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Roto Snips

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 4:59 am
Taken from some Roto News-

Troy Glaus is about to sign a contract with the Atlanta Braves

Well, that should make Braves fans forget about Javier Vazquez :rolleyes:

Glaus is one of the few players in baseball who can go from 0 to 40 in one year, which is to say that it wouldn't be a surprise if he hit any number of home runs between zero and forty. It was widely believed that the Braves would attempt to re-sign Adam LaRoche. Why they are not pursuing LaRoche and 'settling' for Glaus is a mystery or has to be money driven.

Between the two corners, Glaus and Chipper Jones, the Braves will be dealing with players that have missed a whopping 287 games over the last three seasons.

Jason Bay wants to re-open talks with the Red Sox

Maybe these first offers from the Red Sox for Bay, the Cards for Holliday, and the Yankees with Damon weren't so bad afterall.

After Bay's best offer seem to have come from the Mets, maybe a little rethinking of venues and not money will come into play. Seeing what Citi's dimensions did for David Wright's power numbers probably makes Fenway look like an oasis to Bay. Chipper Jones remembered crushing a ball last year and 'settling' for a double. At second base, Wright crept up behind him and whispered in his ear, "Nice park, eh?"

Matt Capps signs one year contract with the Nationals

Capps only needs to sign with the Royals next year to cap his tour of closing for teams who consider it a victory to use a closer at all.

Travis Buck has eliminated his bat waggle from his swing


Yankees not interested in Holliday

Everybody that believes that, raise your hand...Not so fast, Brett Gardner.

The Mets sign Chris Coste and RA Dickey

The Mets are on fire

[ December 25, 2009, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: DOUGHBOYS ]

Roto Snips

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 5:15 am
by Thunder

do i smell a "righty/lefty platoon" at first for the braves AND backup for the "oft-injured" chipper?


Roto Snips

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:25 am
I think you do, Bill. Either that, or Prada will be playing more than one position at a time.

Roto Snips

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 9:42 am
by Edwards Kings
I am still made as hell about Vazquez, but the Glaus signing is a typical Braves move to commit limited resources to a player for one year, hoping for the upside with the player hoping to rebuild value. Wonder who else they will grab on the cheap to fill in the other side of all those platoons.

BTW, the "winner" in the Vazquez trade (besides the Yanks) may be Medlen. If Kawakami cannot do any better than last year, Medlen may now be in best position to be the Braves fifth starter.

Roto Snips

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 4:03 pm
by Thunder
for the braves, i hate the Vazquez deal, but i think Glaus can be of value to the club overall.

[ December 25, 2009, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Kentucky Reign ]

Roto Snips

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 5:39 pm
by Raskol
Duchscherer (elbow) has agreed to a one-year contract with Oakland, reports. The contract is worth $5.5 million with incentives...If healthy, he could add a veteran presence to a young rotation. This is the kind of snip that makes me (A) puke, (B) fill with rage, or (C) scratch my head, puke and then become filled with rage.

What sort of "veteran presence" does he provide? He's pitched 200 innings total since 2005 and has never started 30 games in a year. :rolleyes: That's like parking an Edsel next to your Porsche so that the Porsche can learn a few things.

Message edited per request. No harm intended to Edsel owners.

[ December 27, 2009, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: Raskol ]

Roto Snips

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:56 am
by Glenneration X
Originally posted by Raskol:

quote: Duchscherer (elbow) has agreed to a one-year contract with Oakland, reports. The contract is worth $5.5 million with incentives...He struggled last season with clinical depression following rehab from operations on his hip and pitching elbow. If healthy, he could add a veteran presence to a young rotation. This is the kind of snip that makes me (A) puke, (B) fill with rage, or (C) scratch my head, puke and then become filled with rage.

What sort of "veteran presence" does a clinically depressed teammate provide? Do you really want to convey the message to your younger players that you can take a year off if you don't feel up to it? For $5.5 million, I'm happy to show up to work every day. :rolleyes: [/QUOTE]Good point Emory.....for $5.5 million, I'd at least pretend to be happy.

Just imagine how many slow drafts we could join with that money....


Roto Snips

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:53 am
by King of Queens
Originally posted by Raskol:

What sort of "veteran presence" does a clinically depressed teammate provide? Do you really want to convey the message to your younger players that you can take a year off if you don't feel up to it? For $5.5 million, I'm happy to show up to work every day. :rolleyes: I'm guessing from your comments that you don't know anyone who suffers from clinical depression. In most cases, it's not something to be taken lightly -- the effects can be absolutely devastating.

Don't forget: things kind of worked out for Zack Greinke and his "time-off" from depression. The A's are obviously betting that J.C. Duke can overcome his debilitating personal problems as well.

Roto Snips

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 4:19 am
by Chest Rockwell
Wow Emory I got to know you a little bit in the slow draft and you are a great guy. In this case a great guy who needs to educate himself on how devastating depression can be. Something tells me if you did or knew someone with it that you would want to pull that post down.

Roto Snips

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 4:46 am
by crazytown
My view is shared by very few people that I have ever come to meet. If you don't want to play, you don't get paid. If you don't want to work, you don't get paid.

Like I said, not many share this view so don't pile on.

If JC Duke wasn't getting paid, would he have been out there last year? I obviously know zippo about "clinical depression". Just wondering.

Roto Snips

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 4:59 am
by Glenneration X
I get that clinical depression is a serious issue for anyone suffering from it and I'm not trying to minimize the effects....

My issue is if I had clinical depression, I seriously doubt my employer would be OK with me saying go on with the projects I was running without me....but please make sure those checks continue to be direct deposited.

I just think that its another example of the pampered athlete (especially in baseball) living with a different set of realities than the rest of the world. Even within the sports world....when I see a hockey player get decapitated, get his head sewed back on between periods, and get back on the ice for the 3rd period.....I have trouble feeling sorry for those taking months off because they feel bad about life....

Sorry if this makes me seem insensitive....I just was raised that you tough it out (and honestly how tough is it to tough out throwing a baseball).


Roto Snips

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:22 am
by Raskol
Originally posted by Chest Rockwell:

Wow Emory I got to know you a little bit in the slow draft and you are a great guy. In this case a great guy who needs to educate himself on how devastating depression can be. Something tells me if you did or knew someone with it that you would want to pull that post down. Fair enough, the masses have spoken. Sorry if I offended anyone. Still, 5.5 million for this guy from a low budget team? A gamble to be sure!

Roto Snips

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:36 pm
by Walla Walla
I never saw the whole post. But I'm suffering from depression after hearing he'll make more money in one year than I will in a life time.

It's Clinic Depression if your rich. It's just another bad day if your poor. Yeah I know it's not correct. Tough Turds!