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Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:15 am
by Schwks
GG: In my mind it is irrelevent who Fandango played all year...he has the right to suddenly decide to make moves, as long as those moves have indicia of attempting to increase his own team's point total. In this case, I do not see how starting Laffey and Gallagher over the closers does anything to help a team. It is him planning to help the first place team, without consent or knowledge of that team. Thi should not be allowed.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:18 am
by Gekko
Originally posted by Schwks:

GG: In my mind it is irrelevent who Fandango played all year...he has the right to suddenly decide to make moves, as long as those moves have indicia of attempting to increase his own team's point total. I'm simply saying Fandango left a DL player in his lineup half the year. It's just another example that he is not concerned with trying to increase his point total.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:43 am
by Chest Rockwell
Originally posted by sportsbettingman:

I like Mark (Gekko)...but not everyone does.

I did a similar thing way back when. Actually not that similar, but I set my lineup more favorably to helping another guy. At the time I was pulling for Chest Rockwell to win our league, simply because I had chatted with him in Vegas, and had never met Welcome to Stevieland (who was the main threat to beat Chest). It wasn't that big of a deal...but this stuff happens.

I didn't do something as bad as pull my starters, but I went after categories that would help Chest have a better chance to win the league. I guess that's the key...I attacked categories, rather than pulled them off the table.

I would not do it to Stevieland now, (hell...I might do the opposite! :D ), and have admitted to doing this in the past. I very much respect and like the tandem that runs Welcome to Stevieland, so I'd be neutral to playing spoiler, but at the time, I was playing spoiler and trying to have what little say I could in the final standings.

Karma is a bitch, and the NFBC should NEVER take over a team in crunch time. (or any time IMO) If the NFBC wants to kick Fandango out of the be it...but he can choose to play spoiler if he wants long as he didn't plan this out with the other team, but rather did this on his own.

I'm currently doing the same thing in a home league...I picked up a few speed guys to screw over a loudmouth owner who is right above me in steals and I can ruin his shot at winning money by passing him in stolen bases.

It is just part of the game.

If you treat people right...they do not go out of their way to do such things...but if they know each other and are working in unison...the hammer should come down.

I think that is a total and complete a-hole move. (pulling players)

Like I said...I think Mark (Gordon Gekko) is a great guy and likes to play around a bit, livening up the MB..but this here is bullshit.

...but then again...Karma is a bitch.

(edited to dumb down and spoon feed each thought) ;)

[ September 29, 2009, 09:46 AM: Message edited by: Chest Rockwell ]

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:47 am
by Quack & Willy
Why is it any different than what has happened in several leagues this year where teams that had no chance of cashing, continue to use their FAAB to block others who are bidding on players in Week 26.

They paid their money to play the team as they see fit, quitting early in the year, or playing it out. Throwing around accusations about two teams colluding is pretty bold, considering their may be only "proof?" by one party. Pretty lame.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:17 am
by billywaz
Originally posted by Quack & Willy:

Why is it any different than what has happened in several leagues this year where teams that had no chance of cashing, continue to use their FAAB to block others who are bidding on players in Week 26.

I was thinking the same thing.

Happened in my satellite league this past week where someone spent their remaining $$$ on two pitchers (Narveson and can't remember the other). They spent over $200 on each!

Problem is they are in 10th or 11th place and in NO WAY in contention. I didn't dig deep like Gekko to see why, but logic would say there is SOME motive there.

The NFBC/NFFC shouldn't be in the business of worrying how people manage their rosters (they have enough to do).

I have been screwed by "incompetence" (and I don't think it was intentional) where someone decided not to field a full lineup in football, and was playing an opponent who I was in a tight race with giving them a "free" win.

**** happens. It sucks, but it isn't breaking rules. I'm good friends with you Mark, and I know you don't like my opinion here, but that is just the way I see it.

Like I said before, the best advice moving forward is DON'T MAKE ENEMIES! ;)

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:27 am
by Sack
This matter needed to be handled in a private manner with Greg/Tom and not on a public forum. I made a similiar error in judgement last season while fighting for a cash spot.

Mark, I agree with you 100% in that it was a low-blow move. It was shitty thing to do. Unfortunately, myself and many others are going to be watching to see how this is handled. Personally, as low of a move as it appears, he paid his money and is entitled to make this move if he so chooses. If anything here is reversed, you can open up a can of worms and QUESTION so many other areas. Similiar to that mentioned by Quack & Willy. By making this public, you come off as a cry baby. In the future, put your teams in a position not to be caught by a Fandango type move. Adding MB's name to the collusion discussion is something I hope you review and consider extending him an apology. He didn't deserve that.

I've drafted in two auctions against Simonetti. Scott is a good player, rude and obnoxious at both events. I have no doubt why that took place, you've stated it for the record, I've witnessed this. In addition, I remember another incident involving him detailed on these boards during the NFBC drafts when Fukedome was new to the Cubs. I recalled this when the NFFC had the issues posted on the boards about the NFFC drafts in Chicago a few weeks ago. I personally passed on attending the Friday NFFC Auctions this year because he was allowed to draft another team. Maybe he behaved himself this year, but I need not spend my cash for what can and will someday become an explosive atmosphere during what should be an enjoyable event.

[ September 29, 2009, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Sack ]

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:30 am
by Gekko
Billy, if what Scott did (in the eyes of the law) IS a type of collusion (according to an attorney posting on these boards), you are okay with allowing collusion in this case, correct? Just want to make sure I’m understanding you properly.

I just want a fair league where everyone is looking out for their team’s best interest. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that someone would INTENTIONALLY try and throw the league.

Sucks all the way around, except for Fandango. He’s made this personal and now he can sit back and laugh about it.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:32 am
by Gekko
Originally posted by Sack:

This matter needed to be handled in a private manner with Greg/Tom and not on a public forum. I made a similiar error in judgement last season while fighting for a cash spot.

Sack - when one individual is INTENTIONALLY trying to throw a league, i think EVERYONE has a right to know about it. If anyone sees Scott signed up for a league, do NOT sign up as he's shown a willingness to screw over people he doesn't like by dumping his team.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:34 am
by Gekko
Originally posted by Sack:

By making this public, you come off as a cry baby. i've been called everything under the book. EVERYONE has a right to know about a player who does something like this.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:39 am
by Gekko
Originally posted by Sack:

Adding MB's name to the collusion discussion is something I hope you review and consider extending him an apology. He didn't deserve that.

i used his team name, not MB name. i don't know the guy and haven't had any interaction with him. greg posted his real name.

of course if there is no direct collusion, i will extend an olive branch. i never said he did anything, only that it was a possibility given the bizarre circumstances that have unfolded.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:42 am
by Quahogs
Originally posted by billywaz:

quote:Originally posted by Quack & Willy:

Why is it any different than what has happened in several leagues this year where teams that had no chance of cashing, continue to use their FAAB to block others who are bidding on players in Week 26.

I was thinking the same thing.

Happened in my satellite league this past week where someone spent their remaining $$$ on two pitchers (Narveson and can't remember the other). They spent over $200 on each!

Problem is they are in 10th or 11th place and in NO WAY in contention. I didn't dig deep like Gekko to see why, but logic would say there is SOME motive there.

The NFBC/NFFC shouldn't be in the business of worrying how people manage their rosters (they have enough to do).

I have been screwed by "incompetence" (and I don't think it was intentional) where someone decided not to field a full lineup in football, and was playing an opponent who I was in a tight race with giving them a "free" win.

**** happens. It sucks, but it isn't breaking rules. I'm good friends with you Mark, and I know you don't like my opinion here, but that is just the way I see it.

Like I said before, the best advice moving forward is DON'T MAKE ENEMIES! ;)
[/QUOTE]Good post Billy.

Intent can be murky sometimes. It's possible side bets are at play but in most cases it's just dickness. What's funny is how many things are forgotten over the years but getting hosed the last week of the season - it tends to stick around a long time.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:42 am
by Sack

There are to many moves in season to have the powers that be pass judgement on intent, even when they are obvious. It has happened to me. A very WELL RESPECTED player and I had an issue years ago during a draft. I was in a position to win alot of cash. He was hopelessly beaten, but directed his team to take points away from me. I understand this, I accept this. It takes place move than you may be willing to admit. Still, I kept my mouth shut and managed my team. The "other" guy paid his money. If he chooses to run his hopelessly beaten team in a manner to beat me, he is allowed. I didn't like it, I logged it away.

Im not looking to attack you, I see your point. However, that owner is alloed yo manage his team in any manner he sees fit. The day that changes is the day I stop playing.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:46 am
by Sack
Mark - it is easy to check, you owe the guy an apology unless you have proof. The party you are fighting didn't need to have the C word attached to his team or name.

This sounds quite cut and dry - Simonetti stuck it to you. Sucks, but he is allowed to do this. Simple as that. Hope it works oout for you.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:14 am
by Gekko
Sack – The team in question COULD BE an innocent bystander in this. Him being a first year player doesn’t tell me anything. Does that mean 5 year players are more prone to colluding??

If he is a bystander, of course he has my apologies. Unfortunately, when a crime (for lack of a better word) occurs, the cops investigate (right or wrong) people who had something to gain.

With that said, if I had known the guy, I likely would have handled the “C” part privately with Greg. Lesson learned.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:25 am
by Head 2 Head
Originally posted by Gekko and The King:

Also, Fandango has been starting Emmanuel Burriss since May 11th.

Burriss was demoted to the minors in mid June, then broke his toe and remains on the DL out for the season. He started Burriss this week, even with a healthy Willie Bloomquist on his bench. You are asking that Fandangos moves for week 26 be reversed?

I have no doubt that he was being a DICK to you.

I have a question about collusion. The last week of season: I have $41 left and can buy a new closer for the last week. The leader my Main league could finish higher in the overall with another save or two, and has $37 left (second highest in the league). I am going to finish out of the money with or without the closer. If I bid the $41 and block him, it costs him a top five overall finish and you are the team that finishes ahead of him. Did I collude with you even if you and I hadn't talked (about this move)? I also haven't talked to him (about this move) and don't bid, did I collude with him?

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:40 am
by Plymouth
Hasn't this gone on long enough? But I guess I will put in my 2 cents worth too. It really does not matter if you agree or disagree with what Fandango "supposedly" did or did not do, it comes down to did he or did he not do anything to break the rules. I don't see how how broke any rules and as team owner he has the right to manage or not manage his team any way he wishes, he bought that right when he signed up to play.

These kinds of things go on all the time in different leagues, owners know each other and if they are out of the race they do all they can to influence the race. Some will admit to it and others won't. You can't tell me you have never picked up a player to keep another team from picking him up, is that really any different?

You play with the best players and you have to expect that different players use different strategies to achieve their goals, what ever they may be. It may not be fair in your eyes but there may have been things you said or did that others may not deem as fair either, that is life. You can bitch about it and think you got hosed or you can file it for future reference consider it a life lesson and move on.

I like you as a person Mark and respect you as a player but you have to remember, "there is no no crying in baseball". This whole thing really is beneath you, if you weren't involved in this situation I really think you would say that owners have the right to do whatever they want as long as it is within the framework of the rules.

If you don't want to participate in leagues with Fandango so be it, but you should not be telling others not to play in his leagues, that seems a bit like "I am taking my ball and going home to pout". I think Greg also mentioned that you and Fandango should not be in the same league, that concerns me too because league draws are supposed to be totally by chance.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:54 am
by billywaz
Originally posted by Gekko and The King:

Billy, if what Scott did (in the eyes of the law) IS a type of collusion (according to an attorney posting on these boards), you are okay with allowing collusion in this case, correct? Just want to make sure I’m understanding you properly.

I am not sure if someone came on with a LEGAL definition of collusion, but here is mine (strictly off the top of my head)...

"When TWO OR MORE parties JOIN TOGETHER and devise a plan so that BOTH/ALL PARTIES BENEFIT in some way, shape, or form".

If Fandango is just out to "get you", he isn't colluding with anyone! The person that MAY benefit from this may have no idea what has happened (if he hasn't checked everyone's rosters or doesn't frequent the MB). And even if he saw what Fandango did, and figured it out, he did nothing wrong.

Unless Fandango is getting some "side action" ($$) from this (and I highly doubt he is based on Greg's post), then it isn't collusion.

[ September 29, 2009, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: billywaz ]

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:00 am
What the heck, I wasn't going to respond either but...

I agree with whoever (too lazy to go back and see) said that this goes on more often than each player knows.

More than likely it is done with a lot more subtlety than the example here.

Improprieties or collusion by the owner that is battling for first place are more than likely a manifestation of a Gekko worst case scenario scenario. It would be hard to believe that a guy battling for first place would reach out to someone that hasn't logged on for a long period of time.

The answer is in the title and it's not the first option.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:06 am
by Gekko
Originally posted by Plymouth:

These kinds of things go on all the time in different leagues, owners know each other and if they are out of the race they do all they can to influence the race. Some will admit to it and others won't. :eek: :eek:

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:17 am
by Gekko
Originally posted by DOUGHBOYS:

I agree with whoever (too lazy to go back and see) said that this goes on more often than each player knows.

More than likely it is done with a lot more subtlety than the example here.

So you wouldn’t be surprised to see NFFC football teams bench all their starters in Weeks 12 and 13 and try to influence H2H matchups for their friends gain? From what I’m hearing, that is a fair gaming tactic and is part of the game.

For instance, if my team is out of it, and I’m playing Quahogs in Week 13. If Quahogs beats me, he’s in the playoffs. That also means another team misses the playoffs. Suppose I take out my starters and put in hurt or backup players because I’m friends with Quahogs. Hi Steve!!

Go with the flow, right?

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:24 am
by Plymouth
Why do you keep bringing up football? We are talking baseball here.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:26 am
by Quahogs
Originally posted by Gekko and The King:

quote:Originally posted by DOUGHBOYS:

I agree with whoever (too lazy to go back and see) said that this goes on more often than each player knows.

More than likely it is done with a lot more subtlety than the example here.

So you wouldn’t be surprised to see NFFC football teams bench all their starters in Weeks 12 and 13 and try to influence H2H matchups for their friends gain? From what I’m hearing, that is a fair gaming tactic and is part of the game.

For instance, if my team is out of it, and I’m playing Quahogs in Week 13. If Quahogs beats me, he’s in the playoffs. That also means another team misses the playoffs. Suppose I take out my starters and put in hurt or backup players because I’m friends with Quahogs. Hi Steve!!

Go with the flow, right?
[/QUOTE]Week 13? My season will be over before the last out of the W Series.

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:30 am
At no time did I say it was fair.

It's not right and I would never do it, well, unless Ann-Margaret...umm Ann-Margaret...

Anyway, I think it would be tough for Greg to act on this unless there is proof that the contending party was involved.

Because this case is less subtle, doesen't mean it should be acted on. Sorry Mark, I know you want to hear something else, but if Greg changes this lineup, it leads to questioning and changing of lineup requests for the more subtle "dick moves".

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:27 am
by bjoak
b Originally posted by Quack & Willy:

Why is it any different than what has happened in several leagues this year where teams that had no chance of cashing, continue to use their FAAB to block others who are bidding on players in Week 26.

It's sad that people not only think that you don't have to manage your team but are also self-righteous about it. When you aren't managing your team and then do something that will *NOT* help you (like Gekko is saying) it's different from grinding until the end (like you're saying).

Questionable Move?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:29 am
by Gekko
Originally posted by Plymouth:

These kinds of things go on all the time in different leagues, owners know each other and if they are out of the race they do all they can to influence the race. Some will admit to it and others won't. Originally posted by DOUGHBOYS:

I agree with whoever (too lazy to go back and see) said that this goes on more often than each player knows.

I might be last one to know, but I really hope this isn't the case. "These kinds of things go on all the time???" Wouldn't that put new owners with seeming less 'friends' at a clear disadvantage?

if greg only knows of two cases where this has happened, houston, we might have a much bigger problem based on the quotes above.

[ September 29, 2009, 02:02 PM: Message edited by: Gekko and The King ]