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FOX and the World Series

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:25 pm
I've been critical of the media. Especially in who they choose to be in the booth.
I'd like to salute FOX for Jon Smoltz and the exclusion of Harold Reynolds.
Quality analysis that is easy on the ears.
They knocked it out of the park.

Re: FOX and the World Series

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:12 pm
by Bronx Yankees
Smoltzy is great. I find Buck annoying, although I'd probably have trouble explaining exactly why. Very tired of seeing the same commercials. Don't give a crap about the Chevy with its rear end outside the house. Sick of seeing Jamie Foxx trying to look cool pimping for Verizon. Those Lincoln commercials with the actor whose name I always forget are just plain stupid. Oh, well. There's no escape. The pain we endure for the love of the game.


Re: FOX and the World Series

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:55 am
by headhunters
I like smoltz also- although I am amazed with all the video they watched as players that is he can't improve his sentence structure. he will something that is turned inside out or upside down and you sort of have to guess at the meaning. he does it all the time. if I see one tonight I will post it. Harold Reynolds has been doing it for 10 years and it is totally annoying.

Re: FOX and the World Series

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:48 pm
by Dat Bum
If Joe Buck never calls another MLB playoff game after this year I would be perfectly fine with that. Smoltz is decent and I have actually enjoyed ARod's analysis throughout the postseason. The analysis from Pete Rose and Frank Thomas's has been borderline unintelligible at times. Maybe that's the reason ARod seems so competent! No, he really is. Also, MLB should be ashamed of how much favoritism they have shined upon the Cubbies. Everything from moving other games around, to cancelling a game that could have been played with a slight delay all so the Cubs could keep their uninterrupted night-time schedule each and EVERY game is pathetic. Finally, I keep telling myself not to say this, but it sure feels like an unbalanced amount of calls (balls/strikes and calls on the bases) seem to go in favor of the Cubs. Sometimes the review process cleans up the imbalance but other times the replay is called "inconclusive" and as a result the call stays the same...usually in the Cubs' favor. I badly want to love the Cubs for the long World Series delay their fans have endured. They have a great young core and a manager you can't help but like, however, all the favoritism has led me to pull hard for the Indians.

Still, it's baseball....and I love it!

Re: FOX and the World Series

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:14 am
by headhunters
well- pretty sure that fox is a business so they are favoring the ratings. if it was yanky- cubs or red sox- cubs they would be favoring them. cubs have more fans in Chicago than there are people- so they get all the scheduling breaks over Cleveland.

Re: FOX and the World Series

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 9:43 am
by chiznad21
The Smoltz grab has been fantastic for the listeners......Quality analysis....... Joe Buck announcing baseball is like Cris Collinsworth announcing