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Auction Leagues Haven't Been Forgotten

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 9:45 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Okay, we've announced prizes for the NFBC Weekly Contest and now even for the Weekly Poll, but what about our valued Auction League players? What do they get?

Well, we haven't forgotten about those dedicated players who will be bidding for players instead of drafting them. Here's what I can promise off the bat: Next year in all of our print ads we will showcase the NFBC grand champion in style, but we will also show photos of the champions in each individual Auction League within that ad. I can promise national exposure to the individual league champions.

I will also guarantee an autographed memorabilia item to one Auction League member per month and will see if we can do that weekly. I'm working on getting items for that right now. It's hard to compare Auction Leagues to each other, so give me a few suggestions on how we can award the top monthly Auction League team and we'll get it done. But we'll find a way to honor the top teams and keep the competition intense right until the end. And for those league winners, I promise that your beautiful mug will grace all of our print ads for the NFBC in 2005.

Now let's get ready to bid, and feel free to forward any thoughts on how we can continue to reward those participating in the Auction Leagues.