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My Main Event Teams - Season 3

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:39 am
by Glenneration X
Last year, Edward Kings and others expanded upon the "Post Your Main Event Teams" thread by instead providing a pick by pick analysis of their drafts. I found these posts to not only be very entertaining and insightful, but also a learning tool to pre-draft strategies, draft flow, and the ebbs & flows encounterd during high stakes drafts and the adjustments made necessary by them.

Inspired by their posts, I followed suit in the following thread from last year: "My Main Event Teams - Sophomore Season"

With my Main Event teams last season finishing at both ends of the spectrum, it was interesting to look back on that thread when all was said and done. Since one of my teams ended up performing very well while the other floundered, I re-examined my draft thoughts on those teams written back when those thoughts were still fresh and remained unbiased by the results that would follow as part of my preparation for this season.

With my NFBC draft season now at a close, I've decided to perform this exercise again. Below I will provide an analysis of my thoughts during both my Main Event drafts this year, starting with the one last weekend and following up with yesterday's.

My Main Event Teams - Season 3

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:23 am
by Glenneration X
First like last year, I'll provide a little history and insight going into my drafts for the 2011 draft season.....

My first year in the NFBC was 2009. Up until that season, my fantasy experience was limited to one local league a season. I had always finished well in my local leagues placing 1st in three of the 8 years I played, finishing 2nd another three, and third once. Even more than the success I was achieving in fantasy baseball, I loved the game itself. I loved the competition, the drafts, the in-season management, loved it all. It was addicting.

Following my local draft that season, I had a thirst for another draft. I did a Google search, hoping to find another local league at somewhat higher stakes that was short a player. I plugged in "High Stakes Fantasy Baseball". That's when I ran across an ad for the NFBC, their Main Event draft only about a week or so away. I called up the next morning and spent about a half hour on the phone with Greg, me telling him what I was looking for and he telling me all about his contest. It sounded great and even better than my original hopes for a High Stakes local league. Still, $1300 was honestly more than I was looking to spend on a game (my idea of a high stakes game was $500-1000 tops, my local league at the time being $250 or so per season). This was especially the case considering I had no idea how I would do against the level of competition Greg was describing. Still, I wanted in. I spoke about it with my wife at dinner and we decided to go for it. I registered that night and ended up being the 2nd to last entry into the Main. It's a good thing I didn't need more time to think about it.

When I walked into the Main Event draft in NYC that year, wearing my Tom Seaver jersey to its 1st NFBC event, I was in awe. At the time there was only one draft weekend so anyone drafting on the East Coast was there. If my memory serves me correctly, there were 7 or 8 tables filled with people who loved this game as much as I did. Unfortunately, I wouldn't say I was properly prepared for a 15-team 30-round draft. Understand at the time I had no idea who Shandler or Bill James were, if you asked me about BABIP I probably would have thought you were referring to some new baby gizmo my wife always seemed to be buying for my 1-year old son, 75/75 meant nothing more to me than my high school algebra grades ;) , and though I understood the concept behind the scarcity strategy, I had no idea it was called the scarcity strategy. My preparation at the time pretty much consisted of reading a fantasy baseball magazine or two, keeping up with current news through Rotoworld, and taking part in a CBS Sportline or MDC mock draft each night of the week prior to the draft. It wasn't enough. My knowledge of the player pool was weak and I struggled through the 2nd half of the draft.

Still I had a decent season. The start of my draft was solid, I hit big on a couple teen round targets, and I did solid FAAB work. After a rough start that saw me in the bottom 10 overall in May, I climbed to a high of 14th overall while fighting for my league championship by August before settling for a 3rd place league finish and 42nd overall.

Last year was going to be different. Though I was proud of my rookie season, especially considering the start, I wouldn't let lack of preparation be the reason for a finish any less than it should be. I started prepping as soon as the season ended. I bought my first copy of the Forecaster as well as Bill James, the Prospectus, Wiseguy, BA's Prospect Book, I subscribed to BHQ, Rotowire, Mastersball, Prospectus, Fantasy 911, I took part in my 1st slow draft in November and kept drafting every month through March. No matter how I finished, I was going to be ready. I was.

I ended up having a season that I'm very proud of. Though I had a couple clunkers, I was competitve in the majority of my leagues, finished in the money for several, and ended up 4th overall in the NFBC and 6th overall in the WCOFB.

This year unfortunately, my prep hasn't been nearly as thorough due to a combination of factors. A temporary downsizing at my office has created a significantly increased workload and more demands on my time for work. The birth of my twin baby girls has obviously created more demands on my time at home (though a lot more enjoyable than the work demands ). In addition, I was competitive in a number of my Fantasy Football leagues and needed to place what little time I had remaining for this hobby on that sport. Lastly but maybe most importantly, just a general minor case of burnout caused by the excitement of the last month of the season and the work throughout the season last year made me want this off-season to be more of a true off-season.

Though I still bought the Forecaster, Prospectus, Wiseguy, etc., this year, none were even opened until the last couple weeks and most remain with the binding still uncracked. I took part in no slow drafts and only two true NFBC sponsored satellite prep drafts, the SCL & Hot Tub this year (the MLBC & NFBC Keeper drafts being special formats and not true prep), and didn't even draft at all between early January and March. I would say in regards to the NFBC, until the last couple weeks, I probably spent more time looking for pictures for the Countdown rather than prepping. :D I think it was good for me. I don't want this hobby to ever feel like work.

That's not to say I did no prep. The Hot Tub draft, along with another private NFBC-style satellite filled with NFBC players both taking place over the last few weeks, helped prepare me for draft flow. These drafts and reviewing some of the recent drafts I saw posted and the latest ADP's,, gave me enough information to feel comfortable enough with draft flow to devise my draft plans. Regarding the player pool, I spent the last two plus weeks in heavy duty nightly cram sessions trying to make up for missed time. Though the time dedicated to work and my kids couldn't be bypassed for Fantasy prep, sleep was deemed a necessary sacrifice. I figured I can always sleep on the vacation I go on with the winnings from the Overall Championship. :D

Is the prep I put in this year even close to what helped me to a successful season last year? No chance. Is it enough? Honestly, I felt ready. The drafts are over, the season's about to start. Time will tell.

I have one more draft for another contest in less than an hour. I'll post my Atlantic City draft right afterwards.

My Main Event Teams - Season 3

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:24 am
by Roman2980
Looking forward to taking a look at your team. I'm also glad to hear that relative success in the NFBC is possible without being a 5, 6, or even 7 year veteran in this competition. I've been doing yearly satellite drafts familiarizing myself with the format waiting until I can afford to buy into the main event. Good luck.

My Main Event Teams - Season 3

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:13 pm
by Glenneration X
Atlantic City League 1

Draft Position - 1

In my opinion the #1 draft spot held a significant advantage over any other slot this year, even more than usual. In reviewing dozens of draft boards the past two weeks, every Pujols team looks great after the first half dozen or so picks, no matter which direction was followed in rounds 2-6.

Getting to start with Pujols in this draft, I knew the 2/3 turn would be the key to my success as it would set up what I could do with the rest of my draft. When reviewing which direction I would go with Pujols, many options were considered. Though I felt the best case scenerio would be to pair Pujols with at least one premium MI, I figured them all to be gone by the turn outside of maybe Kinsler. I decided I didn't want to go that way due to his brittle nature combined with the fact that you didn't know whether this would be the year he gave you power or speed or average. If he ever combines all three in one season, look out. I just didn't feel comfortable that this would be the year. My dream scenerio had Jose Reyes falling to that spot as I felt a power speed 1-2 of Pujols & Reyes would give me real flexibility during the rest of my draft. I also see Reyes bouncing back towards his former levels, while maybe not all the way, close enough to be a real impact in combination with Pujols. However, he's been regularly going in the early 2nd and I just didn't see it happening. Outfielders seemed to provide many quality choices at the turn, but I also felt OF was a position that offered pockets of value much later in the draft and I preferred to wait. By the time all my options were considered, it seemed that the direction I was most comfortable with that would also provide some flexibility in the draft going forward and seemed a realistic likelihood of being available was to grab one of the big three catchers and either Felix or Lincy at the turn giving me a top pitching option as well as a scarce position filled with a top player. I was comfortable with that early round draft plan and was prepared to implement it during the draft.

For the balance of my draft on offense, I planned on grabbing as many power/average options early and not worry about speed until it became cheaper later in the draft. I would neglect Judy's until at least the early teen rounds. I would focus on scarce positions early and wait on filling most of my OF until the teen rounds where I expected to find pockets of value. In regards to pitching, I wanted a pair of aces, but would then wait on pitching after that again until the teen rounds where many pitchers with upside would still be available. I planned to ignore closers until the double digit rounds.

I had my draft plan ready and it would last exactly one round.

1- Albert Pujols - Duh.

2/3- Dustin Pedroia, Jose Reyes

-I planned on taking a catcher and either Lincy or Felix here. However, I was completely surprised to see both Pedroia and Reyes still on the board. Honestly, I didn't expect to see either. I nixed my original plan and grabbed both premier MI's. I now had 75/75 covered with my 1st 3 picks and two scarce positions filled. For what I typically hope to accomplish, this draft couldn't have started out better.

4/5 - Alex Rios, Josh Johnson

-After my 1st 3 picks, I felt I had an real edge on offense. As I waited for the draft to return to my end of the board, I planned on shifting gears and possibly grabbing a pair of top pitchers here to see if I could obtain an edge at both sides of the game. Josh Johnson & Tommy Hanson were both available here and would have been my choices if Rios hadn't dropped. I was surprised to see him still available as he was typically being grabbed in the 3rd round of early drafts. With 75/75 already achieved with my 1st 3 picks, I just couldn't pass on strengthening a strength with a player who could easily provide 25/35 production and huge counting stats in that offense. I was happy to shift gears again.

-I chose Johnson over Hanson to be my ace because in my mind Johnson's done it before while Hanson's still somewhat speculative. I haven't forgotten how Johnson helped carry the staff of my Super team last year and was in contention for the Cy Young prior to being shut down the last month. Now healthy, I think he has top 5 pitcher potential with those skills and that park.

6/7- Matt Cain, Geovany Soto

-Though I've never been in love with Cain, he does fit the bill as the 2nd top starter I wanted. I think his upside is limited, however year after year he finishes with great stats. I think he's probably just real good and as reliable as they come.

-The other position I hoped to fill at this turn was 3rd base. From everything I saw prior to this draft, the 7th round offered a pocket of solid 3rd base options in Sandoval, ARam, Alvarez, & McGahee. All the drafts I took part in or reviewed had these players being drafted this round. However, none made it back to me at the end of the 6th. They all got jumped a round. I saw this in every draft I reviewed from that weekend. I guess everyone got the memo except me. :( Disappointed, I shifted to another scarce position, catcher. I love Soto this year. I think he's in his own tier, following the top 5 options, but having done it before, above the Weiters/Montero tier that would follow. I thought he might make it back to me at the next turn, but having lost out on the 3rdbasemen I had wanted, I just decided to grab a catcher I wanted right here.

8/9- Aaron Hill/Michael Young

-I targeted Aaron Hill in the 8th round of many of my drafts. Coming off a bad year, I think he represents a significant buying opportunity. He's a lifetime .270 hitter. If he regresses back up towards that number, his kind of power from the MI slot will give me another edge. I see him as Uggla light, 5 rounds later.

-Michael Young was a crossroads pick. I was back to thinking about filling my 3rd base slot and had a choice of two opposite sides of the spectrum. Obviously Michael Young was there and I felt he slipped a bit and now represented a value. However, Mark Reynolds was also available. I struggled on whether to go with the solid safe choice or go with the a guy who could singlehandedly push me over the top or destroy everything I've built to that point. If Reynolds regresses back up to a .250 average, his 40 homer 15 steal potential would make my offense incredible. However, if he Mendoza's it again, all the BA protection I obtained with the Pujols/Pedroia start would go up in smoke. I really wanted to pull the trigger on Reynolds, but went with the safe and solid choice in Young instead. The deciding factor was looking ahead to the rest of my draft and seeing players that I felt I could add late who despite some BA drag would still be an asset in counting stats if I still have BA protection available. I still question whether it was the right call.

10/11 - Wandy Rodriguez, Andrew Bailey

-It was time for another starter. The next tier of starters were beginning to go off the board and I grabbed one that I think has near ace upside. I had Wandy on a couple teams last year and his first half helped kill those teams. Of course his 2nd half helped bring those same teams back from the dead. I drafted him as a #2 last year, I like him much better as a #3.

-I had to grab a closer here. Closers were flying off the boards here and we were well into the 3rd tier options. I just missed out on Thornton, who I would have felt much more comfortable with. I could have grabbed a Cordero, Franklin or Kimbrel here and maybe should have. However, the news on Bailey was as positive as could have been hoped and if he returns healthy,his skills and role far exceed those of the other options available. I took the risk. I figured each of the other options had risk as well, without the upside Bailey offered. Probably the wrong call.

12/13- Drew Storen, Nick Swisher

-Storen was the last of the full time closers available outside of Rodney.

-Nick Swisher is one of those picks that just seem to fall in your lap. I'm not sure why he slipped so far. He's got real power, plays in a hitter's park in the middle of a great lineup, will still get full time AB's, and showed BA improvement last year. Most importantly, he fit two needs for me just when I was looking for it, a power infusion and another outfielder. One of those perfect players available at just the perfect time.

14/15- Jhoulys Chacin, Grady Sizemore

-Chacin's part of a tier of starters typically available in the early teens that I just love this year. Young, upside guys with some experience with the big club that can make your team if they approach their potential. At a minimum, he should help me with K's as a 4th starter, something I could use at this point. This is a little later than I expected him to go, which made this pick even sweeter.

-I have no problem embracing injury risk. Sometimes like my 1st year with the NFBC when I grabbed Chris Carpenter & Ervin Santana, it works out great. Other times like last year, when I grabbed Brian Roberts, Brandon Webb, & Ben Sheets, not so much. This year, it seemed OF is where I gambled on these types of players. I have either Sizemore or Beltran or both on almost every one of my teams. For this draft, I had just heard that morning that Sizemore had finally gone through run & slide drills and came out of it feeling great and would be playing in games shortly. If he comes back and even approaches what he used to be able to do, it's a huge value pick. If not, it won't be. Still, where's his floor if he plays? Is it below the 15 round? I think the risk is seriously minimized by taking him here.

16/17- Carlos Ruiz, Chase Headley

- Ianetta had gone a couple rounds earlier and there wasn't too much left at the catcher position. I considered Martin, but again went with what I felt was a solid, safe choice. Ruiz shouldn't be a BA drag at 2nd catcher, a benefit in itself, but will have near full-time AB's in a good lineup playing in a bandbox and has mid-teen home run upside. I probably jumped him a bit, but if someone else grabs him I probably wait until the last couple rounds for a catcher and those guys are the ones that could cause damage.

- Headley was not in the plans at all going in. However, the way this team has come together, I felt he was a perfect corner. I felt very comfortable at this point in power and average, but shy in speed. He offers some pop potential, but also offers SB's from a corner position. I like the fit more than the player.

18/19- Peter Bourjos, Michael Pineda

- Upside, upside, upside. Bourjos will at minimum help with the speed I was looking for, but also offers potential power upside. This is one of those guys I was saving that BA protection for. Pineda's been lights out all spring and is a lock for a rotation spot. He's a top prospect pitching in the AL's best pitcher's park with a great defense behind him. Upside, upside, upside. I have these two guys everywhere. They're two keys to my season in several leagues.

20/21- Jake McGee, Brandon Belt

- I wanted a 3rd closer and McGee at least has part of the job. I think he has all of it by mid-season, worth the gamble here.

- News that the Giants were considering switching Aubrey Huff to the OF so that Belt could open the season at 1B with the big club broke the morning of the draft. I was planning on taking him all draft long. At this point, I couldn't wait any longer.

22/23- Alexi Ogando, Josh Willingham

-Ogando was a role of the dice on the Feliz situation that came up craps. Maybe he gets the 5th starter job and makes it a pick that at least isn't wasted.

-I needed a 5th outfielder and Willingham's a pretty safe unexciting option that does offer a bit of pop that I wanted to supplement at this point.

24/25- Cliff Pennington, Mark Trumbo

-Pennington will be a backup MI for me who can provide some cheap speed if needed.

-I figured Trumbo to be a pretty decent compliment to Belt. If Belt doesn't break with the club, Trumbo can play his role on my team until he does. By the time Kendry is healthy & Trumbo's out of a job, Belt should be back up with the big squad. My yin and yang.

26/27- Aaron Harang, Garrett Jones

-I have Harang everywhere. Former stud with flyball problems that moves from bandbox park to the toughest HR park in the majors. Worth a shot.

-Jones has some pop, can steal a base or two, and backs up both 1B and OF. Nothing special but serves a purpose.

28/29/30 -Cory Luebke, Mark Rzepczynski, Brandon McCarthy

-Three reserve round pitchers, all with interesting potential, all fighting for the 5th starter spots when I drafted them. 2 out of 3 lost their battles, ahhh well....that's what FAAB is for.

All in all I like the way this team came together for me. I feel I got lucky in a couple spots when I needed to, so it's got me feeling OK about the team as a whole. Of course, there's a lot of risk here and it could all blow up on me, but I knew that going in so I'm willing to live with it no matter what happens.

My Main Event Teams - Season 3

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:50 pm
Great job with the analysis. Interesting to read your draft plan for the 2-3 turn as I did essentially what you had initially planned. (Substitute Cabrera for Pujols) good luck this season.

My Main Event Teams - Season 3

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:51 pm
Great job with the analysis. Interesting to read your draft plan for the 2-3 turn as I did essentially what you had initially planned. (Substitute Cabrera for Pujols) good luck this season.

My Main Event Teams - Season 3

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:29 pm
by Roman2980
I too had #1 pick in my satellite league. I found your original strategy interesting. I also ended up with Pedroia at the 2/3 turn to complement Pujols, but went with Bautista at 3B instead of another MI (although Reyes was still available) with plans to grab cheap speed in the OF late. Well, I ended up missing on some of those speed guys (tabata, torres, bourjos) as they got jumped 1-2 rounds early. Oh well.

I like your team.

[ March 27, 2011, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: Roman2980 ]

My Main Event Teams - Season 3

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:20 pm
by Glenneration X
Thanks Roman, thanks Gyoztes. I'm glad you guys are enjoying the thread.

Now onto my NYC Main Event draft.......

Citifield League 2

Draft Position 10

10 was my 8th KDS choice. I wanted one of the top 3 1st baseman (Pujols, Cabrera, & Votto) or top 2 SS's (Hanley & Tulo) to build my team around. I started 1-7 hoping to get a top 5 pick, but gambling with 6 or 7 in the hopes if stuck with one of those picks, one of my top choices would fall. If failing to obtain one of the above named 5 players, the consolation prize I had hoped for was AGon. Being "awarded" the 10 slot, the dreams of my top 5 options were pretty much dashed, but AGon remained viable. 10 was my 8th choice because I figured at that spot, I could build a team with a corner/corner start and I liked the way I envisioned a team coming together with that 1-2 beginning. AGon was my 1st choice as a building block for that strategy even with the associated risk, but I didn't think he'd make it past 11, thus the 10-KDS choice. In my mind, he's clearly a step above the Tex/Fielder/Howard tier. I think he has the potential to out produce all other 1st rounders this year outside of Pujols. At the 10-hole, I thought I could grab and pair him with a 2nd round 3B option like Youk or Zim and loved the idea of that start. Even if those two 3B didn't make it back to me, an AGon-Reyes start had a lot of potential as well. That's what I hoped for out of the 10-hole and I thought AGon would be there at 10 after reviewing the first weekend drafts that were available for viewing.

For the rest of my draft strategy, I wanted to again focus on scarce positions for the balance of the top 10 rounds on offense. I again wanted two top starter options to anchor my pitching, but planned on waiting for the teen rounds for the balance of my staff. Speed again wouldn't be a major focus until later and I hoped to rely on the upside plays I figured would be available in the teen rounds to fill out most of my OF.

1- David Wright

-AGon went 6th. My backup plan if AGon was Gon, was to shift to 3B and continue with the corner/corner strategy, just with a different cast of characters. I briefly considered Crawford here who was still available, but I just wasn't comfortable with the way I saw my team coming together with a first round outfielder. I passed. As far as 3B options, Longoria was gone but ARod was still on the board. I briefly considered the huge power upside of ARod, but when looking at the 2nd round, I figured Ryan Howard would be the 1B who made it back to me and I prefered the power/speed production Howard offered in combination with Wright rather than with another big power option in ARod. If I could have been certain Reyes would have made it back to me in the 2nd, I may have gone ARod, but I wasn't. I may regret passing on Crawford & ARod, but Wright was a top-4 pick for a couple years running just a couple seasons ago. That potential is still there.

2- Ryan Howard

-As expected, Tex, Fielder, & Youk were all gone. Reyes however was still on the board. I briefly thought about grabbing Reyes here and hoping Dunn made it back to me in the 3rd. However, I decided I didn't want to risk going with a 2nd tier option at 1B. I wanted a sure thing thumper. I know many feel Howard's slipping. However, with a slight rebound in HR/FB rate, he's back in the 40's this year. I stayed on plan. This is the same 1-2 start I had in last week's Ultimate. I need these two guys to come through for me.

3- Buster Posey

-I didn't expect Posey to make it to me in the back half of the 3rd round. For about the previous 4 or 5 picks, I was just hoping that he'd continue to get passed over. For my draft plan, he's a perfect pick here. He covers a scarce position with a top option, two scarce positions now filled at 3B and C. As importantly, he gives me some BA protection for Howard. I'm feeling much better about my start at this point.

4- Clayton Kershaw

-I passed on Lester, Lee, & Kershaw to grab Posey in the 3rd. In my original plan, I envisioned grabbing one of these pitchers if they were available in the 3rd round. I wanted a real strong top two starters because I didn't think I'd get enough of an edge out of offense from the 10-spot and hoped to get one elsewhere with a pair of aces. With 10 picks between my 3rd & 4th rounders, I realized there was a chance one would fall. Kershaw did. Kershaw's already a dominant force. If he continues his trend upward, he could be in the conversation as the top pitcher going into next year.

5- Tommy Hanson

-I didn't see any offensive players I wanted here. Josh Johnson & Jered Weaver went with two of the previous three picks. Dan Haren & Tommy Hanson are the last two pitchers I have in the tier of true "potential" ace. I choose Hanson over Haren because the way this team is coming together and the way this draft is flowing with quality pick after quality pick being made by the other drafters, I believe I'm going to have to go continue to go big upside to put together a team that can make a serious mark. I'm not getting the feel that there are going to be significant value picks down the line. With Posey & Kershaw already in the fold, I chose Hanson as he's trending upward while I believe Haren, while still a quality option "may be" trending in the opposite direction.

6- Colby Rasmus

-Another upside play that I was happy to see make it back to me. He has unlimited upside. The only question is does he build on last year and continue to improve in production.

7- Geovany Soto

-Time to make a pick in an attempt to create a significant edge. In the review of my AC draft, I already noted my positive outlook on Soto. Pairing him up with Posey will likely give me an edge at the catcher position over everyone in my league and many in the overall. However, to do this I'll have to push back other needs. I felt it was worth the risk at this point.

8- Elvis Andrus

-The Judy's have started flying off the board. Rajai, Pierre, Gardner, Pagan have all gone since my last pick. I'm feeling very light on steals. I also realize Andrus has slipped a round or two. With most of the established shortstop options already off the board, I see an opportunity to fill a scarce position with a speed source filling that speed need and allowing me to leave the OF options open for those who can offer more power that would be more difficult to find at the SS position from this point on. The fact that Andrus is a baby and still has growth potential just solidifies this choice for me.

9- Vlad Guerrero

-Off the upside train for a pick. Last year I thought Vlad represented tremendous value for where he was being drafted coming off one injury plagued year. I grabbed him often and he was one of the major components for several of my better performing teams. This year, coming off a great bounceback season, he's being drafted at pretty much the same spot as last year. I think Vlad represents one of the very few huge values when drafted at his ADP or even when jumped a round or two. I gladly grab him here as he should provide some BA protection, as well as nice power and counting stats in that lineup and ballpark.

10- Jonathan Broxton

-Closers started flying off the boards between rounds 7 and 9. I thought about a closer in round 9, but couldn't pass on Vlad. I grab Broxton here and have bet on him in a number of leagues to bounce back now that he's divorced from Joe Torre.

11- Brian Roberts

-The last of the veteran 2B that I like this year. Definately some risk involved, but if he can manage to stay healthy, he is a valuable MI option.

12- Josh Beckett

-This is the 1st draft this year I've grabbed him. He carries some risk, but it appears he is healthy. Getting lit up in spring training, but all accounts are that he's just working on things and all systems are go. Counting on him returning to his former ace form or close to it. Boom or bust pick, but in the 12th round, worth a shot that he at minimum gives me 3rd starter value.

13- Brandon Lyon

-Closers continue to fly off the boards and I grab one of the last full-time options. This is the 2nd live draft I've taking Lyon. Funny thing is that in both, different drafters at each draft noted that when I said the words "Brandon Lyon", I had a look of disgust on my face. Guess deep down, I'm really thrilled about this pick.

14- Travis Snider

-Looking at my team at this point, it's time to get back on the upside train if I want this team to make an impact. Travis Snider will be a stud someday. I'm counting on it being this year. If it is, this pick will help me get to where I'm trying to go.

15- Travis Wood

-When taking Snider the round before I passed on several of the young stud upside pitchers I mentioned could be found in these early teen rounds. Wood was the only one to make it back to me. I was hoping to get two of them, but I'll have to settle for just this one.

16- Peter Bourjos

-Though I love Bourjos and have him everywhere and was looking for speed here, I was hoping Denard Span would make it to me. Of course Ken Magner dashed those hopes two picks before mine. On the other teams I've rostered Bourjos, I had significantly more BA protection. This pick just exasperated a problem I was already concerned about. Still speed was flying off the boards and that was also a concern and Bourjos does fit the upside theme of my draft as well. After making this pick and looking at what remained on the draft board, I decided to put BA concerns on the back burner and continue to focus on upside. If I'm going to score well in BA, it'll have to be from trends upward from my upside picks instead of trying to draft it.

17- Edwin Encarnacion

-Huge power upside and a full time job as of now.

18- Alex Gordon

-Ripping it up this spring and a full time job. Is this finally the year?

19- Yunel Escobar

-Just surprised to see him still on the board. Still plenty of potential and could provide some pop and some of that elusive BA upside if he bounces back this year from the MI spot.

20- Jake Peavy

-I don't expect him to come back and be the Cy Young Peavy of his glory days. However, if he gives me 75% of that, he'll be more than worthy of a #5 starter spot and a 20th round pick.

21- Josh Willingham

-Wanted an infusion of pop and Willingham should provide a boring but useful 20+ home runs and a couple steals to boot.

22- Homer Bailey

-Before he got hurt, he was one of my top lower round pitching targets. How about not waiting until September to show everyone what you can do for once Homer? Like Gordon, has the pedigree. Is this the year?

23- Alexi Casilla

-Finally should get full time at bats and has speed upside. The multi-position eligibility helps as well.

24- Derek Holland

-Another young guy with serious skills that's getting his chance this year.

25- Chris Capuano

-Grabbing him in the reserve rounds in plenty of drafts. Healthy, pitching in a great pitcher's park, has done it before, and pitching great this spring. There's worse pitchers to invest a reserve round pick on.

26- Mark Trumbo

-At worst will give early season AB's and some cheap power. Here's to hoping Kendry doesn't come back for awhile.

27- Brandon McCarthy

-Another reserve pitcher with upside I seem to get in every league.

28- Melky Cabrera

-Yuck, but he'll play and I need a reserve OF that has the potential to contribute.

29- Sergio Romo

-Obliques are slow healing injuries. Hoping for a cheap save or two the first couple weeks.

30- Brad Penny

-Complete flyer. Maybe he becomes my Brett Myers this year. Those picks worked out well for me.

I'm not in love with this team. Not because of the players, but because of the composition. I've just never built a team that's so universally risk/reward from top to bottom. I'll need the vast majority of cylinders to hit for this team to make an impact, but if they do maybe I'll have something special. I'm just not counting on it.

Another year, another draft season in the books. Opening Day's only a few days away. Someone should start a Countdown. :D

My Main Event Teams - Season 3

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:18 am
Again great job Glenn. Really enjoy the well documented thought process. Think I like your 2nd weekend team better. Which do you you prefer at this stage?

My Main Event Teams - Season 3

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:27 am
Absolutely agree. That second weekend team can be beastly. Beckett/Peavy/Wood will make or break you. Love the offense.

My Main Event Teams - Season 3

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:24 am
by Glenneration X
Thanks Jeff, Gyoztes.

Gyoztes, tough call. I like both my teams right now...makes sense since I drafted both of them.

I conciously started going all upside on that 2nd team when I began to feel I was headed in a mediocre direction. Even during the draft, Ken Magner commented that I seemed to be banging upside pick after upside pick in the middle rounds. I explained why and he seemed to agree. I just may have overdid it.

We'll see how it works out. If all the upside pans out......

My Main Event Teams - Season 3

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:50 am
Glenn-give me your thoughts on my squad-located in Gekko's 100k thread