Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

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Edwards Kings
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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by Edwards Kings » Sun May 08, 2016 3:22 pm

BK METS wrote:
Edwards Kings wrote:
Outlaw wrote:We are all numbers people in one sense playing Fantasy. Trump 73M Clinton 65M in GE. Model been right past 8 GE's within 500K total votes for both candidates. Based on Pop. Growth, Primary results, of age Eligible voters and a few other important factors.
So, with no comment with regards to outcome, your model predicts record turnout over the approximately 129M votes cast in 2008? Do you really think this slate of candidates will elicit that type of overwhelming response?
GOP primary voting thus far is up 60% over 2012 and 28% over 2008. Democrats set records for their primary voting due to the enormous Sanders following . To say that there will be a record turnout for the general election is right on target. Sometimes, the strength of the candidates is outweighed by the severe dislike of the candidates. I am one that will vote against Hillary, not necessarily for Trump. Many will vote against Trump. Many of these people will vote, when otherwise they wouldnt. A huge amount of people will cross party lines to vote against one of the candidates, for whatever reason. So, yes, these two will draw more voters than ever before. The numbers will be astounding. My opinion, fwiw.
How much of that increased voting is due to the fact both nominations contention for so long? I am not sure analogy holds.
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by BK METS » Sun May 08, 2016 3:33 pm

Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump woke up America, in different, yet similar ways. Both played the anger, anti-establishment, rigged election, card. Even though both are completely different in their views. Primaries are nearly always an indication of the general election vote. There really wasn't much of a contest on the GOP side. Trump was winning big all along. Even though the popular vote was relatively even, Hillary clinched the Democatic nomination with the super delegates a while back.

More young voters registered to vote this year than in any election year ever. That says a lot. The analogy is reality. This will be a record year, albeit a runaway win for Donald Trump. :|

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by KJ Duke » Sun May 08, 2016 3:43 pm

“More than 40 million Americans play fantasy sports. They use their own money, they enjoy it, and their choice to play is a personal decision. It’s like deciding to buy a cup of coffee, except that it involves some skill and offers a chance to win some money.

But the Attorney General of New York has decided, without anything resembling due process or an understanding of how it is skill based, that New Yorkers shouldn’t be allowed to make that choice to play fantasy sports. He is trying to use the force of government to unilaterally regulate New Yorkers’ behavior, take away their freedom to have some fun — and in the process, close down businesses that are otherwise thriving.

This in a state that has been operating a lottery for almost 50 years. In fact, New York was one of the first states in the nation to establish government-sponsored gaming.

The Attorney General’s unwarranted attack on fantasy sports is classic government overreach. Government should protect freedom, not curtail it just because a politician wants to. When tens of millions of Americans want to engage in a fun, harmless activity, why is it any of the government’s business? There are plenty of laws on the books to protect citizens from fraud and abuse, if and when it occurs. Taking away the freedom of hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers is just wrong.”
If you don't know who Gary Johnson (libertarian candidate) is ... just saw someone tweet this comment he made a few months ago. Very legit candidate if he had the funding, but that's just not how the broken political system works.

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by Driver Love » Sun May 08, 2016 6:58 pm

Yah Mule wrote:
Driver Love wrote:ya mule,

I am absolutely NOT a Trump fan or supporter. Having said that, can you tell me what he has said that is so "racist?" That word is thrown around way too much now and regularly used as a weapon. As I said, I am no Trump supporter and can outline 50 reasons as to why I wasn't. I keep reading/seeing "Trump is racist!" or "Trump says racist things..." Without many (or any) clear examples to support the claim.

I am curious as to what made you say it in this instance.
Calling Mexicans rapists and murderers isn't racist? Wanting Muslims to register in a national data base isn't racist? The first time Trump ever made the newspapers was in 1973 when he was illegally harassing and evicting black tenants. If these examples don't seem racist to you, then I don't know what to tell you.

At this point, I think it's actually irresponsible not comparing Trump to Hitler. I deeply enjoy seeing conservatives twist themselves into pretzels defending this impetuous thin-skinned crybaby.
This is why political discourse is so toxic. It is a 100% FACT that rapists and murderers are coming across the southern border. The evidence of this is not refutable. Countless horrific crimes have been committed by people coming across the border illegally. That is what he was talking about and the importance of securing that border because of the numerous negative ways that flood of illegal immigration harms the people of this country. He never said all Mexicans are this or that. But dishonest people manipulate the language, invent that he is condemning an entire race and then intelligent people like you brand him a racist. It would be funny if it weren't so sad and weren't contributing to the divided nation we see now. When you mix this kind of misinformation with a wild west news and information forum that exists on the internet, you create a toxic situation. I am not twisting myself at all defending him. I loathe him. But I dislike him as a leader for logical reasons. Not made up, dramatic, exaggerated stuff. He is thin skinned, he is a cry baby, I do not think he has the demeanor or temperament to be a great leader, he is a brutally bad communicator off the cuff and is divisive. I think he heart is likely in the right place but only his supporters will ever see that because everyone else will condemn him from the word go. Having said all of this, I do not think it is fair to compare him to Hitler at all. Unless you are aware of a few million people he murdered and I missed that story.

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by Driver Love » Sun May 08, 2016 7:08 pm

Yah Mule wrote:
headhunters wrote:yah- and others- can we have some definitions here: just what is a" typical libertarian'? a "conservative" a "liberal" people throw these labels around and i guess they assume everyone has a definition the same as theirs. i do know Obama at least has the balls to define himself as a 'unapologetic progressive" and saunders is a socialist for sure. the rest are just making it up as they go along- and getting plenty of votes as they go.
Obama was the best President of my lifetime, but I don't view him as much of progressive. . :lol:
Things like this make me question if I am the same species as other people lol. I look at a terrible economy (by any honest legit metrics), I look at a culture that is deteriorating in so many ways, I look at an explosion of people on govt assistance, I look at a progressively more lazy next generation that is looking for every way to not work hard and is constantly feeling aggrieved/wronged/slighted/offended, I see terrorism at our doorstep, I see a massive deterioration in race relations, I see brutally bad foreign policy decisions that have left our enemies emboldened and our allies distrustful of us, I see standards going down in almost every area and way in America now, I see a general lack of respect for this country and a deterioration of civility and humanity in our country. I certainly would not put this all on one man, but I struggle to see where this administration has been good for America. I suppose we will agree to disagree.

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by headhunters » Sun May 08, 2016 7:41 pm

driver- to be clear- that quote about Obama being the best president of my lifetime- was not my quote. I shuddered when I saw that.

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by Driver Love » Sun May 08, 2016 8:12 pm

headhunters wrote:driver- to be clear- that quote about Obama being the best president of my lifetime- was not my quote. I shuddered when I saw that.

Oh, I know it wasn't your quote. And also to be clear, I respect the opinion of other people on things. I just struggle to see how anyone would see the performance of this president as being even good, let alone great. Clearly people see things differently. I also think a big part of this is how corrupt our media landscape is. The vast majority of the main stream media is liberal and absolutely in bed with this administration. Covering for it often. Reporting things selectively based on agendas or narratives they want to present. There are very few conservative leaning media outlets and those that are will aggressively branded as radical or misleading (because the liberal media communicate cannot stand any perspective but theirs). See how Fox news is branded or even mocked on Sat night live. So if someone does not make a purposeful effort to seek an outlet that will present the entire story or learn the entire story they will be swayed (manipulated) by the information they are fed.

I will give a clear example of this. One of my best friends is black and lives in Texas now. When the Ferguson Missouri catastrophe was going on it obviously fueled some interesting discussions between us. Well into the Michael Brown story I asked him what he thought about how the main stream media strategically would use a nice cushy image of him with a school jacket on looking like an innocent, sweet, harmless school boy and didn't show the pics of his gang gestures, gun play, weed smoking, etc. I asked him what he thought about the video of him robbing the store and assaulting the owner on his way out. He said "what video.. I haven't seen that video and I have been watching tons of news on this.. you are making that up..." I explained to him that most of the main steam media will only show him the news they want to show and unless forced will not show aspects of a story that do not support the narrative they want. He searched out that video (easy to find online) and it blew his mind. changed his entire perspective on that story and maybe more importantly, his perspective on how he was being informed about the world. He looks at things completely differently now and is much more careful as to where he gets his news and information from.

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by NorCalAtlFan » Sun May 08, 2016 8:30 pm

Driver Love wrote:
headhunters wrote:driver- to be clear- that quote about Obama being the best president of my lifetime- was not my quote. I shuddered when I saw that.

Oh, I know it wasn't your quote. And also to be clear, I respect the opinion of other people on things. I just struggle to see how anyone would see the performance of this president as being even good, let alone great. Clearly people see things differently. I also think a big part of this is how corrupt our media landscape is. The vast majority of the main stream media is liberal and absolutely in bed with this administration. Covering for it often. Reporting things selectively based on agendas or narratives they want to present. There are very few conservative leaning media outlets and those that are will aggressively branded as radical or misleading (because the liberal media communicate cannot stand any perspective but theirs). See how Fox news is branded or even mocked on Sat night live. So if someone does not make a purposeful effort to seek an outlet that will present the entire story or learn the entire story they will be swayed (manipulated) by the information they are fed.

I will give a clear example of this. One of my best friends is black and lives in Texas now. When the Ferguson Missouri catastrophe was going on it obviously fueled some interesting discussions between us. Well into the Michael Brown story I asked him what he thought about how the main stream media strategically would use a nice cushy image of him with a school jacket on looking like an innocent, sweet, harmless school boy and didn't show the pics of his gang gestures, gun play, weed smoking, etc. I asked him what he thought about the video of him robbing the store and assaulting the owner on his way out. He said "what video.. I haven't seen that video and I have been watching tons of news on this.. you are making that up..." I explained to him that most of the main steam media will only show him the news they want to show and unless forced will not show aspects of a story that do not support the narrative they want. He searched out that video (easy to find online) and it blew his mind. changed his entire perspective on that story and maybe more importantly, his perspective on how he was being informed about the world. He looks at things completely differently now and is much more careful as to where he gets his news and information from.
Things like this make me question if I am the same species as other people lol....

i think we're close boys to taking this past joe blanton territory. i have faith, especially with the election coming up that we can hit 100 pages.

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by KJ Duke » Sun May 08, 2016 10:17 pm

Can we rename this the Schilling-Blanton Digest? :mrgreen:

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by cfolson » Sun May 08, 2016 11:28 pm

Driver Love wrote: This is why political discourse is so toxic. It is a 100% FACT that rapists and murderers are coming across the southern border. The evidence of this is not refutable. Countless horrific crimes have been committed by people coming across the border illegally. That is what he was talking about and the importance of securing that border because of the numerous negative ways that flood of illegal immigration harms the people of this country. He never said all Mexicans are this or that. But dishonest people manipulate the language, invent that he is condemning an entire race and then intelligent people like you brand him a racist. It would be funny if it weren't so sad and weren't contributing to the divided nation we see now. When you mix this kind of misinformation with a wild west news and information forum that exists on the internet, you create a toxic situation. I am not twisting myself at all defending him. I loathe him. But I dislike him as a leader for logical reasons. Not made up, dramatic, exaggerated stuff. He is thin skinned, he is a cry baby, I do not think he has the demeanor or temperament to be a great leader, he is a brutally bad communicator off the cuff and is divisive. I think he heart is likely in the right place but only his supporters will ever see that because everyone else will condemn him from the word go. Having said all of this, I do not think it is fair to compare him to Hitler at all. Unless you are aware of a few million people he murdered and I missed that story.
It is 100% fact that rapist and murderers are from the US. If you think a significant fraction of the occurrences in the US are coming from Mexico, you are dreaming. Countless horrific crimes? Look to your neighbors. ... 1436916798

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Sun May 08, 2016 11:46 pm

Are there bears in Mexico?...
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

Driver Love
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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by Driver Love » Mon May 09, 2016 6:51 am


Who said there are no rapists and murderers already here? This is another example of why rational discourse labors. So many people discuss stuff in absolutes. I said it is a FACT that major crimes (rape, murder, drugs, etc) are committed by people who come into this country illegally (ie, should not be here to commit said crimes) across the southern border.

This is a fact.

Your response is "there are bad people here too..." And "as a percentage, more people are harmed by those already here..."

Well done.

Mind you, Trump's (and I did not support him) point about securing the border goes way beyond just the killers and drug dealers. The flood of illegal immigration here causes catastrophic problems to our economy, healthcare system, schools, etc. If you are trying to imply this isn't a big deal (and I am not saying you are) I would wonder what you would do if 3 people just appeared in your home one day while you were at work without being properly invited. Would you be ok with that or would you want them out?

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by KJ Duke » Mon May 09, 2016 12:43 pm

DOUGHBOYS wrote:Are there bears in Mexico?...
The big ones are in Canada, and they'll charm you too. We're gonna need a bigger wall to the North!


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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by TRAIN » Mon May 09, 2016 1:30 pm

So Vicente Fox, the former President of Mexico, tried to bait Donald Trump into an argument by calling Trump a racist. Donald Trump's response is classic: ... 2172578816

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Mon May 09, 2016 1:41 pm

KJ Duke wrote:
DOUGHBOYS wrote:Are there bears in Mexico?...
The big ones are in Canada, and they'll charm you too. We're gonna need a bigger wall to the North!

Instant Classic!!! :lol:
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by BK METS » Mon May 09, 2016 7:40 pm

KJ Duke wrote:
DOUGHBOYS wrote:Are there bears in Mexico?...
The big ones are in Canada, and they'll charm you too. We're gonna need a bigger wall to the North!

Trump says there is nothing worse than a bear raping Mexican....
Last edited by BK METS on Tue May 10, 2016 5:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by TOXIC ASSETS » Tue May 10, 2016 12:42 am

Surprise..... facebook is controlled by the left also. ... e-content/

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by Edwards Kings » Tue May 10, 2016 5:13 am

And now, from the celebrity spokesperson for the Society Against the Defamation of Bears...

"We've had it with your prejudice...bears should shit in any woods they feel comfortable shitting in dammit!"

Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by swampass » Tue May 10, 2016 11:16 am

TOXIC ASSETS wrote:Surprise..... facebook is controlled by the left also. ... e-content/
Twitter has been accused of doing the same. Shutting down conservative # trends and banning conservative tweeters. I remember reading really funny tweets under #WhichHillary. Everyone was ripping on her for pandering to each group she sees. Mysteriously the person who started the # was suspended and the twitter algorithm seemingly stopped showing the # as trending. Later Twitter admitted that the suspension was a mistake and the person was re-instated.

Driver Love
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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by Driver Love » Tue May 10, 2016 1:27 pm


So tolerant and inclusive... unless you have a perspective different than theirs. Then they want you shut down and silence you. What a crazy time we live in.
Last edited by Driver Love on Tue May 10, 2016 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by NorCalAtlFan » Tue May 10, 2016 3:50 pm

Driver Love wrote:Liberalism...

So tolerant and inclusive... unless you have a perspective different than theirs. Then they want you shut down and silenced. What a crazy time we live in.
you say that as if it's a bad thing................

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by BK METS » Tue May 10, 2016 7:15 pm

NorCalAtlFan wrote:
Driver Love wrote:Liberalism...

So tolerant and inclusive... unless you have a perspective different than theirs. Then they want you shut down and silenced. What a crazy time we live in.
you say that as if it's a bad thing................
says the poster boy.... :lol:

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by headhunters » Wed May 11, 2016 9:58 am

norcal- you can't be serious- shut down and silenced? shut down how- fired from their jobs? sent to the gas chambers? hung? tongues cut out? geez you are smarter than that- I can tell by your posts. at one point liberalism was about the war in Vietnam and peoples right to freedom and now it is only if you agree with us?

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by NorCalAtlFan » Wed May 11, 2016 10:13 am

"checks sarcasm font", umm yes, that was tongue in cheek(except for alen, whom i think needs to be marginalized and diminished as much as possible).

man, just trying to lighten the mood.

can't wait for november 9th when hillary will bring sanity and civility back to the world we live in

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Re: Free speech be damned --- Curt Schilling fired

Post by TOXIC ASSETS » Thu May 12, 2016 3:44 am

NorCalAtlFan wrote:"checks sarcasm font", umm yes, that was tongue in cheek(except for alen, whom i think needs to be marginalized and diminished as much as possible).

man, just trying to lighten the mood.

can't wait for november 9th when hillary will bring sanity and civility back to the world we live in
I really hope this was also a sarcastic post. Bring back sanity and civility?
If she does win, the first thing I hope she brings back is the rest of the stolen furniture from when they left after Slick Willie's two terms were complete!!!

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