Help on Printing Roster/Standing Pages

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St Louis Slugger
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Help on Printing Roster/Standing Pages

Post by St Louis Slugger » Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:42 am

I seem to be having problems printing out my roster, like to have a printed copy for the upcoming week, and league standing pages without getting a bunch of garbage attached to players names and team names. Example when I try to print the page I get Posey, Buster (baseball/reports/playerPage asp?player=8578) C,1B SF, which then won't allow all seven days and the players position to show up on the page I printed out. Any help would be appreciated!

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Help on Printing Roster/Standing Pages

Post by jdoggmms » Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:00 am

Take screenshots and print those instead. Just hit the Prnt Scrn button on your keyboard and then paste (Control V) into any application where images can be viewed like Microsoft Paint. Word will work too

To print the screen properly from the webpage requires that you change a bunch of internet and/or display settings that I'm unsure of. I prefer not to toy with my existing settings. Maybe someone can provide the technically correct answer, but screenshots do the job for me

Dodger Blues
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Help on Printing Roster/Standing Pages

Post by Dodger Blues » Sun Apr 03, 2011 1:03 am

Yeah, I suppose screen shots would work. That said, that shouldn't even be necessary. Taking screen shots of stuff seems rather ridiculous. This is my first year doin' the NFBC thing and I have yet to see anything on this site that could be considered to be even remotely close to being "printer-friendly." Nothing. Draft prep lists, player eligibility lists, team rosters and stats, league standings, etc. It runs the gamut. I've found myself copying and pasting the page contents into either a Word or Excel file (depending on how I want to use the data), and then manipulating it from there. I'm thinkin' it's something (printer-friendly pages) that needs a serious look. Just thought I would add my two cents to the whole print thing...
There are only two seasons: baseball season and The Void. - Jonathan Yardley

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