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Impact of Closers

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:29 pm
by GetALife
I know I'm beating a dead horse, and I'm not for any animal abuse; but I have to just vent about "Closers". I don't know if Clippard becomes the Mets closer or not because I haven't read anything yet. However, let's just hypothetically say he will. I lose Benoit because Pads trade for Kimbrel before season (I'm sure other Benoit owners know this pain). So, I go ahead and bid and get Familia for around 350-400. Hey, it was a great bid even if he is supplanted and is well worth the cash spent. This impacts my team because I could have spent that on other players, not Familia, based on Benoit being the closer. Now, Clippard goes to the Mets leaving me without Familia. Sure, I could have said forget saves after losing Benoit or just went with 1 closer until I landed a speculation waiver RP that becomes closer. Punting saves is senseless because if I already spent early-mid round picks investing in them, then it's too late most likely to punt and be successful. For the most part, my team is bad enough that even with the $$$ not spent on Familia it wouldn't have mattered (along with devastating injuries) anyway. Yet, I still see how if the team WAS good enough to make a run how it would affect anyone.

I'm not even thinking the solution is to add holds to the menu. How about just eliminating say Saves and Runs scored as categories? Just roll with 4 each!

Re: Impact of Closers

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:46 pm
by COZ
Or how about we not change a god-damn thing just because you have been affected, is that one of the options? I'll file this under the me-generation-experiences-a-hardship and now rules/laws must be changed because little Johnny has a boo-boo. Closer carrousel, it's all part of the madness that is the season long grind of Fantasy Baseball. Rub some dirt on it, son!


Re: Impact of Closers

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:35 pm
by Yah Mule
Instead of dropping saves and runs, I propose we add BABIP against and triples.

I'm in a fantasy football league with members of my wife's family and last year we started punters and head coaches, but only two wide receivers. What an improvement!

Re: Impact of Closers

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:24 pm
by Captain Hook
Clippard will initially back up Familia - but be there in case Jeurys doesn't regain his footing ..... chill

Re: Impact of Closers

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:22 am
COZ wrote:Or how about we not change a god-damn thing just because you have been affected, is that one of the options? I'll file this under the me-generation-experiences-a-hardship and now rules/laws must be changed because little Johnny has a boo-boo. Closer carrousel, it's all part of the madness that is the season long grind of Fantasy Baseball. Rub some dirt on it, son!

:lol: :lol:

That about sums it up.
Eliminate RUNS and SAVES as a scoring category? Are you kidding me? The object of baseball is to score....RUNS !
If you don't want to deal with closers as an issue --- then punt saves on draft day. The team that is winning one of my two leagues, did exactly that. He doesn't have a save all year long. And he's in first place.

Re: Impact of Closers

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:54 am
by Edwards Kings
GetALife wrote:I'm not even thinking the solution is to add holds to the menu. How about just eliminating say Saves and Runs scored as categories? Just roll with 4 each!
Nah. Not into the four each though I am sure you were just kidding. I was once in a league where we had Runs Produced as a category (RBI+R-HR), but the math was too hard on me.

We will never take luck out of fantasy baseball as we will always deal with injuries, closer turnover, wins, stupid managers, errors, rain-outs, GM's, contracts, up years, down years, rebuilding, rookies, league make-up, and on and on and on...

If it were easy, I would win.... 8-)

Re: Impact of Closers

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:55 am
by headhunters
I had benoit. but I gotta say- there was plenty of talk before the season that he was trade bait- to set up somewhere else. it didn't happen that way- but there was risk. also- this season has been one where closers have been easy to pick up. I have seen teams spend 10 bucks and end up with 3 closers by being prescient. I have also seen teams spend 700 and add 3 closers- and do well on the free agent market with the remaining 300. that 1000 bucks really separates the wheat from the chaff

Re: Impact of Closers

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:40 pm
by The Mighty Men
headhunters wrote: prescient
WOW! I'm impressed!

Re: Impact of Closers

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:09 pm
by kgrady
GetALife wrote:I'm not even thinking the solution is to add holds to the menu. How about just eliminating say Saves and Runs scored as categories? Just roll with 4 each!
I simply interpreted this suggestion as facetious, made by an owner who is frustrated over how the saves category has gone for him this season.

Generally speaking saves are the most frustrating category in fantasy baseball, IHMO. At any given moment there are at most 30 players that are worth starting who can help a team in this category. Typically one has to overpay either in the draft or in FAAB to get them. As is usually the case, saves have been a disaster for me. I drafted two closers who combined for a mere 13 saves before each lost his job (Steve Cishek and Hector Rondon). My league has been exceptionally crazy when it comes to saves, meaning that "new" closers have cost a bloody fortune. Pedro Strop went for over $200 when Rondon lost the Cubs' job. I tried to cover by backside with the understudy and actually had AJ Ramos for a time. Injuries were such that I could not afford the luxury of "wasting" the reserve slot. I therefore gambled that Cishek would get his act together. Needless to say, that gamble was a colossal failure. Ultimately, I punted saves because I reasoned that it was too unlikely that I would find two (or more) bargain bin closers in waiting that would fall into the job sooner rather than later.

It is a tough break for anyone who has Drew Storen. The best laid plans are suddenly screwed up. And for most Storen owners, it is going to be next to impossible to compensate for the loss. I'm not suggesting that saves be dropped as a category. They're part of the challenge, a part that I am truly dreadful at, and this is frustrating to the nth degree. :x :oops:


Re: Impact of Closers

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:11 pm
by GetALife
COZ wrote:Or how about we not change a god-damn thing just because you have been affected, is that one of the options? I'll file this under the me-generation-experiences-a-hardship and now rules/laws must be changed because little Johnny has a boo-boo. Closer carrousel, it's all part of the madness that is the season long grind of Fantasy Baseball. Rub some dirt on it, son!


I aint your son, and there aint no option. I'm probably older than you, and likely have played in the Main Event longer than you. The answer or option you missed was to just stop playing all together. After all, it's insane to continue at something with negative results or with really no different result. I.E. never winning a d*m thing. I've given it long enough. Case closed PUNK!

Re: Impact of Closers

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 3:00 pm
by COZ
GetALife wrote:
COZ wrote:Or how about we not change a god-damn thing just because you have been affected, is that one of the options? I'll file this under the me-generation-experiences-a-hardship and now rules/laws must be changed because little Johnny has a boo-boo. Closer carrousel, it's all part of the madness that is the season long grind of Fantasy Baseball. Rub some dirt on it, son!


I aint your son, and there aint no option. I'm probably older than you, and likely have played in the Main Event longer than you. The answer or option you missed was to just stop playing all together. After all, it's insane to continue at something with negative results or with really no different result. I.E. never winning a d*m thing. I've given it long enough. Case closed PUNK!
Quitter. :lol: