FSTA lobbyist

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Baseball Furies
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Re: FSTA lobbyist

Post by Baseball Furies » Fri Nov 20, 2015 1:20 am

Incredible and inconceivable to me that the one voice that should be out there standing up for us and representing season long fantasy sports for the sake of us all and the NFBC isn't. And we all just sit back and let this fucking idiot FSTA lobbyist, the DFS lawyers, this douchebag Eccles and company, and others try to bring our game down with their sinking ship as we cross our fingers and pray that it all works out in our favor and we are spared in this witch hunt. Sad, disappointing, and extremely aggravating. :cry: :x
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Greg Ambrosius
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Re: FSTA lobbyist

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Nov 20, 2015 9:41 am

KJ Duke wrote:People have often misinterpreted Milton Friedman as an anti-regulation, anything-goes economist. In fact, he was in favor of regulation that offered protections against those who would use power to abuse/coerce and restrict freedom, whether corporate or individual. Monopolies do need to be regulated. Criminals need to be prosecuted.

Unfortunately, laws such as we see now and for most of the past 20-30 years is more about those in power abusing those who are not in power. This is the complete opposite of "good" legislation.

Complicated laws that are presented under the ruse of "protecting" citizens are generally motivated by special interests building moats to protect their business from competition. That is obviously what's happening here. It kills small business, it kills wage growth and economic opportunity and takes away personal freedoms.
Quite possibly your most accurate post yet. ;)
Greg Ambrosius
Founder, National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Greg Ambrosius
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Re: FSTA lobbyist

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Nov 20, 2015 11:36 am

Walla Walla wrote:We're waiting here in Washington state to see what they do in the next week or so. Daily Fantasy Games have really hurt any chances of anything passing though. They've watered down whats being proposed here to a season long contest with no more than 50 entries and an entry fee of no more than $50.00. I don't even think that will pass now. A daily contest is like a parlay card. Meanwhile a season long contest is like poker. A game of skill based on many thought out moves that need to be made to win. That's why poker is legal in so many states. When Washington state went after the NFBC it was based on the use of the internet. I always felt since the draft was live in Nevada than Washington St law shouldn't be applied. Oh well. A nickel for my thoughts. Here's your 4 cents change.
Here's what your state is considering John:

http://www.wsgc.wa.gov/agenda/2015/nov- ... erview.pdf

Here's the summation of this proposal:

License DFS and other fantasy sports played online
• Pros:
Appease demand, set parameters, license, regulate, revenue

It's all about the money this could generate for the state. I'm not sure Washington will ever get there, but at least they are looking at this.
Greg Ambrosius
Founder, National Fantasy Baseball Championship
General Manager, Consumer Fantasy Games at SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @GregAmbrosius

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