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Jon Stadtmueller Wins NFBC Ultimate Auction League

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:32 am
by Greg Ambrosius
CONGRATS to Jon Stadtmueller of Little Rock, Arkansas and his co-manager Josh Honeycutt as they held on for the NFBC Ultimate Auction League title and the $40,000 league prize. Jon and Josh were in a dogfight with Josh Blumenreich and Lowell Kaplan as they held on by 1 point for the league title. Finishing 3rd was Michael Stevens. Wow, what a finish.

The difference turned out to be batting average as Mudhen-Get Carter finished .0014 ahead of Bronx Beans. Had they flip-flopped in that category the results would have been the other way around. Crazy close.

But Jon would probably say the difference was Mike Trout. Jon had one roster spot left at the end of the Ultimate Auction and $3 left. He threw out a player who was already taken, so we asked him to throw out another player. Jon and Josh looked over their Cheat Sheets for one last outfielder to throw out and it was taking a long time after a long night. We said "c'mon Jon, who do you want?" Finally he said Mike Trout for $1. Someone bid $2 and Jon went $3. SOLD. It turned out to be the best $3 bid and the best last player on your roster in NFBC Auction history!! :mrgreen: Nice job guys.

Here are the final standings of the NFBC Ultimate Auction League:

1 Mudhen-Get Carter 62.0 44.0 106.0 -2.0
2 Bronx Beans 46.0 59.0 105.0 0.0
3 Wiffle Ball Legends 60.5 40.0 100.5 0.0
4 BNBayers 55.0 36.5 91.5 0.0
5 Bama & Robinson 47.5 40.0 87.5 -1.5
6 coldwater coyotes 33.5 53.0 86.5 +0.5
7 Ricky Wins Again 51.0 34.0 85.0 -2.5

Re: Jon Stadtmueller Wins NFBC Ultimate Auction League

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:19 pm
by CC's Desperados
Hey KJ,

Where are my predictions for this league? I saved a $100 as I predicted after the auction that Jon would win.

So much for Homer saving 37 games!

Re: Jon Stadtmueller Wins NFBC Ultimate Auction League

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:20 am
by Edwards Kings
Way to go Jon!

Re: Jon Stadtmueller Wins NFBC Ultimate Auction League

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:06 am
A fine 'unsung' competitor in the NFBC.
It never surprises me when a 'Mudhen' team does well.
Good job, Jon.

Re: Jon Stadtmueller Wins NFBC Ultimate Auction League

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:01 am
by Cowboy Joe
Congrats, Jon.

Re: Jon Stadtmueller Wins NFBC Ultimate Auction League

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:13 am
by low talkers
Jon (or 'Stadts' as Brady is so fond of calling you), congrats! I had a great time sitting next to you in the auction back in March. I was very happy to see you pull off the win here, well played.

Re: Jon Stadtmueller Wins NFBC Ultimate Auction League

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:24 am
by Glenneration X
Jon and Josh are great players and better guys with great senses of humor. I had a blast meeting the two of you this year in Vegas and look forward to catching up with you again next year. Great job guys and congrats.

Re: Jon Stadtmueller Wins NFBC Ultimate Auction League

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:28 pm
by Texas Connection
Thanks everybody. Truly better to be lucky than good. Josh and I did not plan on throwing saves initially. Closers just were going higher than we thought they should. After about 2/3rds of the closers were gone, we decided to dump the category. At the end of the auction, only Chad and us needed outfielders. We were the only ones that could bid more than a dollar. Chad threw out JD Martinez and Greg said okay you got Martinez...forgetting we could outbid him. We said wait a second...we can bid. Greg said okay go ahead. Josh and I quickly huddled together and determined that Alejandro De Aza was our first choice and JD was our second so we let him go. Laughs abounded because we held up the auction only to let Chad have him. I made the remark about wanting the right to bid on him (a Monty Python reference). We confidently then threw out De Aza only to be shot down. "What do you mean he's on somebody's team?" Yes, we both missed him. We were so upset that we now had lost JD Martinez. We didn't like anybody else on the list. What the heck we decided Mike Trout. We did not think he would be beneficial this year at all. Maybe between Trumbo and him one of them could be serviceable. In fact, 2 days earlier I took great joy in sticking Shawn Childs with Trout for $2 in the A.L. Auction. (which Shawn ran away with). I threw him out knowing Shawn had taken him in the AL Labr and would bid at least 2. Another fun part of the auction was Shawn Childs commentary on all the teams after the auction. It was classic Shawn Childs stuff which had all the owners laughing. Great competition with a great group of competitors. Congrats Dave on your overrall championship in the main. We will see everybody in Vegas next year.