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Tanaka and Hamstrings

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:42 pm
by Donacion
After watching the NHL cup playoffs and watching player after player beat the living piss out of each other I read about Tanaka blowing out both hamstrings on a routine baseball play a 90 foot run from 3rd to home. I’m a personal trainer I can’t fathom what type of training would precipitate this. Next year I got a new rule and I don’t care what type of team it leads to. If I can’t imagine the player suiting up for an NHL team I ain’t drafting them, no more blisters, sore fingers, tight quads, General soreness on and on. I saw Max Scherzer at the Washington Capitals at the hockey arena in full hockey gear that’s what I’m talking about.

Re: Tanaka and Hamstrings

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 5:15 am
by Edwards Kings
So your first two picks next year will be Scherzer and Bartolo Colon?

Re: Tanaka and Hamstrings

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:14 am
by Donacion
Bartolo would make a great goalie. At least he pitches all his scheduled turns. I don’t have Tanaka but the blowing out double hamstrings even got my wife’s attention when she heard about this.

Re: Tanaka and Hamstrings

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 10:40 am
by Edwards Kings
The Stay Puff Marshmallow man is my personal hero. You are right...good, bad or otherwise he will take the ball every chance he gets. My kind of athlete!
