Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogging

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Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogging

Post by Glenneration X » Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:58 am

I should be studying. After all, I have both a Main and a Primetime today starting in just a few hours and I feel nowhere near ready nor prepared enough. After last night's Super Auction, my lack of readiness was just confirmed in my mind.
Phil Hughes $4??? What the hell was I thinking? :shock: :?

Yet I'm not studying. I'm not getting myself ready. Instead, I'm blogging. Again, what the hell am I thinking?

When I first started this blog in 2010, I was only in my 2nd year in the NFBC and high stakes fantasy sports. It was mid-September, the season was winding down, and my Main Event team had just completed an incredible week that vaulted itself into 2nd place in the Overall. I couldn't believe it, just a few weeks left in the season, a red hot team, and within spitting distance of winning the biggest fantasy baseball contest in the world! The excitement was overwhelming and I needed an outlet. I started writing. And I wrote every day. Thus this blog was created.

Well as history tells the story, the evil Juprinka squashed my dreams and held on for his long overdue Overall title cementing his place in NFBC lore. I, on the other hand, just became long forgotten footnote to his achievement. However, I did take something great away from the experience. A love for the NFBC, a love for the chase, and a burning desire to achieve what seemed so achievable that one September.

A lot's happened in the years since that first real taste of the chase and my first real attempt at blogging. I've had other runs at Overall titles, other achievements in fantasy sports circles, culminating with last year's NFBC Ultimate Auction win in baseball and my first fantasy sports Overall Championship when I took down fantasy football's FFWC and its 6-figure grand prize. They being both the most prestigious and most profitable achievements in my time playing this hobby. On the writing end, the boys at Baseball HQ enjoyed the blog and other posts I wrote here, and over the past two years have sponsored a Main Event team for me and hired me to write a version of this blog about that team for their website.

I should be proud of what I've been able to accomplish in my time playing High Stakes fantasy sports. Yet there's something missing. The reason I joined the NFBC, the reason I started this blog, has still not been accomplished. To win the NFBC Main Event overall title.

I've cashed a Main Event league for every year I've played. Last year, I won my second Main Event league title. Yet, I've never come as close to winning the Main Event overall as I did that one year, my 2nd year, 4 long years ago. When you come so close so early in your time doing anything, it seems like it's bound to happen. You'll learn from what caused you to miss, make a few adjustments, and voila, you'll achieve what you set out to accomplish the next try. It seems like it should be easy. Of course, it isn't. 4 years later and I'm still in the same place. Still trying to learn, still making adjustments, still chasing.

I wasn't sure I was going to write this blog again this year. Like I explained when a few on these boards wondered if I'd revisit the Countdown to the NFBC again, I've done it already, I've been there (by the way, great job on taking the baton and carrying on the Countdown this year Russ, thank you). I'm starting to feel the same about this blog. With work, with family, with what seems like too many teams (yes, once again I've failed in my promise to myself to cut back :? ) and no definitive answer if the promised FAAB improvements will make Sundays easier (ummm Greg, how about an update? :D ), it just seemed like another tax to my ever decreasing amount of free time.

Then at yesterday's Super Auction, Jody Ryan asked me if I was going to write this blog again. He said he really enjoyed it and looked forward to reading it each year. It was real nice to hear. It made me proud. Thank you Jody. Boo-yah!!! That's for you.

So I'm back for one more year of writing this blog. It occurred to me while writing just now, that I will be heading into my 6th year in the NFBC. When I first joined in 2009, the NFBC was heading into its 6th year. I think back to my rookie year. The participants of these boards and at the live drafts who had been with the NFBC since its inception seemed like such veterans to me. Yet now I have as much time in as they did then. I am the veteran now that they were then. It's funny that I still don't feel like one. I still feel like I'm new at this, taking on these established pros, trying to prove to myself I belong in their company and am worthy of competing against them.

Well, I'm back for another year of competing against them. I'm back for another year of the chase. The excitement is still overwhelming, that excitement of the first time I entered the live Main Event draft room 6 years ago, the excitement of that run at the Overall 5 years ago, the excitement that caused me to need an outlet and start writing and writing and writing. Two more hours. The chase continues.

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by NorCalAtlFan » Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:05 am

nice post. keep em coming(time permitting).

good luck in your quest

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Ando » Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:11 pm

Thanks for writing these again this year, Glenn. An excellent read as always.
"Luck is the residue of design."

-Branch Rickey

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Walla Walla » Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:30 pm

There's no crying in baseball! Your still a rookie! :roll:

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Glenneration X » Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:02 am

Thanks Bryan and Matt for your kind comments.....and even for your ummmm I guess we'll call it kind comment Walla. ;)

Good luck to each of you as well in your drafts this year.

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by blazer68 » Sun Mar 23, 2014 4:43 pm

chasing when you have cashed a main event league every year you have played is already quite an accomplishment so I would assume it will just be a question of time until you obtain your ultimate goal


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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Glenneration X » Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:45 pm

I Love New York

When Greg first posted the locations for the live Main Event drafts this year, that original announcement did not include Chicago. After being a part for all 10 years since the NFBC's inception, live drafts in the Windy City would be no more. Fortunately a grass roots movement to save the Chicago drafts by some of its more loyal participants managed to save the day as they were able to fill a handful of leagues staving off extinction for this year and hopefully years to come.

I observed all this from the sidelines, but all the while quietly rooting for Chicago to pull this off. I was very happy when they did. All I could think about was how I would feel if the NYC drafts went bye-bye. As much as I've enjoyed my treks out to the Sin City drafts the past couple years, NYC was where I first took part in the NFBC, it's my home base, it's where those I first got to know in high stakes play.

The NYC drafts ended last night for me. Over the two days I attended out there, I had a blast as always. The following are a few of the highlights...or lowlights:

Dirty Water Dogs - We all have a vice. Dirty water dogs are mine. Well, one of mine :? . Every year after taking the train into NYC, I grab one, or ummm at least one :? , during my walk from Penn Station to my hotel or directly to the drafts. It's a good thing I decided to uphold the tradition this year instead of expecting to eat when I arrived at the drafts. I heard I just missed out on the slice of pizza they were dishing out at the Hilton. Well, at least it was Digiorno. :roll: All joking aside, after that slightly inauspicious start, the food did improve the rest of the weekend. The filet mignon tacos during the Main were pretty damn good and the turkey during the Primetime later that night was great as well.

Busting Tom's Balls - Over the years, I've been known to get on Tom's case during the NYC events for transgressions sometimes real, but mostly made up. :mrgreen: He always takes it in stride and typically plays along. This year, the Digiorno pizza was the initial volley, but quickly turned to of course.....a FAAB update. When I recruited others to ask for updates as well, Tom simply stated he was "no longer talking to Lowy". :mrgreen: All in fun of course. Still, when the topic of FAAB got serious during the weekend, his response was along the lines of "you'll have to ask Greg for an update". Uh oh. :?

NYC Super Auction - A great league with ridiculously skilled participants who go against each other multiple times year after year, I definitely felt like the new guy and a little out of my element. It was a great time though and an unbelievably challenging auction. I guess a couple times my frustration shown through, which at one time led Ice Cream Man to remind me that "I'm playing with the big boys now!" There was no doubt.
Alan Greenberg did a great job making the league even more special for each of the participants. Thank you Alan. He put together albums for each of us, filled with the baseball cards of our favorite team from the year of their last World Championship. I guess it's a good thing there weren't any Cubbie fans in the Auction. :? Alan also had two special prizes that he awarded that were tied into winning bids for two specific players through the Auction. The prizes were an autographed Mets baseball and a Yankees jersey. Of course in a league loaded with fans of the local NY squads, a Phils fan won the Mets baseball, and of all things, a Red Sox fan the Yankees jersey.
One more classic moment in the Auction, early on during the first time around throwing out players, Gekko announced David Ortiz with the added nugget "Remember, anyone who wins Ortiz will be locking up their utility spot and losing all flexibility." Well thanks for looking out for us Mark. ;) Of course, he won Ortiz for $16. I guess he didn't mind the lost flexibility. By the way, Dee Gordon went for $2. Mark thought that too expensive to outbid. :o

Late Night Steaks & Debate - The MtM organized Friday night after party had a few less attendees than advertised and had to switch from Ruth Cris to a local pub/restaurant last minute, but was a great time nonetheless. Thanks for setting all that up Mikey. I'm not big on after-midnight meals, but the steaks were great and really hit the spot. The conversation though was even better. The highlight was when Greenberg and Dobies led the anticipated Mets-Yankees debate. As a completely impartial observer, I'd have to call the debate a slam dunk victory for the Greenberg contingent.
Sorry Jeff. :mrgreen:

The Main Event - There's really not much I can say about the live Main Event, except that whether in Vegas or NYC, it always is something that brings me great anticipation and always is something that lives up to the billing.

BHQ - There were a couple times during the weekend that other players mentioned they enjoyed reading my articles over at Baseball HQ. I was very flattered to realize that the BHQ editors and my family aren't the only people who bother to read my stuff. One time during a break in the Main Event, one player in my league even stated that he learned something from one of my articles. :shock: Ummmm, learned something from me? Doesn't he know I wouldn't even trust my own advice!! I've got to tell Ray Murphy to add a disclaimer to my articles from now on. :D

Neftali Feliz & Josh Johnson - Every year, Tom announces the wifi codes prior to the draft. Every year, I plug in the password, sign on, pull up Rotoworld and plan on checking up on the latest news prior and during the drafts. And I never do. Thus I draft Neftali Feliz in the Main an hour after it's announced that Soria was named closer and I draft Josh Johnson in the Primetime an hour after it's announced that he's going to miss a month. I was wondering why they fell so far. :? When I drafted Johnson in the Primetime, Dobies called out to me across the draft table "Weren't you listening when I told everyone the Johnson injury news just before the draft??" Well of course not Jeff. I was having a last minute pre-draft cigarette!! Yet another reason to give up smoking. :?

Primetime - Looking at this league heading into draft weekend, all I could see was how brutal it was. Some claim that I have a tendency to blow the shark quotient of a league out of proportion. Well, maybe. ;) However, there was no doing that with this draft, especially when looking at the top half. I found myself in the middle of a run of Edelman, Greenberg, Dobies, Palavis, and Magner... all around me in the top half of the draw. Yikes!! :shock: And the draft played out just as tough as expected.
However, there was a benefit to having so many players that know what they're doing in one draft. 30 minutes. That's how long it took to get through the 1st 10 rounds of this Primetime. Yes, you read right. 30 minutes. The entire draft, under two hours. The fastest draft I've ever been a part of. And that's with William Perry trying to draft 2 or 3 already chosen players... every single round. So when a draft plays out like that, it's almost worth it to be surrounded by sharks.
And the shark quotient wasn't even as bad as it could have been. Juprinka was looking into joining. Luckily, he ended up joining an Online Primetime instead and was drafting alone on his laptop at the table next to ours... hours after we finished. :mrgreen: And of course when we were done, there were at least 5 of us giving Juprinka unwanted advice for the rest of his draft. Serves him right for avoiding the shark tank. :P

The Train Ride Home - When all was said and done with the Primetime (and advising Juprinka :lol: ), it was time to head home. I shared a train with my good friend, neighbor, and should-be-mentor :mrgreen:, Jeff Dobies and his boys, talking fantasy baseball most of the way. I don't think there's a better way to end a draft weekend than to get to chat about it with someone who loves the hobby as much as you do.

It was a great weekend. I love New York and I love the NFBC. Put the two together and you've got a great combination. And the greatest thing about that combination is the people it helps bring together at these drafts, both those who run them and those who partake in them.

It was great seeing all the guys again that I've gotten to know over the years as the regular NYC crew, Mr. Kessenich of course, as well as Dobies, Juprinka, the Mouth, Edelman, Magner, Saxton, the Ice Cream Man, Gekko, Ante, Greenberg, Bendar, Duponte, Mitlof, Martino, Kielinski, John Hogan, Gillis, etc. etc.

Plus a couple great guys visiting the Big City that I usually see out in Vegas in Gates and Zola.

And it was great meeting or chatting with for the first time with Hal Goldstein, Jody Ryan, Matt Modica, Leonard Ringle, Steve Lerner, Andre Boucier, Chris Throop, Cory Schwartz, Artie Rastelli, etc. etc.

If I left anyone out, I am sorry. It's just there's so many great people that you meet and chat with at these live drafts. It's most of what makes them great. I'll see some of you in a few days in Sin City, others next year back in NYC. I know each will once again be a blast of a good time.

PS.... I wrote most of this while taking part in a Sunday Primetime. Let's just say an Online draft cannot compare in either the fun or excitement. If anyone's on the fence about trying a live draft one day, take it from me, do it. You'll never go back to Online only.

PSS... I just looked over the team I drafted while writing this. Man, I got crushed tonight.
Maybe I should study more and write less!! :?

PSSS... Any update on FAAB Greg? Tom told us to ask you. :mrgreen:

Only in New York. :D

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Money » Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:16 am


I look forward to everything you write and post here. Thank you for taking the time to do so.

Sounds like a Great time was had by all in NYC!!

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Glenneration X » Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:30 pm

Thank you Blazer.

Thank you too Joe Money. I'll see you in Sunny Vegas in just a couple more days.

Ahhh "Sunny" Vegas. :D I cannot wait. As much as I love New York, I am just sick and tired of this never ending winter. While I noticed that it reached the 80's out in Sin City today, when I headed out to work this morning on Long Island I got to enjoy a balmy 24 degrees. :? Jeez, I thought it was spring already!

And Mother Nature, knowing that I'll be escaping this winter hell shortly, has decided to give me one last snow storm tomorrow night into Wednesday as a going away present. In time of course to likely create flight delays at JFK just as I'm boarding my plane Wednesday morning. :? Well nice try Mother Nature, because nothing will stop me from getting to Vegas! I'll hitchhike there if need be, I'll walk there in snow shoes, I'll go barefoot if that's the only way out!!! ;) :mrgreen:

All that likely won't be necessary. Still.....



Screw you Winter!!! I'm outta here! :mrgreen: 8-)

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Glenneration X » Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:10 pm

Just one more day and it's....

Goodbye Snow....

Because I'm jumping on a plane out of chilly New York....

And heading to sunny Las Vegas....

Where I can play some cards....

Chill by the pool if I want....

And yes, maybe even draft a team or two!!!

Life is good. :mrgreen:

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by ALL-IN JD » Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:42 pm

A team or two???? You mean 19 or 20!! :D :D

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Glenneration X » Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:52 pm

ALL-IN JD wrote:A team or two???? You mean 19 or 20!! :D :D
Shhhh!!! I told my wife it was two. :?

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by ALL-IN JD » Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:55 pm

Yeah, and I told my wife that most of the leagues cost a couple of hundred dollars!! :D :D

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Quahogs » Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:20 am

ALL-IN JD wrote:Yeah, and I told my wife that most of the leagues cost a couple of hundred dollars!! :D :D
:shock: Hope nothing slips the lips at Changs ! Ya know just saying... just saying. ;)

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by ALL-IN JD » Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:41 pm

Not worried! Mrs. Jupinks is on speed dial!! :D :D :D

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by blazer68 » Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:46 pm

always fun to get tricks on how to explain financial costs to our signifigent others from a couple of experts

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Glenneration X » Mon Mar 31, 2014 4:25 pm

Leaving Las Vegas

And so it begins. Already so many of us are licking our wounds while checking out the box scores and reading up on the early season news of the Opening Day games. Jose Reyes, one at bat and out. Wilson Ramos, broken hand. Jim Henderson & Nate Jones adding to yesterday's Casey Janssen news and throwing many a closer ranks spiraling into the abyss.
(By the way, have I mentioned yet this year how much I HATE CLOSERS!!! :? )

Still, it's Opening Day. As Wayne mentioned on these boards earlier in the draft season, it should be a national holiday. Unfortunately for now our elected officials, as well as our employers, don't necessarily agree. For me however, I authorized it as a "personal holiday", as I remained in Las Vegas for one additional day before heading out on the red eye back to New York tonight. A day to just bet on and watch a few games. A day to unwind after a weekend filled with the responsibilities of maybe a couple too many scheduled drafts for myself before returning back home to the waiting responsibilities of career, family....and of course FAAB. (By the way Greg, any update on FAAB? ;) )

So before I look forward to the season just started and try to fix what is already so very broken, I thought I'd take a very quick look back at the week just completed, my NFBC Vegas week, a week that has become one of the annual highlights of my year.

No, I'm not talking about a review of my drafts. Maybe we'll get to that tomorrow, or later this week, after I've recovered from this past week of purposely limited sleep. Instead, I thought I'd write about what really makes the NFBC weekend great beyond the drafts, and that's the people who take part and the great times shared. And for me personally, it isn't about a night out with the Massotto crew to the Spearmint Rhino and living out an NFBC version of The Hangover (though that might have been fun too :D ). It's about quieter, maybe less news or even blog worthy moments. For instance, it's instead about catching up with my friend Massotto and looking over and discussing his Main Event draft with him Saturday afternoon rather than the strippers from the night before. :mrgreen:

It's about catching up with all the early arrivals at the Viewing Party, even if all that was served was the Digiorno pizza Tom saved from the NYC drafts and had flown out to Vegas for us. :? Just kidding Greg and Tom, the party was a blast. It's about a bunch of us trying to talk the Vegas showgirl Greg hired to pull the draft order why she should rig the drawing in our favor. By the way, she was as sweet a girl as she was cute, even if I couldn't remember her name. Britanny, Tiffany, seriously, that's an easy mixup!!! Maybe that's why she gave me the dreaded 9-hole. :? It's about the Jersey boys, Massotto, Juprinka, Fleming, Particelli, KOQ, etc. etc. showing up en masse to the event two hours late like some fantasy baseball version of the Jersey Shore (of course Massotto would be The Situation in our version) and the decibal level of the party increasing by more than the increased number of attendees should warrant. :? ;)

It's about playing cards with my neighbor Dobies after the party. Or hanging out at the Bellagio bar with Juprinka and Particelli between the Main Event and Platinum drafts just chewing the fat. Or hanging out at the sports book again with Juprinka and Particelli but this time joined by Lindy and Gabe after the Ultimate Auction Sunday. By the way, two Overall Main Event winners, last year's Diamond runaway champ....and me. An NFBC version of the game "What doesn't belong in this picture?"

But most of all, it's about the drafts. Not so much the drafts themselves, though they are always a blast. However, anyone who's drafted both live or online can tell you of the significant difference between the two and not just in difficulty (let's not revisit that message board topic for awhile :? ). It's about the chatting and laughing with those that you are drafting alongside of, whether Wayne Edwards and Nick Cassavettes at the Main Event, or Dan Semsel and John Stadt at the Ultimate Auction, Jim Ferrari and Dave Hubbard at the Platinum, and on and on. It's about meeting, chatting with, and getting to know so many others before the drafts, during the breaks, and afterwards, whether long time friend or first time acquaintance. There are just too many to name and because I'm afraid to leave anyone out, I'll just say it was great seeing everyone again, or for the first time. I had a blast. You made my week and I already can't wait 'til next year. As we discussed at the Sportsbook last night, this is our time to spend time with others who share the same passions we do, for baseball, for fantasy baseball, and for the NFBC, and to talk about all of the above.

Tonight I finally leave Las Vegas. I miss my family. I miss my wife, I miss my kids, I can't wait to see them. Tomorrow, or shortly afterwards I'm sure, I'll miss Vegas and the NFBC Weekend. Thanks Greg, thanks Tom, for helping make this an annual tradition for me. It was fun. You can count on me being a part for many years to come.

Good bye Sin City. See you next year.

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Glenneration X » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:02 pm

Last night I took the red eye across country and woke up while touching down in New York this morning. I spent the day relaxing and spending time with my wife and kids. As much as I enjoy the Vegas experience, it feels good to be home.

Once the kids went to bed and the wife settled down to the latest episode of "Housewives of Whatever County", I settled down with my laptop and caught up on some boxscores and fantasy baseball news.

Ahhhhh. Boxscores and fantasy baseball news, and the regular season version at that!! :D

Our fantasy baseball season has officially started. The signs are all around us. Jose Reyes is on the DL. Closer carnage is already upon us. All indicators are that we're full blown baseball mode. But nothing says it more than boxscores and regular season fantasy baseball news. :D

Once again, it feels good to be home. And little says home more than settling down to....
well, in case you didn't catch onto the theme of this post... boxscores and regular season fantasy baseball news.

Now excuse me while I switch over to FAAB to find replacements for Reyes and all my closers!!! :?

There's no place like home.

And for those who haven't heard, I hear Massotto is working on a modern day remake of the flick called.....

....."Not Your Parents Wizard of Oz".

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Glenneration X » Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:47 pm

NYC Main Event

I play many different types of leagues, many different formats, even different contests when those contests don't fold. 15-teamers, 12-teamers, overalls and independent leagues, mixed and only, low dollar and frighteningly high stakes. I love them all. Still, when I started this blog 4 years ago and named it "Chasing the NFBC", it was during my chase of Juprinka that September for the Main Event overall championship.

I use this blog, now heading into its 5th year, to discuss all types of topics, typically but not always baseball related, mostly but not universally fantasy baseball related, and though more often than not NFBC related, it's not the only topic I write about. However this blog's primary focus going into every season is still the NFBC, its flagship contest the Main Event, and my continued chase for that championship. Therefore, each and every year when I provide a draft recap for my teams, it is only for the Main Event. This year will be no different.

I drafted three Main Event teams this year. One in NYC, one online, and one in Vegas. The one drafted online was sponsored by BHQ and that draft recap will be published on their website in the coming days. So the focus here will be on the other two teams. We'll start with the NYC draft.

This was a brutal league. I know everyone feels their league is tough, but there is no exaggerating the level of competition the luck of the draw provided for this league. Two Main Event overall champions in Juprinka and Rastelli, the Auction Champion in Greenberg,'s Corey Schwartz (a 2-time Main Event champion for those who don't like to give credit to "experts"), plus a bevy of other respected players in Bendar, Boucier, Kielinski, Chan, etc. etc. etc.

The one saving grace, after years of getting rough draw after rough draw....
I was FINALLY awarded the 1st pick for this draft! :mrgreen:

The following is how I drafted from the 1-hole and my thought process throughout:

1.1 - Mike Trout OF1 - The only question being how I was going to build from here.

2.15/3.1 - Ian Desmond SS/Dustin Pedroia 2B - I went back and forth in the days leading up to this draft on what I was going to do at this turn. Would I draft two stud starters if available and pair them with Trout to create a strong base on both sides of the category ledger? Would I draft one? Would I just build on the offensive base? I honestly didn't make my decision until the draft made it back to me, even though I was leaning in this direction. With the opportunity to get two stud options for the middle infield and approach 75/75 with two scarce positions addressed out of my first 3 offensive categories, I decided to forego pitching until the next turn. Part of the decision was made due to the fact that although Kershaw and Darvish were both drafted by the end of the 1st round, not one other pitcher was drafted in the entirety of the 2nd round. Every draft is different. Could this be one where the drafters universally push pitching to build offense? I was willing to roll the dice to find out.

4.15/5.1 - Wilin Rosario C1/Michael Wacca SP1 - The toughest thing about the 1st pick in a 15-teamer is that nothing is assured of making it back to you 30 picks after any turn. 15 pitchers, 12 of them starters went in the 28 picks between my 3rd and 4th rounders. No sure fire and experienced stud pitcher remained. My 1st choice at this turn was to build upon my offensive edge to counteract the pitching edge I gave away at the last turn by taking another elite option at another scarce position in Wilin Rosario. I'm feeling really good about the offense at this point, but I do need to take a pitcher and a "true ace" is no longer an option. However, one of the reasons I was OK with rolling the dice by not taking a true stud at the 2/3 turn is I believe this year more than most, there's a bevy of young upside arms that a drafter can build a pretty formidable staff from if the right ones are chosen. Let's not forget that Darvish, Scherzer, Bumgarner, & Sale were typically 4th rounders last year, Matt Harvey a 7th rounder, and Jose Fernandez just an expensive FAAB pickup. So who is potentially this year's Harvey or Fernandez? A conversation with my neighbor Jeff Dobies and Hal Goldstien helped convince me it could be Michael Wacca. Thus the pick. I did consider grabbing Gerrit Cole here and pairing him up with Wacca, but I believe this tier of young pitching to be very very deep and decide that keeping the offensive edge is more paramount.

6.15/7.1 - Allen Craig 1B/Julio Teheran SP2 - I was all set to go back to back pitching here, but I was mildly surprised to see Allen Craig fall two rounds beyond his pre-Main ADP to this point. I still need a 1B and Craig seems a solid addition to my offensive base by contributing some additional BA protection, some pop, and the anticipated counting stats that come with hitting in a pretty good offense. By taking Craig here, I had to decide between Teheran and Cobb. From the drafts I witnessed over these past two weekends, most seem higher on Cobb, but I decide on Teheran as I believe he to be the possessor of the more elite "arm" and without a doubt the better team and division.

8.15/9.1 - Tony Cingrani SP3/Mike Napoli 1B/CI - I feel it imperative to grab the arm I passed on during the last turn. Though I'm very confident that to this point my offense has an edge on the others in this league, I don't want to give away too much in pitching to those who've already paired up an upside arm with an ace. I decide to try to make up ground by beating them to the 3rd pitcher punch. In Cingrani I grab an upside guy I love this year. He plays for a very good team, has an electric arm, should at minimum contribute in K's, and if he can harness his stuff can help me more than catch up in pitching. Napoli may have been a slight reach here as he's often fallen a couple rounds further in drafts. However I believe the BA base I've set up for this team to this point makes a power bat like Napoli more of a positive to this team and his BA risk less of a negative.

10.15/11.1 - Grant Balfour RP1/Michael Cuddyer OF2 - As is typical around now, relievers start flying off the board. I am tempted to grab two here and just get it over with. However, I suffer from a disease known as "pushclosersasfaraspossibleitis". I like Balfour as a quality reliever who is dropping further than he should due to the Baltimore scare, so I grab him here. However, I just cannot pass on drafting Cuddyer here as a nice addition to my OF ranks who has a history of contributing across the board. I decide to gamble that at least one more closer with the job will make it back to me at the next turn, a long 30 picks away. :shock:

12.15/13.1 - John Axford RP2/Daniel Murphy 2B/MI - Gamble pays off. I grab Axford as one of the two only remaining relievers with the locked in closer role (Veras was the other) and put my closer thoughts to bed for another draft. For my other pick, I grab Daniel Murphy who brings some additional BA protection for later in the draft if necessary, some speed that I'm starting to feel light in, and of course most importantly a New York Met to this roster. :D

14.15/15.1 - Carl Crawford OF3/Todd Frazier 3B - In Crawford I get some more needed speed. He stated over the preseason that he wanted to steal 40 bases this season. I'd be more than happy with 25 with double digit pop. In Frazier I grabbed the last 3B I was comfortable with, one who should be good for 20 HR's and a handful of SB's. It's a good thing I grab him here as Steve Lerner in the 2-spot says that he was his very next pick as well.

16.15/17.1 - Michael Bourn OF4/Tim Lincecum SP4 - Risky picks, yes. However if they can ever regain even a modicum of their former glory days, they have upside as well. At minimum they should contribute in SB's and K's respectively.

18.15/19.1 - Rick Porcello SP5/Neftali Feliz CIW - A "funny" story. Juprinka grabbed Soria in the 10th round, a little early I thought for a reliever still fighting for the closer role. At the time, I figured he'd try to pair him up with Feliz and lock in the Texas job. Yet just before this pick, I realized Feliz was still available. In my mind, Juprinka had f**ked up and pushed Feliz way too far. I grab him here as both a 3rd closer option and a preventive move. Genius!! :D It wasn't until after the draft that I was informed that Soria was awarded the Texas closer role during our draft, about 5 minutes before Juprinka chose Soria!!! :? Why don't I ever check Rotoworld while drafting???? Idiot I am.

20.15/21.1 - Alex Avila C2/John Lackey SP6

22.15/23.1 - Mike Joyce OF5/Mike Saunders UT

24.15/25.1 - Brandon Morrow SP7/Scott Baker Res P

26.15/27.1 - Trevor Plouffe Res CI/Felipe Paulino Res P

28.15/29.1 - Erik Johnson Res P/Jameson Taillon Res P

30.15 - Jordy Mercer Res MI

Summary - The Feliz pick aside, I was somewhat satisfied with this draft. I need the upside pitching to come through, but the offense should be competitive from the beginning. I do have some work to do in FAAB as some of my picks have crapped out already. I did manage to grab Jose Valverde in the first FAAB before the Parnell injury news. We'll see how that works out, but it already makes the Feliz blunder a little easier to take. Hopefully, I manage to find a few other players to fill in the obvious holes left from the draft in the weeks moving forward.

Tonight I'll post the draft recap for my Las Vegas Main.

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by ALL-IN JD » Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:15 pm

Glenneration X wrote:NYC Main Event

I play many different types of leagues, many different formats, even different contests when those contests don't fold. 15-teamers, 12-teamers, overalls and independent leagues, mixed and only, low dollar and frighteningly high stakes. I love them all. Still, when I started this blog 4 years ago and named it "Chasing the NFBC", it was during my chase of Juprinka that September for the Main Event overall championship.

I use this blog, now heading into its 5th year, to discuss all types of topics, typically but not always baseball related, mostly but not universally fantasy baseball related, and though more often than not NFBC related, it's not the only topic I write about. However this blog's primary focus going into every season is still the NFBC, its flagship contest the Main Event, and my continued chase for that championship. Therefore, each and every year when I provide a draft recap for my teams, it is only for the Main Event. This year will be no different.

I drafted three Main Event teams this year. One in NYC, one online, and one in Vegas. The one drafted online was sponsored by BHQ and that draft recap will be published on their website in the coming days. So the focus here will be on the other two teams. We'll start with the NYC draft.

This was a brutal league. I know everyone feels their league is tough, but there is no exaggerating the level of competition the luck of the draw provided for this league. Two Main Event overall champions in Juprinka and Rastelli, the Auction Champion in Greenberg,'s Corey Schwartz (a 2-time Main Event champion for those who don't like to give credit to "experts"), plus a bevy of other respected players in Bendar, Boucier, Kielinski, Chan, etc. etc. etc.

The one saving grace, after years of getting rough draw after rough draw....
I was FINALLY awarded the 1st pick for this draft! :mrgreen:

The following is how I drafted from the 1-hole and my thought process throughout:

1.1 - Mike Trout OF1 - The only question being how I was going to build from here.

2.15/3.1 - Ian Desmond SS/Dustin Pedroia 2B - I went back and forth in the days leading up to this draft on what I was going to do at this turn. Would I draft two stud starters if available and pair them with Trout to create a strong base on both sides of the category ledger? Would I draft one? Would I just build on the offensive base? I honestly didn't make my decision until the draft made it back to me, even though I was leaning in this direction. With the opportunity to get two stud options for the middle infield and approach 75/75 with two scarce positions addressed out of my first 3 offensive categories, I decided to forego pitching until the next turn. Part of the decision was made due to the fact that although Kershaw and Darvish were both drafted by the end of the 1st round, not one other pitcher was drafted in the entirety of the 2nd round. Every draft is different. Could this be one where the drafters universally push pitching to build offense? I was willing to roll the dice to find out.

4.15/5.1 - Wilin Rosario C1/Michael Wacca SP1 - The toughest thing about the 1st pick in a 15-teamer is that nothing is assured of making it back to you 30 picks after any turn. 15 pitchers, 12 of them starters went in the 28 picks between my 3rd and 4th rounders. No sure fire and experienced stud pitcher remained. My 1st choice at this turn was to build upon my offensive edge to counteract the pitching edge I gave away at the last turn by taking another elite option at another scarce position in Wilin Rosario. I'm feeling really good about the offense at this point, but I do need to take a pitcher and a "true ace" is no longer an option. However, one of the reasons I was OK with rolling the dice by not taking a true stud at the 2/3 turn is I believe this year more than most, there's a bevy of young upside arms that a drafter can build a pretty formidable staff from if the right ones are chosen. Let's not forget that Darvish, Scherzer, Bumgarner, & Sale were typically 4th rounders last year, Matt Harvey a 7th rounder, and Jose Fernandez just an expensive FAAB pickup. So who is potentially this year's Harvey or Fernandez? A conversation with my neighbor Jeff Dobies and Hal Goldstien helped convince me it could be Michael Wacca. Thus the pick. I did consider grabbing Gerrit Cole here and pairing him up with Wacca, but I believe this tier of young pitching to be very very deep and decide that keeping the offensive edge is more paramount.

6.15/7.1 - Allen Craig 1B/Julio Teheran SP2 - I was all set to go back to back pitching here, but I was mildly surprised to see Allen Craig fall two rounds beyond his pre-Main ADP to this point. I still need a 1B and Craig seems a solid addition to my offensive base by contributing some additional BA protection, some pop, and the anticipated counting stats that come with hitting in a pretty good offense. By taking Craig here, I had to decide between Teheran and Cobb. From the drafts I witnessed over these past two weekends, most seem higher on Cobb, but I decide on Teheran as I believe he to be the possessor of the more elite "arm" and without a doubt the better team and division.

8.15/9.1 - Tony Cingrani SP3/Mike Napoli 1B/CI - I feel it imperative to grab the arm I passed on during the last turn. Though I'm very confident that to this point my offense has an edge on the others in this league, I don't want to give away too much in pitching to those who've already paired up an upside arm with an ace. I decide to try to make up ground by beating them to the 3rd pitcher punch. In Cingrani I grab an upside guy I love this year. He plays for a very good team, has an electric arm, should at minimum contribute in K's, and if he can harness his stuff can help me more than catch up in pitching. Napoli may have been a slight reach here as he's often fallen a couple rounds further in drafts. However I believe the BA base I've set up for this team to this point makes a power bat like Napoli more of a positive to this team and his BA risk less of a negative.

10.15/11.1 - Grant Balfour RP1/Michael Cuddyer OF2 - As is typical around now, relievers start flying off the board. I am tempted to grab two here and just get it over with. However, I suffer from a disease known as "pushclosersasfaraspossibleitis". I like Balfour as a quality reliever who is dropping further than he should due to the Baltimore scare, so I grab him here. However, I just cannot pass on drafting Cuddyer here as a nice addition to my OF ranks who has a history of contributing across the board. I decide to gamble that at least one more closer with the job will make it back to me at the next turn, a long 30 picks away. :shock:

12.15/13.1 - John Axford RP2/Daniel Murphy 2B/MI - Gamble pays off. I grab Axford as one of the two only remaining relievers with the locked in closer role (Veras was the other) and put my closer thoughts to bed for another draft. For my other pick, I grab Daniel Murphy who brings some additional BA protection for later in the draft if necessary, some speed that I'm starting to feel light in, and of course most importantly a New York Met to this roster. :D

14.15/15.1 - Carl Crawford OF3/Todd Frazier 3B - In Crawford I get some more needed speed. He stated over the preseason that he wanted to steal 40 bases this season. I'd be more than happy with 25 with double digit pop. In Frazier I grabbed the last 3B I was comfortable with, one who should be good for 20 HR's and a handful of SB's. It's a good thing I grab him here as Steve Lerner in the 2-spot says that he was his very next pick as well.

16.15/17.1 - Michael Bourn OF4/Tim Lincecum SP4 - Risky picks, yes. However if they can ever regain even a modicum of their former glory days, they have upside as well. At minimum they should contribute in SB's and K's respectively.

18.15/19.1 - Rick Porcello SP5/Neftali Feliz CIW - A "funny" story. Juprinka grabbed Soria in the 10th round, a little early I thought for a reliever still fighting for the closer role. At the time, I figured he'd try to pair him up with Feliz and lock in the Texas job. Yet just before this pick, I realized Feliz was still available. In my mind, Juprinka had f**ked up and pushed Feliz way too far. I grab him here as both a 3rd closer option and a preventive move. Genius!! :D It wasn't until after the draft that I was informed that Soria was awarded the Texas closer role during our draft, about 5 minutes before Juprinka chose Soria!!! :? Why don't I ever check Rotoworld while drafting???? Idiot I am.

20.15/21.1 - Alex Avila C2/John Lackey SP6

22.15/23.1 - Mike Joyce OF5/Mike Saunders UT

24.15/25.1 - Brandon Morrow SP7/Scott Baker Res P

26.15/27.1 - Trevor Plouffe Res CI/Felipe Paulino Res P

28.15/29.1 - Erik Johnson Res P/Jameson Taillon Res P

30.15 - Jordy Mercer Res MI

Summary - The Feliz pick aside, I was somewhat satisfied with this draft. I need the upside pitching to come through, but the offense should be competitive from the beginning. I do have some work to do in FAAB as some of my picks have crapped out already. I did manage to grab Jose Valverde in the first FAAB before the Parnell injury news. We'll see how that works out, but it already makes the Feliz blunder a little easier to take. Hopefully, I manage to find a few other players to fill in the obvious holes left from the draft in the weeks moving forward.

Tonight I'll post the draft recap for my Las Vegas Main.
I must say neighbor that with some solid pitching from the likes of Lincecum and Porcello this team is beyond dangerous. The offense is power packed and I really like the first three arms A LOT!. I do some danger in SB's as counting on Bourn and Crawford is less than ideal, so I think you might be chasing. Other then that I am thinking Jupinka might be looking up at you in the standings!! :-)

Well done my friend!

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Glenneration X » Wed Apr 02, 2014 7:00 pm

ALL-IN JD wrote:I must say neighbor that with some solid pitching from the likes of Lincecum and Porcello this team is beyond dangerous. The offense is power packed and I really like the first three arms A LOT!. I do some danger in SB's as counting on Bourn and Crawford is less than ideal, so I think you might be chasing. Other then that I am thinking Jupinka might be looking up at you in the standings!! :-)

Well done my friend!
Thank you my friend. Reading that from someone whose opinion I truly respect is certainly a good feeling. I see the same potential downside that you do, but hopefully I can fix the holes in season and have Juprinka looking up at me in the standings of this NYC Main as you say for once!! ;)

The following is the recap of my Vegas draft.....

Las Vegas Main Event

When the draft spots were announced for this league, I found myself awarded the 14-hole in the draft. Having set a KDS of 1-15, I would normally be disappointed with this spot. However, since I had already drafted out of the 1-hole for the NYC Main, I actually welcomed the thought of drafting from the other end and seeing what I could do from there for my Vegas Main.

This was another tough roster of owners for this league with the likes of former Main Event champ Dave Potts, former runner up Ken Magner, last year's runaway Diamond champ Bobby Particelli along with other tough outs the likes of Wayne Edwards, Nick Cassavetes, Walla Walla, Mark Bender, Greg Glukhovsky, etc etc among those I'd be drafting against.

Drafting from the back end of the draft, I decided not to go in with a predetermined strategy and instead to let the draft come to me and help dictate the early direction of how I build my team. I'd take it from there. The following is how things played out for this draft:

1.14/2.2 - Hanley Ramirez SS / Robinson Cano 2B - This is why I am of the belief that you need to be flexible and be able to shift on the run when drafting out of the back end of the draft. There was no way I could have expected to have the opportunity to draft these two elite MI options and plan around it pre-draft. In fact, I also had the option of drafting Jacoby Ellsbury here as well. I chose the Hanley/Cano combo as I relished the idea of having the scarce MI positions locked up with the top option at each spot. I now sat back and waited to draft whatever elite pitching ace fell to me in the third.

3.14/4.2 - Jay Bruce OF1 / Buster Posey C1 - Every draft is different. Up to this point in the draft season, I had every reason to believe that one of the elite pitching aces would be available at this point. At least that's what both ADP and my prior drafts told me. But not in this draft. Pitchers started flying off the board in the back half of the 2nd round and didn't stop until even Michael Wacca was drafted several picks before the draft made it back to me. I've never seen anything like it. It actually threw me for a bit. By the time I had the opportunity to pick again, the only pitcher I even considered a borderline true ace remaining was Greinke. But Greinke in the 3rd? I was left with a dilemma. Do I draft Greinke far earlier than I think he's worth in an attempt to keep up with the others who've reached for pitching? Or do I zig while they zagged and take the stud offensive players that shouldn't have been left available to me here and hope to catch up in pitching by mining the deep reservoir of young upside options later in the draft. I almost always zig while others zag. By taking Posey, I now have the best player at each of three scarce positions. By pairing Posey with Bruce, I help mitigate Bruce's one potential downside in BA risk, but still receive the benefits of his safe and steady power bat. I now feel my offense is getting to the point of being as strong as could be hoped. However, I have a lot of work to do on the pitching side. I hope at this point that Gerrit Cole makes it back to me in the 5th as I believe he to have the greatest "ace" potential of the remaining young upside options.

5.14/6.2 - Jason Heyward OF2 / Masahiro Tanaka SP1 - As the draft moved back towards me, my hopes were high that Cole would make it. He didn't. Cassavetes grabbed him with the pick before mine and placed a momentary dagger in my fantasy heart. Teheran had been grabbed a couple picks before that. Wacca was long gone. The three young arms I would have been most comfortable slotting as my number one starter were no longer an option. I needed to regroup. I looked back at offense and grabbed another player that shouldn't have been available to me here in Heyward. Although my offense is starting to feel bulletproof, I desperately needed a pitcher. I had Wayne's two picks at the turn to decide on where to go in pitching. I looked through the remaining pitching options. I needed to find the one with the most upside AND probability of putting up ace type numbers THIS season. I decided upon three. Tanaka, Bailey, and Cobb. I chose Tanaka because of the unknown. How good can he be? Can he be Darvish? We really won't know until the season gets underway. But it's a possibility... until it isn't. I have to swing for the fences on pitching at this point. Tanaka it is. I feel OK about it.

7.14/8.2 - Shelby Miller SP2 / Tony Cingrani SP3 - I decide long before the draft gets back to me at this turn that I need to double up on pitching here. My offense doesn't need help for awhile, my pitching needs to be reinforced. I can't take the chance on missing out on the upside pitchers with the skill set and opportunity to help me catch up to the others who grabbed aces earlier. Again Cassavetes hurt me by grabbing Danny Salazar with the pick right before mine, but again the upside pitcher reservoir is deep. Miller and Cingrani fit the bill.

9.14/10.2 - Grant Balfour RP1 / Aramis Ramirez 3B - I'm not sure grabbing another upside starter wasn't the preferable move here as both Sonny Gray and Yordano Ventura are both sitting there for me. However, both closers and 3B are starting to come off the boards quickly and I decided I wanted a solid option at both spots. Especially at closer for this draft, I didn't want to go with a shakier option as I wanted a surer thing at closer if I was going with less sure options at SP. Besides, like I wrote earlier, the well is deep. There were other upside SP options I still liked that were pretty sure to be available later.

11.14/12.2 - Mike Napoli 1B / Fernando Rodney RP2 - I wanted to fortify my power base with Napoli and with all the BA protection I've built throughout this draft, his power will come without the negative impact of his BA. The 11th round saw all the RP's I felt were somewhat sure options come off the board besides two....Rodney and umm Nate Jones. I couldn't decide between the two and I only needed one. Wayne at the turn also needed one. I decided to grab Napoli and let Wayne decide for both of us. He chose Jones. Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good. Sorry Wayne.

13.14/14.2 - Zack Wheeler SP4 / Carl Crawford OF3 - I told you there were more young upside starters!! :D I grab my 4th and possibly my favorite in this draft. I'll give you one idea why. :P In Crawford, I start addressing the one offensive category I feel still needs to be fortified...speed. Looking at this squad, I realize I need to stay aware of speed the rest of this draft.

15.14/16.2 - Ryan Howard 1B/CI / Taijuan Walker SP5 - Like I said, I need to address speed. :mrgreen: All kidding aside, the cheap corner power bats (Teixeira, Morneau, Swisher) have started to disappear. The opportunity for late, cheap power is almost gone. I grab one that is here later than usual along with one more upside arm that I'll have to wait a few weeks for, but who almost certainly in my mind will be worth the wait. There's plenty of speed left. It'll be the focus of the rest of my draft.

17.14/18.2 - Rick Porcello SP6 / Eric Young Jr. OF4 - Here comes the speed!!! Along with yet another upside arm.

19.14/20.2 - Russell Martin C2 / Junior Lake OF5 - When you're feeling shy in speed, it's always nice to find some SB's out of your catcher position.

21.14/22.2 - DJ LeMahieu 2B/MI / Alejandro De Aza OF/UT - When Kolten Wong was snagged a couple rounds back, I grew concerned about finding a late speed option for my MI spot. But like a shining star, LeMahieu and his 20 SB potential called out "Don't forget about me!" Unfortunately Wayne was thinking the same thing and was far from thrilled when I grabbed LeMahieu the pick before he was going to draft him. Sorry again my friend.

23.14/24.2 - Aaron Hicks Reserve OF / Jenrry Mejia SP7 - Interesting story. My neighbor and buddy Jeff Dobies, knowing that although I always have Rotoworld up on my laptop during the drafts, like an idiot I never ever look at it (and therefore the Neftali Perez and Josh Johnson picks the week before in NYC) came over a few picks before I was up in the 23rd round and whispered to me the news of the Mets surprise announcement of Mejia as the number 5 starter. This is just what I needed here. Another upside arm to help me continue to try and catch up on pitching. Unfortunately, there were still 2-3 picks before I drafted. The next thing I know, Cassavetes who would get to pick before me and had already sniped Cole and Salazar from me earlier in the draft is checking his phone. I hold my breath. He puts his phone down and when his turn comes, I fully expect to hear him call out Mejia's name. He instead chose Tyler Skaggs. After I picked Mejia, he admitted to me that he figured that Jeff came over to give me an update and checked his phone to see what was up. He said the Mejia announcement was right there at the top. He then said "if he wanted to be a prick", he would have grabbed him, but decided not to do that to me. I know to most, like Juprinka stated to me later in the weekend, Mejia is just another young fragile arm, but to me he's a young fragile arm on the METS! :D Good guy Cassavetes, even beyond that move. I think guys like Cassavetes is one of the great things about the NFBC. Here's a guy who is Hollywood, comes from a Hollywood family, is known well beyond the realm of fantasy baseball. Yet when sitting down next to me at the draft, all he wanted to talk about was fantasy baseball and fantasy players. Just another one of us. Just another great guy enjoying a great contest.

25.14/26.2 - Felipe Paulino Reserve SP/ Matt Joyce Reserve OF

27.14/28.2 - Kendrys Morales Stash Power/ Jordy Mercer Reserve MI

29.14/30.2 - Colby Lewis Reserve SP / Derek Holland Wasted Pick

Summary - This was a fun draft, sitting between Wayne and Cassavetes, two great guys, being a part of this very strange draft, picking out of the back end and seeing what fell. It was enjoyable... and stressful. As far as the team, I think the offense is very strong. The pitching, well I went upside all the way through. Hopefully it comes through. Time will tell if it helps me in my chase.

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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Edwards Kings » Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:57 am

Yup...when you are next to the best, you have to expect things to happen. Hopefully Jones will eventually pay dividends (after he gets back from the eventual AAA attitude adjustment). LeMahieu (strangely enough) hurt because the extra 20 SB would have helped put me over the top in that category. Got Yunel instead for my MI, so still looking for a few SB.

As always a great write-up and as always a pleasure to draft next to you. Guys like you make my annual contribution just a little less painful. :D
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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by headhunters » Thu Apr 03, 2014 10:41 am

glenn- feel free to drop paulino and pick up a real pitcher at any time. also- haven't you had the 1st pick in the main twice already in your 5 years? if that is true the math in chicago says- unless you have played the main 30 times ( a real possibility) you have been lucky- not unlucky. good luck.

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Glenneration X
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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Glenneration X » Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:25 pm

Edwards Kings wrote:as always a pleasure to draft next to you. Guys like you make my annual contribution just a little less painful. :D
I feel exactly the same my friend. You are one of the true Gentlemen of this hobby.

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Glenneration X
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Re: Chasing the NFBC 2014 - Now a Veteran of Chasing & Blogg

Post by Glenneration X » Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:47 pm

headhunters wrote:glenn- feel free to drop paulino and pick up a real pitcher at any time. also- haven't you had the 1st pick in the main twice already in your 5 years? if that is true the math in chicago says- unless you have played the main 30 times ( a real possibility) you have been lucky- not unlucky. good luck.

LOL Mike. Though it does feel like 30, :shock: the actual number of Main Event leagues I've personally owned (the BHQ sponsored team aside) in the 5 years I've been part of this contest prior to this season is actually only 9.
I know, I was surprised as well!!! :D

Since there seems to be this misconception that I always get great draft slots towards the very top of the draft, I thought I'd look back and see what my draft slots actually were and try to dispel this myth once and for all. :D

2009 NYC Main - 13

2010 AC Main - 11
2010 NYC Main - 3

2011 AC Main - 1
2011 NYC Main - 10

2012 Online Main - 14
2012 Vegas Main - 14

2013 Vegas Main - 6
2013 NYC Main - 7

As you can see, my draft slots over the years have been all over the map. If anything, with only 2 of 9 picks in the top-5 while 5 of 9 picks landed in the back of the draft in double digits, it appears mathematically I've been anything but lucky in the draft slots I've received. :?

Of course, I did win the league title in 2 of those 9 leagues, cashed in 5, and finished top-5 in 7 of them, so maybe the luck against Chicago mathematical odds you reference played a part there. ;) :P

All "Fun with Numbers" aside (a book I do read with my 3 year old twins), I honestly don't fret what slot I receive. I've always made it clear that I prefer the front of the draft, but like everyone else, you get what you get and then need to figure it out from there.

PS.... I like Paulino. ;)

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