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$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:07 pm
by Gordon Gekko
Ben Sheets tossed five shutout innings Tuesday versus the Mariners.

Everyone's favorite sleeper is starting to peak. 16 wins, 225 K's, 3.10 era, and a 1.05 whip is on the horizon. Get him whie you can!!! Waiting till the 5th round could be too late. No one can deny that when Sheets is healthy (like he is now), he's one of the top 5 SP in baseball.

[ March 13, 2007, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: Gordon Gekko ]

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:32 pm
by Herdon
gordon gekko,

you're a mother fukcing know-it-all retarded son-of-a-bithc as*hole

you have ruined this message board with your narcissistic self-important babbling

shut the fukc up

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:39 pm
by Spyhunter
Originally posted by Herdon:

gordon gekko,

you're a mother fukcing know-it-all retarded son-of-a-bithc as*hole

you have ruined this message board with your narcissistic self-important babbling

shut the fukc up Dude, chill. Gordon has been here a heck of a lot longer than you. Enjoy him, he brings a fun sense of trash talking and humer to the boards


$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:41 pm
by Gordon Gekko
Originally posted by Herdon:

gordon gekko,

you're a mother fukcing know-it-all retarded son-of-a-bithc as*hole

you have ruined this message board with your narcissistic self-important babbling

shut the fukc up ROFLMAO!!


i guess you wanted sheets. sorry about that. i'm just doing a public service to everyone out there. sheets was a HUGE questionmark entering this season because of his health. it looks like he is healthy and throwing very well. just like i said in my post. everyone has access to the same information. if that makes me a know-it-all, then so be it.

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:45 pm
by Gordon Gekko
Originally posted by Spyhunter:

Dude, chill. Gordon has been here a heck of a lot longer than you. Enjoy him, he brings a fun sense of trash talking and humer to the boards

Spy Spy - thanks for the kudos.

perhaps the pressure of draft day fast approaching is starting to get to a few folks.

[ March 13, 2007, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: Gordon Gekko ]

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:47 pm
by Chest Rockwell
Originally posted by Herdon:

gordon gekko,

you're a mother fukcing know-it-all retarded son-of-a-bithc as*hole

you have ruined this message board with your narcissistic self-important babbling

shut the fukc up Gordon Gekko gives strippers money, he drinks too much, he always throws the first punch in a fight, he steals your women from you.

That is what a real man is unlike you and your angry brother. I am still demanding an apology from your last rant about me b/c I called your brother the Richard that he is.

BTW if this does not make sense read Herdon's last post a few weeks ago.

Those Goebel brothers are a lot of fun- between taking things way too seriously on here or posting that we got what we deserved on 9/11. Yeah I did a google search on your brother after you last rant. It is all right there!

To quote Sgt Hulka lighten up Francis!

[ March 13, 2007, 08:56 PM: Message edited by: Chest Rockwell ]

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:57 pm
by sportsbettingman
Originally posted by Chest Rockwell:

quote:Originally posted by Herdon:

gordon gekko,

you're a mother fukcing know-it-all retarded son-of-a-bithc as*hole

you have ruined this message board with your narcissistic self-important babbling

shut the fukc up Mark Srebro gives strippers money, he drinks too much, he always throws the first punch in a fight, he steals your women from you.

That is what a real man is unlike you and your angry brother. I am still demanding an apology from your last rant about me b/c I called your brother the Richard that he is.

Those Goebel brothers are a lot of fun- between taking things way too seriously on here or posting that we got what we deserved on 9/11. Yeah I did a google search on your brother after you last rant. It is all right there!

To quote Sgt Hulka lighten up Francis!
[/QUOTE]Even I don't get that vulgar with GG. :D

(Interesting response from Chest...defending one who both dishes it out in spades...and can take it.)

Must have been a bad post before...I'd love to read it.


$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:59 pm
by poopy tooth

Risky pick. Pitchers get hurt easily, especially this one. Pick him too soon and an injury will do you in. With that said, I've said before and will stand by my statement that when the year is over, Sheets will be top 3 in Cy Young vote. Is that worthy of 4th round or sooner? Hate to be burned right out of the gate like last two years...Sheets in 05 and Peavy in 06. Will probably let him slide that early.

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:01 pm
by Chest Rockwell
Originally posted by sportsbettingman:

quote:Originally posted by Chest Rockwell:

quote:Originally posted by Herdon:

gordon gekko,

you're a mother fukcing know-it-all retarded son-of-a-bithc as*hole

you have ruined this message board with your narcissistic self-important babbling

shut the fukc up Mark Srebro gives strippers money, he drinks too much, he always throws the first punch in a fight, he steals your women from you.

That is what a real man is unlike you and your angry brother. I am still demanding an apology from your last rant about me b/c I called your brother the Richard that he is.

Those Goebel brothers are a lot of fun- between taking things way too seriously on here or posting that we got what we deserved on 9/11. Yeah I did a google search on your brother after you last rant. It is all right there!

To quote Sgt Hulka lighten up Francis!
[/QUOTE]Even I don't get that vulgar with GG. :D

(Interesting response from Chest...defending one who both dishes it out in spades...and can take it.)

Must have been a bad post before...I'd love to read it.

[/QUOTE]Gordon, you, and I get that this is a bunch of guys being guys. I like to think I get away with some of what I get away with here b/c I can laugh at myself too.

I may dish it out here- but I have also made some good pals- some darn nice fellas in this event.

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:01 pm
by Gordon Gekko
Originally posted by poopy tooth:


Risky pick. Pitchers get hurt easily, especially this one. Pick him too soon and an injury will do you in. With that said, I've said before and will stand by my statement that when the year is over, Sheets will be top 3 in Cy Young vote. Is that worthy of 4th round or sooner? Hate to be burned right out of the gate like last two years...Sheets in 05 and Peavy in 06. Will probably let him slide that early. poopy, don't try any misdirection here. you WILL be paying FULL price (and then some) in the mixed auction for Sheets :D

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:03 pm
by sportsbettingman
Oh yes...found it and remember it.

"cherokee nation is my brother. he recently was awarded the robert f. kennedy ripple of hope award at the kennedy center for his lifetime of work with the homeless and developmentally disabled. he's a teacher, a good parent and he's even opened up his home to provide shelter to those most in need. he's a man. he's done a lifetime of work helping others. a lifetime. you are a piece of sh%t and it was my mistake to bother with this site"

If this is indeed true...Cherokee is a good man. If it is not true...shame on you for lying, and shame on you for being so vulgar. (Being a teacher)


[ March 13, 2007, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: sportsbettingman ]

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:06 pm
by sportsbettingman
Originally posted by Chest Rockwell:

quote:Originally posted by sportsbettingman:

quote:Originally posted by Chest Rockwell:

quote:Originally posted by Herdon:

gordon gekko,

you're a mother fukcing know-it-all retarded son-of-a-bithc as*hole

you have ruined this message board with your narcissistic self-important babbling

shut the fukc up Mark Srebro gives strippers money, he drinks too much, he always throws the first punch in a fight, he steals your women from you.

That is what a real man is unlike you and your angry brother. I am still demanding an apology from your last rant about me b/c I called your brother the Richard that he is.

Those Goebel brothers are a lot of fun- between taking things way too seriously on here or posting that we got what we deserved on 9/11. Yeah I did a google search on your brother after you last rant. It is all right there!

To quote Sgt Hulka lighten up Francis!
[/QUOTE]Even I don't get that vulgar with GG. :D

(Interesting response from Chest...defending one who both dishes it out in spades...and can take it.)

Must have been a bad post before...I'd love to read it.

[/QUOTE]Gordon, you, and I get that this is a bunch of guys being guys. I like to think I get away with some of what I get away with here b/c I can laugh at myself too.

I may dish it out here- but I have also made some good pals- some darn nice fellas in this event.
[/QUOTE]I totally agree.

In day to day's hard to find anyone with a passion...let alone the same passion for sports and competition.

I know I'd be cool with GG in person...and had a good impression from you in Vegas. We have some great folks here!


$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:11 pm
by Hangtown
I'd like to hear more about the strippers? :eek:

And do you pay em a quarter like the drink lady, or is that too much? :D

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:35 pm
by Tradesman Kettleers
Sheets was gone on the 4-5 turn in both $250 Satellites in which I've participated. Took Webb at 5-5 on 3/11 and Sheets was gone. Plenty of silent Sheets supporters out there, so there will be No bargain on Sheets in the 6th or 7th rounds. If you really want him, then grab him on round 4 because he won't be there in the second half of Round 5. Why? because other than Johan no one can give you the across the board #'s that Sheets can when healthy. Let the buyer beware.

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:09 am
by headhunters
chest and gordo- some of us love your posts- keep it up. gordo- i think i am going santana, nathan sheets matsusaka and waiver wire. should still win the pitching. all i need is 4 late round sleepers at hitting- hanley ramirez type and 3 more. send me the $

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:55 am
by Mudster
I him or hate him, GG brings a lot of color and conversation to the boards. How someone like Herdon with 2 total posts feels that she is in the position to tell anyone what they should or should not do is humorous. BTW, with the post that Herdon did do in this thread, that should almost be worthy of a banning. Two posts and the dolt has done nothing but try to start fights.

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:07 am
by Evil Empire

gordon gekko,

you're a mother fukcing know-it-all retarded son-of-a-bithc as*hole

you have ruined this message board with your narcissistic self-important babbling

shut the fukc up What a low life! I guess I better budget a few more bucks for Sheets at the Friday Auction. He is mine!

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:55 pm
by stan
Sounds like a lot of bed - Sheet - wetting going on. Big Ben is another 'could be awesome year'guy or could be just average if innings are limited - We all take the chance willingly - right ?

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:16 am
by Mr. LBN - Jeff Price
I don't get this "Sheets as a value pick" talk. He went in the 4th round in my draft after Santana, Halladay, Zambrano, Carpenter, Oswalt, Webb and Peavy. That's a fair price to absorb his risk/reward combination.

I agree his ability makes him the potential #2 ranked starter. Personally, I have him ranked #6 ahead of Halladay and Zambrano, so I guess there is a bit of value.

However, I can't see how you can brag about a 4th round, injury-risk if he happens to stay healthy and put up stats that he already has demonstrated the ability to do.

On the other hand, if Gecko is right about Sosa, then we should all be willing to pay for his tips next year. I had and will continue to have a huge "DO NOT DRAFT" next to his name.

$$$ALERT$$$ Ben Sheets -_Cy_Young?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:18 am
by Gordon Gekko
Originally posted by Mr. LBN - Jeff Price:

However, I can't see how you can brag about a 4th round, injury-risk if he happens to stay healthy and put up stats that he already has demonstrated the ability to do.

he went 4th round in your league, but he went 6th round in others i'm sure