Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

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Edwards Kings
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Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:01 am

I cannot tell you how much fun I had this past weekend starting with the NCAA Viewing/Platimum Draft Order party. The list of names there is too extensive to list here but definitely long in both their NFBC successes, HOF credentials, and my pleasure in seeing them all again. Even our friend Less than Dave showed up. Great conversation with Mr. Gekko, too.

Kudos to Greg and Tom and Fan Duel. Nice event. And the eye-candy was superb. She really handled the balls well!

And to the people who said they looked forward to the blog again, I really appreciate your kind words. As usual, I will keep it up as long as I feel I can add some relevance or at least some entertainment. I will at least keep going as long as my team has some chance at a money spot. Since my team will not tank this year as in years past ( :roll: ), hopefully this will at least be a 26 week blog.

For this first post, I wanted to do something a little different. About ten days ago, I wrote about what I was thinking. And to be perfectly honest, I have not read it since then. I locked it down and will post here unedited. Afterward (and after getting caught up on work emails for the two days I was out), I will post my usual analysis of two teams (my auction and my Main, though I will probably only focus on the Main for most of the year) and kind of compare what was planned and what was executed. Kind of like starting a story "A funny thing happen on the way Bellagio..."

March 20, 2014

Pay attention to the date. I am writing this because I am just now to the point of in the “prep” of putting strategy to bed (I only do two leagues, so I do not trial things like others might…one strategy for draft…one for auction). I still need to make sure of injuries, batting orders and final rotation spots, but by and large, my notes are complete. This is how I am planning to execute my leagues and I will not alter this journal after I complete it. I will post it Monday, time willing, March 31st after I get back from Vegas. It is always fun to see what you have to change during the events and after the year is over and I am standing in front of my big checks, it will serve as a refresher on just how bright I truly am.

How I look at players has not changed, but I did change my overall strategy. Overall strategy first. Many of you may have gotten here or tried this before. Not really a “Stars n Scrubs”. A little more bottom up than that and totally focused on points. Batting points I am breaking down in three groups because each is separate and distinct from each other. Stolen bases are a class by themselves. An add-on as far as I am concerned and barely related to the other categories. Batting average is another class because batting average doesn’t care if you are a power hitter, a Judy, or one of the many that fall in between. Finally, something I call “Total Points” is the third and of course is made up of homeruns, runs batting in, and runs scored. I add up the three to judge the relative value in this combined category. Some few of the guys who get large amounts of runs scored do not hit many homeruns or drive in many runs either, but that class is small. Within a relatively narrow range, skewed for where the at bats occur in the lineup, if a guy is going to hit so many homeruns, he will have so many RBI’s and runs scored.

Big deal, right? For total points, however, it allows you to separate the sheep from the goats. Assume your bats by position generate on average 60 runs, 15 homeruns, and 60 runs batting in to go with a very conservative 5 stolen bases. One thing is almost certainly going to happen. You will be last in your league in points in those categories. Over the course of the year you would have generated 840 R, 210 HR, 840 RBI and about 70 SB. Honestly, you really have to work pretty hard (or quit) to do worse than that. But there are a lot of players out there that are plus or minus just a few ticks off those marks. They will not be hard to find. The opposite of scarce.

What does that give me? If I plan on half or so of my players getting those points, I have cut my population of primary concern and premium in half as well. For total points, I can concentrate on getting skills in six or seven players. Once I draft or buy those guys, the rest of the population becomes ducks on the pond. Or better yet, like prom dates. Readily available and easy to replace. Of course, the Super Six (catchy) will have to produce which we all know is no guarantee. But at this stage where we are all essentially tied for first (except for those stupid games in Australia), every players potential is in front of them and absent any disappointment.

What does the Super Six need to do? I predict that I need 520 Runs, 130 Home Runs, and 485 RBI’s to add to my “average” players cumulative stats. Not as important, but getting 115 Stolen Bases and a good batting average would be nice. The stolen base total is VERY aggressive given I was VERY conservative with the average players in that department.

These number may not win, but it makes me part of the conversation and depending on how the season unfolds, gives me opportunities to focus on the categories I may need rather than just scrambling for mediocrity as I have done so often in the past.

For the Auction, in addition to the stats, I am going to target $130 for the Super Six bats. I will not get Miguel Cabrera nor will I get Mike Trout. There are enough players who are good enough to hit my targets with three $30-$25 players and three $15 players. Probably looking at one middle infielder, one or two corner men, and two or three outfielders. This is not a change in my budget from past years, just a change in focus.

For the Main Event, I am going to have my Super Six drafted in the top ten rounds. As I write this, I do not know what my draft slot is, which could change things like when I will get my first pitcher, which could be the third round or the fourth. I still feel (perhaps incorrectly) that the outfield position is thinner than most seem to think. My Super Six will contain at least three outfielders and at least one cornerman. That is the only concession I am making to position scarcity. I may not take a middle infielder or a catcher until after the tenth round, but then again I may. I will be basically blind to position because there are plenty the “average” guys out there recognizing for every guy who has no real chance to get more than 10 homeruns, I will need a guy who has a chance to get 20. This is doable. There were 82 guys who hit at least 18 homeruns last year including such with the hype and talents as Nate Schierholtz and Matt Dominguez.

I will avoid the Judy’s. No Eric Young or Ben Revere or Billy Hamilton or Jonathan Villar or Rajai Davis. As to the stolen bases, I believe they will be tougher to get in the draft than the auction so my early focus will be to snag at least three guys who can generate 75 SB between them. Kind of a subset of a subset.

For pitching in the Main Event, I really liked what I did last year. The fact that both my closers crapped out is just bad luck but not unusual since at least a third of the closers who begin the year will not be closers at the end. And many of the surprises last year were in the closer ranks. I guess I am just not smart enough to see the likes of Mujica and Farquhar coming. Sure, some pundit will say they “could have an impact”, but really they say that about 90% of the 40 man rosters. I “could” date Jennifer Anniston, but that would be a worthless prediction too.

Anyway I will not have Kershaw or Darvish or Scherzer. Depending on my draft slot, I will pick up my first starter anywhere from early third to mid-fourth. I am as high on Price, Bumgarner, and Sale. I also had Hamels here, but not so much now with the shoulder. Trying to not draft “injured” players no matter how far they fall. If you have ever seen/heard Bill Engvall’s routine about catching a “dork fish” using a corndog for bait, that is me thinking I am getting a steal…real value…off injured players like Hart last year. NO MORE. Perhaps a new term for the NFBC dictionary. A “corndog” is an injured player who acts like bait for the “dork fish” owner who drafts him. If I end up with Grienke or Shields as my first starter, I am behind but I honestly do not think the drop off is so great that it cannot be overcome. I will have three starters and one closer in the top ten rounds. Depending on how I have managed with my Super Six, I want three closers in total, even one from Colorado or Houston. And my pitchers will be power arms. I know the appeal of guys like Jordan Zimmerman, but in order to get anywhere closer to 1,300 K’s, you need a core of power arms.

In the Auction for pitching, I will not have the Kershaw’s or Darvish’s or Scherzer’s either. I just won’t spend the money. Too crippling later. I do want one of the next most desirable class (say $20 class) plus two more really solid ($10 ish). Then it is the bargain basement. I want two closers, one for about $15 and one third tier. Six starters to plan with two closers and one “flex” depending on which way the wind blows (could be a starter or a reliever with good prospects of taking the 9th inning during the year).

Overall in the Auction, I want to plan to spend $175 on bats and $75 on pitchers. I have budgeted the positions that way with a $10 mad-money fund to hopefully spread around a little. In the Main Event, it is balance-balance-balance for offense and power arms on the pitching staff.

That is it. No edits.
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:49 am

The Auction

So what is good about being basically flanked by Jeff Dobies, Alan Greenberg, Mark Bendar and Dave Clum? Catching and delivering zingers for the entire event. All of these auctions are wars, but this one was epic. Whether or not I win or not is solely on me because at the end of the day, I got players I targeted (ok, except Jhonny Peralta), and I got them on budget. And a funny thing happened…a corndog floated by and I jumped on that thing like I was the luckiest dork fish in the river.

Yu Darvish has a sore neck. He is on the DL. Technically that excludes him from what I thought I was going to do. But I had budgeted $20 for my ace. So when Darvish was tossed out for something like $15, I jumped on that mustard-covered bait with my max bid of $20. Then the only sound in the room was “Going once…going twice…SOLD!” And I am there wiping cornmeal off my chin. At least I hope it was cornmeal. I really don’t know. I was in a daze. I NEVER thought he would go for twenty. I think someone asked me if I had wanted him and I shook my head up and down, because sure, who wouldn’t want Darvish for the right price. My first thought was “damn, I should have bid only $17 or $18!” but probably not. I think I got Darvish because everyone had a plan and Darvish was not in it because of the neck. If I had bid lower, I think the bidding would have started and Darvish would have ended up somewhere just shy of $30. So for my first player in my first event, I broke a rule and maybe got lucky in exchange. It might be a rationalization, but if I got hooked on a corndog, it could be the best damn bait I ever ate.

I had budgeted $30 for an anchor OFer and I had one in mind. Carlos Gomez has given two years (show me/show me) of top tier 35-40 SB speed with power and therefore ability to drive in runs ahead of Ellsbury and Marte. Batting lead-off will hurt RBI chances but help in runs scored. I image the leadoff thing will not last all year anyway. I would like to say he is a 280 hitter. Closer to 260 will be more like it, but I got him for $30 and could not be happier. Second player purchased and I would have gone over budget for him.

Chris Davis was not a corndog. I had budgeted $30 for my power/anchor corner-man and I was very happy to get Davis for that. Everyone and I mean everyone is sure that last year was his career year. OK. I buy that. But if he knocks 20% of last year’s HR, he “only” hits 40. Sign me up and given I got him relatively reasonable price of…exactly my budget…$30. I expect his stats to fall somewhere between 2012 and 2013 and he will still hit more HR than Ike, Khris and Rajai combined. Third player purchased and I would have gone over budget for him.

For the last couple of years, prime middle infielders I have thought were undervalued in the auctions, so I budgeted only $25 for my main MI. Last year I got Pedroia for that and except for the thumb-ligament induced power outage, I was very happy. My target this year was Kipnis. I really did not think I would get him for $25 and was pleasantly surprised when I did. Normally, I like to wait for two years of consistent production, but given where he is hitting in that line up, the 20/30 potential (or at least no one would call him a “Judy”), and the fact I think he will set himself up to be the first middle-infielder off the boards next year, I am fist-pumping the fact I got him. Fourth player purchased and I would have gone over budget for him.

After four players, I have my anchors. There will be a lot of bidding and players going, but the most I have budgeted to spend on players going forward is $15, which will not buy off of the top-shelf. Still I am EXACTLY on budget (I am such an accountant), but much more importantly it all seems to fit so well together. Batting Average will not be the strongest suit among my top three offensive guys (though if Davis and Gomez polish up the mirrors and fire up the smoke machines, the three could combine for 280+). They could, however, combine for 85 HR, 80 SB, 270 R, and 265 RBI. Subtracting those numbers from my “Super Six” strategy, I need to focus on three guys who will combine get me the remaining 250 R, 45 HR, 220 RBI and 35 SB. And to stay in budget I need to do it for $45.

My next player purchased I was not considering as part of the Super Six. I have had Matt Weiters for the last couple of years and he has consistently produced good numbers from the catcher spot even if a little BA challenged. I still think of him as a late bloomer (i.e. he will hit 30 HR one day). His FB rate rebounded last year, has a good contact rate, and will even take a walk from time-to-time. I will take his standard production, but would like to own him when he breaks out at least once. Went over budget for the first time and paid $16 (had budgeted $14 so no big deal).

This next guy came from one of the spots I wanted to use to make up the Super Six, but was not one of my targets. Brandon Belt was tossed out and the bidding was dying around $13 and after a little quick check in my notes, I thought he might fit right in. I had budgeted $15 for my second cornerman but bid $14. Probably would not have gone higher, but no other bids came out. Sorry Dave. Would love to see the contact rate improve, but is a line-drive and fly-ball machine.

Was hoping to get a solid closer for $15 and a second tier for $5 later. The latter would never happen, but the bidding died with my $15 on Joe Nathan. Should have one more year in that retread arm of his.

Alex Gordon is more than solid. 90/20/80/280/10. I like solid. I had budgeted $15 for my second OFer, but was willing to let the bidding take me up to $18 where I got him. I am a whopping $4 over my budget (not counting the $10 I hid in my shoe). I can make that up later easily. For my offense, no one should hit too far under 20 HR and most have a good chance at more. Since I haven’t gotten much speed in the last three players, when I compare this six to my ideal Super Six, I am in the 20’s. I am probably over in HR and RBI’s by about 20 each and down in SB and Runs by 20 each. Overall, I am very happy. For the most part, my projections (yes, I used that dirty word) are not pie-in-the-sky, so I might be a little conservative. And picking up and extra 20 runs and SB over the next eight players should not be too much of a challenge.

At this point, I wanted to be where a 60/15/60/5 player would be the norm so I could do a little bargain hunting. I rounded out my offense with Howie Kendrick ($8) and Chris Owings ($3). Between the two of them, they should wipe out the SB and R deficit. My third baseman is Todd Frazier ($8), whom a little bird told me will steal now that Dusty is dust. Nelson Cruz ($10) and Colby Rasmus ($7) should do better than the baseline. My last OFer is Ryan Ludwick ($1) who is getting no love despite batting 5th most (healthy) days for Cincinnati. My last catcher is Zunino ($2) whom I was high on last year and hope will show some of the minor league promise in Seattle this year. Right now my Utility is Jhonny Peralta ($5) whom I hope to make my backup infielder real soon with a savvy purchase. I consider Peralta my only real mistake. I had no desire to get him and have no clue why I bid.

For offense, I wanted to spend $175 and spent $177. I can live with that, because I will use the rest of my bank for pitching, which was going expensive in my book.

Pitchers are more of a challenge. Shelby Miller ($12) is a good buy. Matt Moore ($8) is ok, but is a concern. Mike Minor ($8) is my only Brave and will make me very happy for five months. Dan Haren ($7) really came on strong in the 2H of last year and proved he still has it in the tank. Tim Lincecum ($5) will eat up most of the good WHIP I will get out of Haren, but where else you gonna get around 200 K for five bucks?

Closers. I spit on the very mention of their name. I just did not want to pay the price closers were going for, but end the end, I ended up spending $7 on Rex Brothers. I think LaTroy has all the leash of a yard dog. Even if he does OK, he is traded half year to a contender. And I have Chad Qualls. Not expecting much there and they say there is a platoon in Houston. I think he will be their best option. Still, even with three closers (or one closer and two halves), I will be forced to engage in the closer-du-jour FA battles. Not something I wanted to do.

My back-ups are Grossman, Tabata, Reynolds, Nolasco, Arroyo, Mujica, and Delgado.

I think I can contend with this team. I need to firm up closers, but then again a third of us are in the same boat. Would not mind one more good pitcher, too. I don’t know how many AB Grossman will get until the arbitration clock winds down on Springer though Presley could be the loser there as well. Anyway, Gross-man played decently in the 2H of last year and he could help me with a few stolen bases given I am a bit short despite my great start. Will troll for SB as well just in case.
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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Edwards Kings
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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:38 pm

The Main Event
Hole: 1) cavity: a hollow space in a solid object or area; 2) aperture: a gap or opening in or through something; 3) burrow: a hollowed-out area in the ground where an animal such as a rabbit or mouse lives; 4) missing or inadequate baseball player: something Glenn Lowy sees in damn near every team he has ever picked but not consequential enough to keep him from winning regularly.

It was a blast sitting next to Glenn again. A true gentleman despite his misplaced team loyalties. I do not think he, nor I, nor Cassavetes necessarily wanted to be at the tail end of the draft, but we had some fun doing it. I was nice to get to catch up with Mark Bendar, Billy Johnson, Bob Particelli, Ken Magner, Greg Glukhovsky and the rest of the guys.

Getting the 15th pick ended up not being so bad, I must admit. It still drove me crazy to mark off 28 names between picks and the pitching premium left me holding the bag in a snipe hunt, but combo-ing the picks ended up having at least a small value. And pitching went at least a round on average higher than I expected. As such, I had to adapt (rationalize), readjust (scramble), and execute (pray). :?

I had planned on a big meat player and a speed/balance player at the 1/2 turn. I would have taken Encarnacion had he been there, but Nick got his first poach of many with that one. I was surprised that Cano and Ellsbury was still there. Probably less surprised than Glenn when both were still there for him. I wanted Carlos Gomez (now I am really vested in him) and shoulda/coulda/woulda picked Ellsbury too. Maybe it is just because he burned me so bad a couple of years ago or maybe I just had a strategy (Super Six) that I wanted to build my way. I never really considered Cano (if I wanted a MI there, I would have picked Kipnis). For meat, I instead reached a little for Longoria. Not much of a stretch in my opinion. I also passed on Darvish. I may regret that one.

Then the shit hit the fan.

Pitching FLEW. I had hoped to have one of Price or Sale or both drop to me, but no. Not a chance. Even Wacha was gone. I decided at that time that quality what was left could be had at the 5/6 turn, so I stayed with offense. I picked Justin Upton (I truly never thought Gonzalez would bat Bossman Junior second). Now that he is batting fifth, this pick is not so great as he will have less runs scored. I do not think BJ will succeed in that spot, so maybe this arrangement is short lived. The first kick in the johnnies today with the news, but I still think Justin will break out one of these years and it may as well be this one. My next pick was Shin-Soo Choo. Nice balance player who could score a ton of runs. I am right there with Dobies and have no concerns with having three OFers in my first four picks.

After my first four, I am well on my way to the 520/130/485/115 Super Six targets. I think these guys could, with health, get me 370/100/320/80 with a decent (but certainly not great) BA.

At 5/6 I first pick Anibal Sanchez. I do not think last year was an aberration. Should get me 200+ strikeouts and if he can crack 200 IP, maybe 230. Here I probably should have gotten another pitcher. Particelli correctly pointed out that Bailey or Cobb here would not have been bad and would have probably brought me back on par with most of the other teams. I drafted Wil Myers instead. He is on the fun side of the stats curve. Right now they say they will bat him 4th. Ok by me in that line-up. If they leave him there, he could easily best the 85/25/85/10 stats I have him down for.

At 7/8, I bit on a closer, Glen Perkins. Not sure how many wins Minnesota will get this year, but Perkins is a solid as they come. I had planned on getting a closer sometime in the seventh or eighth round anyway, and by this time there were few left I could pick and not hold my nose to do it. Here, again, a starting pitcher would be the wise move. I am not wise. And I noticed someone and I did something I had not done in my previous ten main event drafts. I drafted a DH. And an old one as well. David Ortiz was available, so I locked out my Super Six with what I hope will be an offensive juggernaught. Just using his last four healthy years as standard, 85/30/100 and a 300 batting average could be had. As to my Super Six targets, I have just blown past all of them (at the expense of pitching) except steals (probably 20 short).

Now I go on a pitching run. At 9/10, I pick Jered Weaver (not a big strikeout guy, which is more than a little problematic, but a solid pitcher with good control on a good team) and Jon Lester (a few more K’s, a little less control, but also on a good team though tough division). Solid but unspectacular picks of two starters who should still be in their prime years.

At 11/12 there was a potentially GREAT second closer. Nate Jones. Heard of him? He is that live arm carrying Matt Lindstrom’s jockstrap. Second kick in the johnnies today. This just sucks. I cannot see Lindstrom lasting for long, but it is costing me saves. I did not use a roster pick to cover Jones and that was a serious mistake by me. At 12, I took another solid pitcher in Johnny Cueto. This is a good pick at anything over 180 IP, not so good less than 160. And I am developing a serious hole in K’s as Cueto will never see 180 K’s in a season (unless he pitches 250 innings!).

Rumor has it that we are supposed to have catchers in this league and by 13/14 I noticed Jason Castro had dropped. Not sure where he will bat as they are saying crazy things about where Altuve will bat, but he is one of the better sticks on a bad team. I would love to see him actually make more contact. At 14, I grabbed Lincebum. I really had not planned to take him both in the Auction and the Main, but I am ok with it. At this stage, not too many big-K arms left and I needed him bad. Glad he made it to me (March). Hope I feel that way (June). At this time I have finally caught up in numbers of arms but not quality. I am behind the other teams in strikeouts and just holding my own in ERA/WHIP. The five starters I picked are on teams that should contend and given health, they should be relevant in September. The closers, with the White Sox announcement, have already denegrated to one solid and one speculative.

I like 15/16. I grabbed my second cornerman in Justin Morneau. Has more baggage than a mother-in-law coming to visit "only for a few days, Honey!". Has put together two solid and unspectacular years but had 500+ AB in both. I will take that, but I think Colorado gives him something he has not seen in a while. Upside. And at 16, I figured it was time to take a middle infielder. I grabbed Neil Walker. Again, solid/unspectacular. Not batting up in the line-up, which hurts, but should hit sixth. Getting 500+ AB again means upside (20 HR?) and maybe even a few more SB. Has average speed but rarely tries to use it.

After this, I am filling the spots. Angel Pagan (#17 – Need his SB and 25+ would be nice); Zack Cozart (#18 – does the "No Dusty Zone" mean he will finally use his speed – I have him down for 5 only so could see some upside here); Alex Avila (#19 – still just 27 years old and 2011 was just two years ago); Chad Qualls (#20 - my “third” closer- HA!); Ricky Nolasco (#21 – Just gets no love and was pretty strong in the 2H); Trevor Plouffe (#22 – No Sano means job security); Jesse Crain (#23 – that’s right brainiac…hedge Qualls not Jones!); Peter Bourjos (#24 – can’t seem to stay healthy, but maybe he and Pagan will not be hurt at the same time); Ryan Ludwick (#25 – IF healthy, keeps him from my league-mates and provides a little security for my other Ofers – doubt I could get better on the waiver wire); Logan Morrison (#26 – if he plays and hits, security for Morneau); Ynel Escobar (#27 - nothing much to see here, folks.); Ryan Flaherty (#28 – batting second until Machado comes back, then has to outhit Schoop); Scott Feldman (#29 – somebody has to pitch in Houston, right?); Carlos Villaneuva (#30 – Mr. Irrelavant).

May need a few more steals, but I am in the ball park. BA hopes a few guys have good years. Total Points (R/HR/RBI) are prime. I have three closers. I promise. Starters solid but unspectacular. This is where my FA money will go. I will be streaming pitchers at some point in a big way to push up games started and hopefully K’s. Starters are my biggest hole.

Good luck.
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
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Edwards Kings
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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Mon Mar 31, 2014 6:00 pm

Wow! Lester and Cueto. No wins but WOW! Against Baltimore and St. Louis no less. C'mon Weaver! Yes, I am ignoring Nolasco.
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Glenneration X » Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:27 pm

Nice write ups Wayne. It's always an extra bonus being in a league with you as your blog becomes even more fun and relevant to those who get to watch your quest in person at the drafts and daily in the standings.

Good luck this year and I hope your team stays relevant all year long to keep this blog going to the end. I'm hoping for a 2nd place finish for you, just one point out of first. I won't mention the team I'm hoping finishes there, but I'm sure you can figure it out. :D

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Wed Apr 02, 2014 5:54 pm

Did I forget to mention I hate closers? To date, two IP, 10 H/BB (5.00 WHIP), 5 ER (17.50 ERA). No saves. :oops:
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Mon Apr 07, 2014 7:27 am



You learn so much in a week. For example, I thought I had some issues with my pitching staff and sure enough, I have learned “issues” is such a kindly word. I left the draft with one good closer (Perkins) and two weak closers (Jones and Qualls). I left the week with one “good” closer with an ERA of 9.000 and a WHIP of 2.000. Qualls ended up being a “What? You were taking us seriously about Qualls?” moment. An early April Fools joke. Nate Jones moved from heralded new closer with promising upside, to understudy to Lindstrom because Ventura didn’t like the movement on Jones pitches during spring, to not being able to get a batter out (two hits and three walks with no outs), to never having recovered from the glute sprain in February, to the DL.

Well, at least I have my starters. Ten starts last week including strong performances over two starts each by Lester and Cueto (ERA/WHIP/K of 2.512/1.047/14 and 1.929/0.857/17 respectively). Over the week I ended up with three wins…from my bench. Ten starts = NO WINS. Weaver and his gopheritis showed up. Sanchez had a big lead, but was pulled in the fourth (can you say hidden injury concern?). Lincecum didn’t walk anybody, but still gave up four runs. Nolasco was a disaster. In short, for the week, I hit one pitching target, and that was K’s.

Bats were a little better, but still short. I sacrificed my pitching (or at least one key pitching spot) to shore up batting, so a little short is not good. Looking for 300+ AB a week (got there), 38-40 runs and RBI’s a week (got there), 10 HR (short – got 8) and six SB (got 4). BA is going to be a challenge with this team, so the 0.266 is not to bad a start, given that Zack Cozart was o-fer. Didn’t even get on base. Had five K’s though, which would not have been bad if he had been a pitcher. Justin Upton struck out 10 times. Gotta love those Braves hitting coaches. Did have good starts by Longoria, Gomez, Pagan, and Plouffe (six runs scored and seven RBI’s).

So where does that leave me? Already I have begun my mantra…”it is early…it is early…it is early!” We had a FA period for last weeks stub period, but this was the first week where I expected some big activity, and we got it. Big money on Charlie Blackmon ($349), and of course the closer lotteries (Francisco Rodriguez $259 with a $257 runner up bid, Jonathan Broxton $233 for his rental as the pundits say he will close when activated off the DL Tuesday, Pedro Strop $126 on the gamble that he replaces Veras). The best money spent, in my less than humble opinion was the $28 Bob Particelli spent on Daniel Webb ($25 runner up bid). I placed a bid ($13) as part of a conditional. Could really pay dividends for Bob. I did not go stronger because I could not see myself tying up four rosters spots on HOU and CHW potential closers (I already have Jones, Qualls and Crain). Mistake…time will tell. Overall it was interesting to see Casey McGehee, David Hale, and Aaron Harang become at least mid-priced commodities.

I ended up very reserved this week in my bidding. I want to avoid any panic buying (itisearlyitisearlyitisearly). I am pretty happy with my offense, mediocre first week notwithstanding, and the depth of offense on my bench, though I could do some improvement. I placed small bids on Colabello (was won with a $167 bid) with a smaller contingency on McGehee (was won with a $67 bid) in hopes of upgrading Logan Morrison on my bench. I did not win as I would never have valued those guys with that amount of money. The guy who won both of them is a hell of a lot smarter than I am in this venue, so the mistake is probably mine. I just did not see the need.

In the first week stub period, I had dropped Flaherty and picked up Brian Roberts for $13. I was happy to sit on Roberts for a few weeks to see if he recaptured any magic, but I decided to gamble instead on Yangervis Solarte ($3). Given the Yankees chose him over Nunez, and given Big Tex is hurt again (surprise, surprise, surprise) I think Solarte will get some AB.


Solarte may even start over Cozart for me until Zack shows a pulse. Cozart has some latent speed, but a 0.000 OBP means it has a good chance to stay latent. My conditional was Danny Espinosa because I saw that throw Zimmerman made Saturday. I would not have won my conditional as Espinosa went for $30. Another nice gamble by the Russians.

I made a muck out of my FA bid for pitching. My main targets were the four relievers I mentioned above, but did not come close. I got JJ Putz for $1. Roster filler. I looked really hard for a starting pitcher I could be happy starting (say, somewhere above what I could get out of Nolasco and Feldman). I lite a tourch and leaned WAY over into the tank to see if anything was left. The gasoline fumes made me nervous, so I did not bid (itisearlyitisearlyitisearly), I am pretty much going to go with the team I had last week with decisions on Solarte vs Cozart and whether or not Feldman will ride the lighting in Texas next week. I already have a 5.507 ERA and a 1.433 WHIP, so how bad could it get?
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Quahogs » Mon Apr 07, 2014 7:42 am

I do look forward to Wayne Edwads annual blog mainly because of the neat maritime disaster and transportation calamity photos he digs up.

Early spring we get the COUNTDOWN with the obligatory boob pictures and late spring the latest in land,rail and sea disasters.

Tradition: Unlike any other. :lol:

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Hells Satans » Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:19 am

Just FYI....Sanchez was pulled because of the rain delay.

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:38 am

Hells Satans wrote:Just FYI....Sanchez was pulled because of the rain delay.
It was a 36 minute delay! That is a long inning. I take craps for longer periods than that! :D
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:42 am

Quahogs wrote:I do look forward to Wayne Edwads annual blog mainly because of the neat maritime disaster and transportation calamity photos he digs up.

Early spring we get the COUNTDOWN with the obligatory boob pictures and late spring the latest in land,rail and sea disasters.

Tradition: Unlike any other. :lol:
We have to keep them separate Steve...if you try to merge "train wreck" and "boobs", all you get is Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan, and President Barak Obama. :? 8-)
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Quahogs » Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:01 am

HA ! :lol:

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Money » Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:34 am

Edwards Kings wrote:
Hells Satans wrote:Just FYI....Sanchez was pulled because of the rain delay.
It was a 36 minute delay! That is a long inning. I take craps for longer periods than that! :D
The rain delay was enhanced by the Tigers batting for 15 minutes coming out of it. If they had been out in the field or had a short inning Sanchez would've pitched. Sanchez is fine. I hope.

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:42 am

Money wrote:
Edwards Kings wrote:
Hells Satans wrote:Just FYI....Sanchez was pulled because of the rain delay.
It was a 36 minute delay! That is a long inning. I take craps for longer periods than that! :D
The rain delay was enhanced by the Tigers batting for 15 minutes coming out of it. If they had been out in the field or had a short inning Sanchez would've pitched. Sanchez is fine. I hope.
Me too!
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by mbendar16 » Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:07 am

It's very interesting being in your league, especially in this week 1 of FAAB where bids are always high. My bid for Strop is more an insurance policy than a gamble, given Veras 6 walks in 1 2/3 innings of stellar control - sure glad I wasted $126 of FAAB instead of just taking Strop in the 29th round of the draft :roll: No matter how aggressive I think I'm being, I never seem to bid enough on the big tickets of the week, as I was on the wrong end of the KRod bid (time will tell if I was on the right end :mrgreen: ).

Keep up the good writing Wayne - I'll keep my interruptions of your blog to a minimum in future weeks.


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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:38 am

mbendar16 wrote:Wayne,
It's very interesting being in your league, especially in this week 1 of FAAB where bids are always high. My bid for Strop is more an insurance policy than a gamble, given Veras 6 walks in 1 2/3 innings of stellar control - sure glad I wasted $126 of FAAB instead of just taking Strop in the 29th round of the draft :roll: No matter how aggressive I think I'm being, I never seem to bid enough on the big tickets of the week, as I was on the wrong end of the KRod bid (time will tell if I was on the right end :mrgreen: ).

Keep up the good writing Wayne - I'll keep my interruptions of your blog to a minimum in future weeks.

At least you went for it, Mark. One of my major weaknesses is not pulling the trigger when I should. And interrupt...makes it fun! :lol:
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:13 am

"Matt Moore was removed from Monday's start against the Royals with left elbow soreness.
Moore will undergo an MRI Tuesday, but the Rays are optimistic, saying "there's no reason to believe it's serious at this time." Even if the MRI comes back clean, you have to assume the club will play it safe and put Moore on the disabled list. The Rays could move Cesar Ramos in from the bullpen or call up Erik Bedard or Nate Karns from Triple-A to take Moore's spot in the rotation."

And the nail in the coffin ... but the Rays are optimistic, saying "there's no reason to believe it's serious at this time."

Crap. Just crap. Not good for my auction team. Groin kicked again.

Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:19 am

And now Matt Moore will go visit old Doc Andrews. Yup. Not serious at all.


"I am sure it is nothing serious, son. Just bite on this bullet and let's have a see. Kitty? Better pour us a stiff one...we could be here a while!"
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:26 am

Let's see now...twelve starts for my Main Event team...no wins...that projects out to...say 250 starts...divided by the number of periods...carry the two...total wins for 2014 ZERO! Crap!

Need to change the mojo!

Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:01 am

Week 2 Results – You have those weeks where you can count on one hand the number of guys who carried your team. Then you have those weeks where you can count on one hand the number of guys who carried your team and your name is Mordecai “Three Finger” Brown. Then you have those weeks where you can count on one hand the number of guys who carried your team and your name is Mordecai “Three Finger” Brown and you have had an unfortunate kitchen accident. Now we are at my week.

Somebody goosed Justin Upton and he just went off. A 0.591 batting average with four home runs and eight each Runs/RBI’s. When the guy goes off, he just goes off. Then there is Carlos Gomez, with a 0.423 batting average, two dingers, seven runs, and five RBI’s (ten runs scored on the year out of the leadoff spot is good, nine RBI’s on the year out of the leadoff spot is EXCELLENT). Without those two, a slightly short, mediocre week would have been dismal. For the week, all offense gave a surprising 0.296 BA (0.281 on the year and due to drop, I expect), 33 runs, 31 RBI’s, 10 HR’s, and 2 bleak SB. Offensively, I am behind for the year in all counting stats, though just slightly except for SB where I am a week behind two weeks in. Not a good trend. With Ortiz positionally clogging up UT and my Ofers kind of locked up with Gomez, Choo, Upton, Myers, and Pagan, my options to upgrade speed are limited to MI. Time to start trolling with corn dogs to see if I can hook a one-trick dork fish.

Pitching continues to be one continuous Maalox Moment. My win-cherry was finally busted at least as Lester and Nolasco broke through. Two whole wins! Woohooo! The good news is, except for Lincebum, the other six starts were good to acceptable. One whopping save as well. Strikeouts reflected the one-start nature of my roster this week. Last week, during FA period, I think eight SP were picked up by others in the league (Hale, Harang, Elias, Hammel, Volquez, Kendrick, Cosart, and de la Rosa). A couple of these guys had two start weeks. Proving once again that these guys are smarter than me, most of the group (except Hale and de la Rosa) ended up with at least one good/decent start. I could not pull the trigger. The two pitchers I would have potentially sat in favor of streaming the two start guys (Feldman and Nolasco) both actually pitched well (15 IP, only seven K’s, no wins, but with only one ER between them and a collective 0.800 WHIP). Since I cannot predict wins, I am still glad I saved my money.

Week 3 FAAB – Have you guys heard? The pool of FA’s is thin! Imagine that. With all of the DL news last week, I expected a little panic buying. False hope, I guess. If there was some, I didn’t notice. Damn these experienced owners. Probably the player with the best hope of impact in the FA pool was Diane…errr…Dayan Viciedo who will probably be the beneficiary of the Garcia injury. He went for $177. Alfredo Simon went for $121 (I actually got him in the Auction league for $51 with a $1 runner up bid…still strange to me how values fluctuate between leagues). Both had solid runner up bids, but both were the only $100+ bids last week, so no real drain in the FA money. Some closer-hopefuls were gobbled up again. I had bid on Simon (lost at the same $51), with conditionals Rondon (my $31 lost), Danks (my $21 lost) and Chris Young (the SP version for $11 which I won) dropping Putz. Kind of wanted Simon (though we all know he is pitching over his head), not really excited about the rest, though Young could be a nice consolation prize given his next start is in Miami, then the next week at home in Houston.

I also dropped Logan Morrison. There will come a time this year when he will get regular AB. I just do not know when, so I stepped in with a $31 bid on the Emperor of the Plane Koozebane, Kevin Kouzmanoff. There was a $17 runner up bid. I probably will not have to use him while Beltre is ailing, though you never know. This was more of a blocking move. I really wanted a 1B type and had some as conditionals, but none were very exciting.


Week 3 Plans – I have a good batting team. They haven’t shown too much yet, but it is there. I would like to put some speed in the line-up. My best option is Zack Cozart off my bench who showed a pulse last week (thready…but there). I could see starting Kouzmanoff over Plouffe, too (though of course not for speed). Everything else batting is set. I am sitting on two roster spots for back up outfielders where one would probably be more prudent. Ludwick and Bourjos (speed, but not more than Pagan and not enough to supplant Myers) are starting on about a third of the Main Event Teams. I may have to release one. I just do not want to as I do not want to see them on another roster.

Pitching gives me one decision. Perkins is in (though little used) as a closer, but Qualls may or may not be. I am seriously behind saves (only four so far this year) so any chance of saves would be good and Qualls is just about as weak a chance as it gets. I will go with at least the seven starters I went with last week – Sanchez, Weaver (does he already look gassed or what), Lester, Cueto, Lincebum, Nolasco (another start against the Royals) and Feldman (pitching way over his head and a blow-up is coming, but also pitching against KC). That would be nine starts and I really need to win all of them (dream on fat-boy!). Do I run out Young for the extra start against playing Qualls in hope of at least a save? I wish I felt like I was flipping a silver dollar to make that choice. It is more like a penny in value instead.

On a side note, I got to have some fun with some of my old (now really old) fraternity brothers. Ten of us went and blew up some clay pigeons (OK…more air, less pigeons) skeet shooting this week end. I like skeet. Skeet are safe.


Ten middle-aged men shooting guns in the woods and telling lies. No estrogen is sight. Classic. If you have never shot skeet, you should try it. Your shoulder will hurt like hell, maybe (the course we were on called for about 100 shots), but somehow it brings out the younger side of you, if not the little boy. I mean, what little boy doesn’t want to blow things up?
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by headhunters » Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:54 am

wayne- i would be a little careful with that "blow things up" statement on the internet highway these days- what with you being a noted shirt and tie guy and old hank aaron not too far away- a drone strike by the white house could be coming.

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:56 am

headhunters wrote:wayne- i would be a little careful with that "blow things up" statement on the internet highway these days- what with you being a noted shirt and tie guy and old hank aaron not too far away- a drone strike by the white house could be coming.
I should be worried, but then again, the current occupants of the White House are lazier than the guy who invented the flag of Japan. I'm good. 8-)
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Sack » Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:25 pm

Nice block, Mr Edwards! ;) Rat bastard.....lol

Enjoying the blog Sir, thank you for taking the time to share your insights. Might not get to post each week,
but try not to miss the chance at reading what goes into the thought process. Always seem to take something away
from the read. Again, thanks.

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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by MadCow Sez » Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:33 pm

Wayne, worth the read every week. Thanks for your amusing insights! BTW, how do you prepare your skeet once you bring them down? :twisted:
People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.
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Re: Edwards Kings 2014 Blog

Post by Edwards Kings » Tue Apr 15, 2014 4:43 am

MadCow Sez wrote:Wayne, worth the read every week. Thanks for your amusing insights! BTW, how do you prepare your skeet once you bring them down? :twisted:
I have a great recipe for squab d'argile en papillote. Great for fiber. And you literally shit bricks. Three more and I complete my back yard BBQ. Goes good with grits, too, but then again, everything goes good with grits. :D
Baseball is a slow, boring, complex, cerebral game that doesn't lend itself to histrionics. You 'take in' a baseball game, something odd to say about a football or basketball game, with the clock running and the bodies flying.
Charles Krauthammer

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