does anyone know what she really looks like?


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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by anpyanks » Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:37 pm

I don't know what the big deal is with this whole thing. Everyone has their reasons for remaining ANONYMOUS and I have no problem with any of the reasons. I do think there are legit concerns when it comes to employers frowning upon our hobby. I think its dumb but i definitely think it is a legit concern. I don't care if i play with 14 ANONYMOUS' next year because I know going in that the NFBC is loaded with terrific owners whether they choose to list their names or not. I think we need to all get over it and move on. If you don't want to play in the greatest event in the fantasy sports world because of ANONYMOUS players go out and find an alternative that is as good as the NFBC. Ask the poor WCOFF owners would they rather have their money or be worried about playing in a league with an ANONYMOUS player. I guarantee I know the answer!!!!

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Sack » Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:32 pm


Like I stated, in person you are a great guy. If you sense venom it is strictly directed at the board persona you have created for yourself. The board guy creates things like this "anonymous" thread for reasons I stated above.

I would never consider you "Dead Weight", but the devil in me wanted to get under Gekko's skin. Now, enjoy your weekend.

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by TParsons » Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:21 pm

Originally posted by Sack:

First off, I've had the chance to both meet and compete against Mark aka Gekko in both the NFBC and the NFFC. I like and respect the guy.

That said. This whole "anonymous" topic and stir was created by him aka Frank Kowalski for one reason. To get you to believe his picks and or knowledge are superior to your approach. He wants you to believe he is so good, HE must cloak his identity. It is no more than an ironic ploy of using anonymity to actually draw attention back to himself. Bottom line is, he is full of himself and wants you to buy in by creating a stir. His mission accomplished, after all he did want all of us to eventually know he was soooooo good he had to resort to an alias.

The initial premise of an "alias" irked me at first. Not just by Gekko, but for anybody else as well. Then, I stopped to think about ANY draft I've ever participated within here at the NFBC/NFFC. I simply go round by round concentrating simply on MY picks. I'm not adjusting my draft EVER to counter what GEKKO or any other player within my league "might " do. The second I do that, I am the person at fault. While I truly understand and empathize with those who oppose owners choosing to remain "anonymous" in the end I believe that provided I get my one pick in each of the thirty rounds I could care less if every other owner's identity was cloaked from me. My chance to beat those owners rest with me.

Lindy Hinkelman didn't care one bit whom Gekko drafted in all of his satellite's and/or other drafts. The Champ concentrated on his team and kicked ole Gordon's ass no matter what name or names ole Mark drafted under in 2011. Anonymous was simply yet another way for Gekko to make YOU believe he is bigger and better. He isn't. One could say that Lindy was actually helped this season by having Gekko in his Main Event and called him "dead weight". But I won't go that far, Gekko would enjoy the attention way to much. Didn't Mark get piled onto enough when the alias topic was brought up after the drafts? What's the point in continuing to bash him? He's been rather quiet these past couple months. This isn't about Mark. This is about the rule change. You continue to show your true character every time you post.

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Money » Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:31 pm

Originally posted by TParsons:

quote:Originally posted by Sack:

First off, I've had the chance to both meet and compete against Mark aka Gekko in both the NFBC and the NFFC. I like and respect the guy.

That said. This whole "anonymous" topic and stir was created by him aka Frank Kowalski for one reason. To get you to believe his picks and or knowledge are superior to your approach. He wants you to believe he is so good, HE must cloak his identity. It is no more than an ironic ploy of using anonymity to actually draw attention back to himself. Bottom line is, he is full of himself and wants you to buy in by creating a stir. His mission accomplished, after all he did want all of us to eventually know he was soooooo good he had to resort to an alias.

The initial premise of an "alias" irked me at first. Not just by Gekko, but for anybody else as well. Then, I stopped to think about ANY draft I've ever participated within here at the NFBC/NFFC. I simply go round by round concentrating simply on MY picks. I'm not adjusting my draft EVER to counter what GEKKO or any other player within my league "might " do. The second I do that, I am the person at fault. While I truly understand and empathize with those who oppose owners choosing to remain "anonymous" in the end I believe that provided I get my one pick in each of the thirty rounds I could care less if every other owner's identity was cloaked from me. My chance to beat those owners rest with me.

Lindy Hinkelman didn't care one bit whom Gekko drafted in all of his satellite's and/or other drafts. The Champ concentrated on his team and kicked ole Gordon's ass no matter what name or names ole Mark drafted under in 2011. Anonymous was simply yet another way for Gekko to make YOU believe he is bigger and better. He isn't. One could say that Lindy was actually helped this season by having Gekko in his Main Event and called him "dead weight". But I won't go that far, Gekko would enjoy the attention way to much. Didn't Mark get piled onto enough when the alias topic was brought up after the drafts? What's the point in continuing to bash him? He's been rather quiet these past couple months. This isn't about Mark. This is about the rule change. You continue to show your true character every time you post.
[/QUOTE]I'll bet he wishes he was anonymous when he made the NFBC take Padilla out of his lineup after he got lit up opening day 2010.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

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Glenneration X
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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Glenneration X » Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:26 am

Originally posted by Chest Rockwell:

quote:Originally posted by Glenneration X:

quote:Originally posted by Gekko:

quote:Originally posted by Glenneration X:

OK, good point. However, let's turn this around. Lindy & Gekko are in a satellite the week before the Main. Gekko's in the satellite as Frank Kowalski, Lindy's in as himself. Gekko now has access to Lindy's sleepers while Lindy doesn't knowingly have access to Gekko's. Where's the fairness in that?

sorry glenn, your point is moot because lindy has the option to be anonymous. HE chose not to. that's 100% fair.

as greg mentioned, this is part of the tradeoff of greg publicly announcing every signup.
[/QUOTE]Mark, I'll give you some credit here. You know you're on the minority and unpopular side of this issue, yet you continue to fight for it, openly admitting you use it because you believe in it. Fair enough. We disagree.

I do wonder where the others who like to remain anonymous are while the battle over this issue goes on. I guess they've chosen to remain anonymous here as well.

One more thought on a point that Greg brought up. For those who choose to remain anonymous because they fear getting googled by a potential employer or their wives :rolleyes: , I'm guessing if they win the Main Event we'll have to congratulate the 2nd place finisher. God forbid it get out in public that the anonymous player had won.
[/QUOTE]Glenn I usually agree with most things you say here. I do not agree with the roll eyes tone of the end of your statement. Very often when I meet people in a business setting they know about my love for fantasy baseball in advance. Some think it is cool and ask a lot of questions. Some take a different angle. They do not understand the game or our love for it. You end up spending some time trying to keep someone from thinking you play Dungeons and Dragons with a bunch of guys in trench coats with Chuck Taylors on every weekend. I know one player who played under an alias here because was CEO of a publicly traded company. Those concerns are legit.
[/QUOTE]Kent, I understand where you're coming from. However, the tone of the comment comes from the factual viewpoint that fantasy sports has become part of the mainstream and should be considered far from a skeleton in anyone's closet.

It was estimated in 2010 that 32 million people play fantasy sports and that the hobby generates over a billion dollars to the economy. Fantasy football alone has increased from an estimated participation level of 2 million players in 2000 to 27 million in 2010 making it one of the fastest growing pastimes in the world. The typical demographic of the fantasy player is a male between the ages of 18-49, a primary target market for nearly every advertiser. All the major sports leagues, from the NFL to MLB to the NBA now cater to the fantasy player. There are TV shows based on the fantasy player and movies, TV shows, best sellers, and articles in magazines ranging from Sports Illustrated to Time about the fantasy player. Even the President teamed up with a sportswriter to choose a fantasy team during the last presidential election.

Personally I work in the Long Island office of a national development company that unfortunately has no other current fantasy players. Yet everyone in that office knows I love and play this game. I have never seen anyone there look at me regarding this hobby as if it were Dungeons and Dragons. In fact, if anything they constantly ask me for updates on my teams, sincerely congratulate me on my victories, empathize with my disappointments, and share in my anger over issues like the one I am currently dealing with regarding the WCOFB. At our annual charity golf outing in September, I briefly sat at a table with architects, engineers, development personnel, owners of construction companies. One topic of conversation, all of our recent fantasy football drafts.

My wife couldn't name five MLB players. This is a woman who once asked me if Derek Jeter was a pitcher (mild exaggeration). She doesn't really get spending $1400 on fantasy sports leagues. Of course she believes that money would be better used for new shoes or pocketbooks (and OK yes, stuff for the kids too ). She also would prefer it not take as much of my free time as it does. Yet she knows it is a hobby I love and she supports my love and participation in it. She also realizes it is a pretty harmless hobby, one that I can play at home, while with the family. (She also gets control of the remote while I'm on my laptop, another benefit for her. ;) )

Most of my family, my in-laws, my friends, all have played or play some form of fantasy sports.

My long, very drawn out point......This isn't a drug or alcohol addiction, this isn't a harem of mistresses, this certainly isn't Dungeons and Dragons. This is a legitimate and very popular pastime that I don't believe anyone needs to hide that they participate in during their own free time. If you don't feel you can participate openly, don't play. It's just my opinion, but if the President can pick a fantasy team, I don't think the rest of us need an alias to hide that we do.

[ October 08, 2011, 07:49 AM: Message edited by: Glenneration X ]

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by ToddZ » Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:18 am

Originally posted by Glenneration X:

My long, very drawn out point......This isn't a drug or alcohol addiction, this isn't a harem of mistresses, this certainly isn't Dungeons and Dragons. This is a legitimate and very popular pastime that I don't believe anyone needs to hide that they participate in during their own free time. If you don't feel you can participate openly, don't play. It's just my opinion, but if the President can pick a fantasy team, I don't think the rest of us need an alias to hide that we do. Unfortunately Glenn, your view is not shared be everyone so your resulting opinion is a bit myopic. This is a culture that uses your Facebook page as a reference. What you say on message forums and where you show up on Google searches are used to (perhaps unfairly) judge your character. There is a strong association with gambling despite the fact the there are laws that deem it a game of skill and not chance.

With the job market as it is, I completely understand why some would want to hide the fact they play. Part of me agrees and thinks that if you CAN'T do something, then DON'T do it, but a bigger part of me figures if the solution is as presented, and during on-line main events, the identity of everyone will be revealed as Greg said it would, then I am okay with it.

[ October 08, 2011, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: ToddZ ]
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Glenneration X
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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Glenneration X » Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:38 am

Originally posted by ToddZ:

quote:Originally posted by Glenneration X:

My long, very drawn out point......This isn't a drug or alcohol addiction, this isn't a harem of mistresses, this certainly isn't Dungeons and Dragons. This is a legitimate and very popular pastime that I don't believe anyone needs to hide that they participate in during their own free time. If you don't feel you can participate openly, don't play. It's just my opinion, but if the President can pick a fantasy team, I don't think the rest of us need an alias to hide that we do. Unfortunately Glenn, your view is not shared be everyone so your resulting opinion is a bit myopic. This is a culture that uses your Facebook page as a reference. What you say on message forums and where you show up on Google searches are used to (perhaps unfairly) judge your character. There is a strong association with gambling despite the fact the there are laws that deem it a game of skill and not chance.

With the job market as it is, I completely understand why some would want to hide the fact they play. Part of me agrees and thinks that if you CAN'T do something, then DON'T do it, but a bigger part of me figures if the solution is as presented, and during on-line main events, the identity of everyone will be revealed as Greg said it would, then I am okay with it.
[/QUOTE]I hear you Todd, just like I heard Kent. Even though I believe fantasy sports to be considered more mainstream and less a potential stigma than either of you, it is only my opinion based on my experiences and may therefore be a myopic one as you put it.

If the fear is Google searches, then when listing the players that fear this, let's utilize their message board screen names. This way all of us who play against them will know who we're playing, but any employer or spouse searches on their true names will show no association with this contest. After all, we'd all know who "Gekko" was if he showed up on our league sign up list, but I'm sure any future employers considering hiring Mark wouldn't also be doing a search on "Gekko" unless they wanted to learn more about Michael Douglas. Problem solved for both sides.

One last point, if there remains a negative association to fantasy sports in some circles as you put it, doesn't the utilization of aliases or anonymous participants just add to that perception?

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by ToddZ » Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:53 am

Originally posted by Glenneration X:

I hear you Todd, just like I heard Kent. Even though I believe fantasy sports to be considered more mainstream and less a potential stigma than either of you, it is only my opinion based on my experiences and may therefore be a myopic one as you put it.

If the fear is Google searches, then when listing the players that fear this, let's utilize their message board screen names. This way all of us who play against them will know who we're playing, but any employer or spouse searches on their true names will show no association with this contest. After all, we'd all know who "Gekko" was if he showed up on our league sign up list, but I'm sure any future employers considering hiring Mark wouldn't also be doing a search on "Gekko" unless they wanted to learn more about Michael Douglas. Problem solved for both sides.

One last point, if there remains a negative association to fantasy sports in some circles as you put it, doesn't the utilization of aliases or anonymous participants just add to that perception? Unfortunately, my experience is that it can be a factor.

With respect to using message board names, I am going to assume that if public awareness was a concern, they would be using an alias, unlike some people that use their real name. The problem with using that in lieu of a real name with signup lists, etc is believe it or not, not everyone frequents the boards and may not know who "Studmuffin69" is.

Secondly, the issues some have with fantasy sports, particularly in the work place have to do with it being a distraction, hindering productivity and the aforementioned association to gambling. I suppose that if one was trying to demonstrate there was something unseemly about the hobby, using the fact that some have to hide their participation could be a compelling argument, but to me, it is minor compared to the other (mis?)perceptions.

[ October 08, 2011, 08:54 AM: Message edited by: ToddZ ]
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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Glenneration X » Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:14 am

Originally posted by ToddZ:

quote:Originally posted by Glenneration X:

I hear you Todd, just like I heard Kent. Even though I believe fantasy sports to be considered more mainstream and less a potential stigma than either of you, it is only my opinion based on my experiences and may therefore be a myopic one as you put it.

If the fear is Google searches, then when listing the players that fear this, let's utilize their message board screen names. This way all of us who play against them will know who we're playing, but any employer or spouse searches on their true names will show no association with this contest. After all, we'd all know who "Gekko" was if he showed up on our league sign up list, but I'm sure any future employers considering hiring Mark wouldn't also be doing a search on "Gekko" unless they wanted to learn more about Michael Douglas. Problem solved for both sides.

One last point, if there remains a negative association to fantasy sports in some circles as you put it, doesn't the utilization of aliases or anonymous participants just add to that perception? Unfortunately, my experience is that it can be a factor.

With respect to using message board names, I am going to assume that if public awareness was a concern, they would be using an alias, unlike some people that use their real name. The problem with using that in lieu of a real name with signup lists, etc is believe it or not, not everyone frequents the boards and may not know who "Studmuffin69" is.

Secondly, the issues some have with fantasy sports, particularly in the work place have to do with it being a distraction, hindering productivity and the aforementioned association to gambling. I suppose that if one was trying to demonstrate there was something unseemly about the hobby, using the fact that some have to hide their participation could be a compelling argument, but to me, it is minor compared to the other (mis?)perceptions.
[/QUOTE]According to Greg, there are only 5-7 players that utilize aliases. Of that handful, I've only heard of one instance where the issue was Google searches. If that is really such a concern for that one player, I'm certain he's made arrangements to date to keep under wraps and therefore if he had an unfamiliar message board name like Studmuffin69, it wouldn't make a difference because we wouldn't know who he was no matter what name he utilized.

My solution is one that eliminates this one argument that is being used as a sympathetic reason for the contination of this practice. For the majority of those utilizing aliases, it is because they are well-known players with I'm sure well-known screennames who if anything, want people to know that they play this game and are damn good at it. I want to keep the debate on point and eliminate the one in a million concerns that you and Kent can and may have fairly argued are valid.

That said, I've already endorsed Greg's solution. Is it the best solution? In my mind, no. The best solution in my mind is that if you sign up, you sign up under your own name and if other players' names are made public, yours is too.

Still, I believe this is a fair first step to eventually eliminating this practice. I again don't believe too many leagues will fill with an "Anomymous" participant.

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by TParsons » Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:45 am

Originally posted by Money:

quote:Originally posted by TParsons:

quote:Originally posted by Sack:

First off, I've had the chance to both meet and compete against Mark aka Gekko in both the NFBC and the NFFC. I like and respect the guy.

That said. This whole "anonymous" topic and stir was created by him aka Frank Kowalski for one reason. To get you to believe his picks and or knowledge are superior to your approach. He wants you to believe he is so good, HE must cloak his identity. It is no more than an ironic ploy of using anonymity to actually draw attention back to himself. Bottom line is, he is full of himself and wants you to buy in by creating a stir. His mission accomplished, after all he did want all of us to eventually know he was soooooo good he had to resort to an alias.

The initial premise of an "alias" irked me at first. Not just by Gekko, but for anybody else as well. Then, I stopped to think about ANY draft I've ever participated within here at the NFBC/NFFC. I simply go round by round concentrating simply on MY picks. I'm not adjusting my draft EVER to counter what GEKKO or any other player within my league "might " do. The second I do that, I am the person at fault. While I truly understand and empathize with those who oppose owners choosing to remain "anonymous" in the end I believe that provided I get my one pick in each of the thirty rounds I could care less if every other owner's identity was cloaked from me. My chance to beat those owners rest with me.

Lindy Hinkelman didn't care one bit whom Gekko drafted in all of his satellite's and/or other drafts. The Champ concentrated on his team and kicked ole Gordon's ass no matter what name or names ole Mark drafted under in 2011. Anonymous was simply yet another way for Gekko to make YOU believe he is bigger and better. He isn't. One could say that Lindy was actually helped this season by having Gekko in his Main Event and called him "dead weight". But I won't go that far, Gekko would enjoy the attention way to much. Didn't Mark get piled onto enough when the alias topic was brought up after the drafts? What's the point in continuing to bash him? He's been rather quiet these past couple months. This isn't about Mark. This is about the rule change. You continue to show your true character every time you post.
[/QUOTE]I'll bet he wishes he was anonymous when he made the NFBC take Padilla out of his lineup after he got lit up opening day 2010.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
[/QUOTE]You can't fully blame Mark. He was allowed to do it, so Greg and Tom clearly didn't believe there was an issue with it. If that's the case, it's really no different than those players that knowingly exploited the DL rule this yr in a way that they knew the rule was not intended and failed to point out the issue to Greg and Tom from the beginning.

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by TParsons » Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:50 am

Originally posted by ToddZ:

quote:Originally posted by Glenneration X:

My long, very drawn out point......This isn't a drug or alcohol addiction, this isn't a harem of mistresses, this certainly isn't Dungeons and Dragons. This is a legitimate and very popular pastime that I don't believe anyone needs to hide that they participate in during their own free time. If you don't feel you can participate openly, don't play. It's just my opinion, but if the President can pick a fantasy team, I don't think the rest of us need an alias to hide that we do. Unfortunately Glenn, your view is not shared be everyone so your resulting opinion is a bit myopic. This is a culture that uses your Facebook page as a reference. What you say on message forums and where you show up on Google searches are used to (perhaps unfairly) judge your character. There is a strong association with gambling despite the fact the there are laws that deem it a game of skill and not chance.

With the job market as it is, I completely understand why some would want to hide the fact they play. Part of me agrees and thinks that if you CAN'T do something, then DON'T do it, but a bigger part of me figures if the solution is as presented, and during on-line main events, the identity of everyone will be revealed as Greg said it would, then I am okay with it.
[/QUOTE]Good points, Todd! At first I was on Glenn's side of this argument. My first thought was, "If you're afraid that a potential employer is going to hold it against you for participating in fantasy sports, is that really somebody that you want to work for?" After reading your post and remembering whom is in office, i have "flip-flopped". People really can't take any chances when it comes to employment at this point. It's unfortunate, but the truth. I don't really like the alias/anonymous anymore than Glenn, but if it's going to help somebody get/keep their job in this economy, I'm all for it.

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by rockitsauce » Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:56 am

Originally posted by TParsons:

You can't fully blame Mark. He was allowed to do it, so Greg and Tom clearly didn't believe there was an issue with it. If that's the case, it's really no different than those players that knowingly exploited the DL rule this yr in a way that they knew the rule was not intended and failed to point out the issue to Greg and Tom from the beginning. It's alot different. The DL rule that was "exploited" was utilized by people smart enough to do so....AHEAD of time, not knowing what the results of the pitchers involved would be.....meanwhile what Mark did was weasel out of a crappy Padilla start (thx to technical issues).

As far as alias's go, I could care less what he or Lindy or Steve J. or Shawn C or anybody else picks. I do this b/c I love it and I want to win on my own merit...not b/c I was able to copycat somebody else's draft.
Always be closing.

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by TParsons » Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:16 am

Originally posted by rockitsauce:

quote:Originally posted by TParsons:

You can't fully blame Mark. He was allowed to do it, so Greg and Tom clearly didn't believe there was an issue with it. If that's the case, it's really no different than those players that knowingly exploited the DL rule this yr in a way that they knew the rule was not intended and failed to point out the issue to Greg and Tom from the beginning. It's alot different. The DL rule that was "exploited" was utilized by people smart enough to do so....AHEAD of time, not knowing what the results of the pitchers involved would be.....meanwhile what Mark did was weasel out of a crappy Padilla start (thx to technical issues).

As far as alias's go, I could care less what he or Lindy or Steve J. or Shawn C or anybody else picks. I do this b/c I love it and I want to win on my own merit...not b/c I was able to copycat somebody else's draft.
[/QUOTE]Greg and Tom allowed it, so it's not different. You call the people that did it "smart". I call it shady. They knew that the DL rule was not intended to be used in that manner, yet they continued to exploit it anyways. If they had been honest and come to Tom and Greg immediately, perhaps it could have been closed before it got out of hand. Regardless, both were allowed by Greg and Tom, so they clearly didn't feel the same way you do. In fact, if I recall correctly, one of them verified that Mark's message was time-stamped before Padilla got lit up (I could be wrong). If you're going to be pissed, be pissed about the entire party involved. You guys pointing fingers at Mark alone are the jealous husband that is pissed at the guy his wife cheats with, but give the wife a free pass. It takes 2...

This happened almost 2 yrs ago. It happened and was allowed. Time to move on.

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Gekko » Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:20 am

Originally posted by ToddZ:

Unfortunately Glenn, your view is not shared be everyone so your resulting opinion is a bit myopic. This is a culture that uses your Facebook page as a reference. What you say on message forums and where you show up on Google searches are used to (perhaps unfairly) judge your character. There is a strong association with gambling despite the fact the there are laws that deem it a game of skill and not chance.

What Todd said.

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Gekko » Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:26 am

Originally posted by Glenneration X:

The best solution in my mind is that if you sign up, you sign up under your own name and if other players' names are made public, yours is too.

Still, I believe this is a fair first step to eventually eliminating this practice. I again don't believe too many leagues will fill with an "Anomymous" participant. Glenn - maybe you missed my earlier post...

if the "Anonymous" option goes away or is limited, i can see some of them just signing up through the use of a friend,esp for any league offered online.

if i'm playing this year, i might just go ahead and use that option from the start. each year i'll use a different friend. nothing anyone can do about it.

sure, i might not get any "props" from the fantasy community at the end of the year, but i don't play for that. i play to make money. if community acknowledgement comes along with it, that's a bonus.

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Dealing With Anonymous Owners In 2012

Post by Gekko » Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:30 am

Originally posted by TParsons:

Greg and Tom allowed it, so it's not different. You call the people that did it "smart". I call it shady. They knew that the DL rule was not intended to be used in that manner, yet they continued to exploit it anyways. If they had been honest and come to Tom and Greg immediately, perhaps it could have been closed before it got out of hand. Regardless, both were allowed by Greg and Tom, so they clearly didn't feel the same way you do. In fact, if I recall correctly, one of them verified that Mark's message was time-stamped before Padilla got lit up (I could be wrong). If you're going to be pissed, be pissed about the entire party involved. You guys pointing fingers at Mark alone are the jealous husband that is pissed at the guy his wife cheats with, but give the wife a free pass. It takes 2...

This happened almost 2 yrs ago. It happened and was allowed. Time to move on. TParsons - VERY good summary. {PS - if you haven't noticed some of the posters like to live in the past, even if it was two years ago. for some reason, they find it hard to move ***

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