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Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:11 pm
Thurman15 wrote:
Thu Jan 03, 2019 8:51 pm
Kimbrel and Keuchel are delusional with their demands. Kimbrel wanted 6 years and now will settle for 5 ? Snowball's chance in hell he gets 5 years, and I doubt he even gets 4. He may get 3 years. He was scary wild in the World Series and has a history of poor control. Now he is 31 (I believe). He may not ever get good control back again. Look at Adam Ottavino's Colorado no less. You can sign him for less than Kimbrel and he may well be better.

Keuchel wants 5 years ??? Good luck Dallas. Maybe if you could strike out your sister you'd get more money, but come on, look at age and that low strikeout rate. No way he gets a big contract. Again I say 3 years max, or if he gets 4 he won't get anywhere near the total dollars he thinks he will.

Poor Mike Moustakos....looks like he is screwed AGAIN. He asked for 5-80 I believe. Not gonna happen. He proved his power again, but unfortunately proved he won't walk again.

Bottom line, teams have finally learned not to pay guys in their 30's. You need to pay for what a player WILL do, not for what a played "has" done.
Finally (starting last year), baseball clubs are paying players for future performance, not past.
They are finally thinking like us!
The Angels are still paying Pujols for numbers he put up in St Louis fer crissakes!
We've seen the best of Kimbrel. We've seen the best of Keuchel.
To expect more is foolhardy.
They should not get the money figures that have been tossed around. To be fair, those stupid money and years totals have been pedaled around by their agents, not them.
Kimbrel getting three years at 45 million sounds about right.
If I'm a team, I let him go if not agreeing to that figure.

Since I'm playing the guessing game...
I believe the only team who should offer Bryce Harper 10 years should be the Nationals. Only because they all have an ongoing relationship.
I would not give any player a contract past seven years.
Unless his first name started with an 'M' and last name started with 'T' or 'B'.
And I would not offer that to any player like Manny Machado.
Machado can be a detriment.
Anything can happen with his personality.
That thought has to come before mere talent when talking seven years.
Being tethered to a temper mental (on purpose) player for seven years can be bad, very bad.

Waiting for interesting signings like Pollock, Dozier, Lemahieu, and Moustakas.
I love the contract Kikuchi signed with Seattle. Could be very beneficial for both parties.
If serious about signing Pollock, I would suggest incentives for 100, 120, and 145 games played.
His talent is not what is in question. His ability to stay on the field is the deal or dea lbreaker.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 8:46 am
I am in a DC Draft right now (always). A fellow drafter said, "You sniped me!"
I don't mind the reference. I've never cared if I 'sniped' somebody, even though occasionally I will send an unheart-felt 'Sorry'.
Sometimes I feel 'sniped' myself, but not often.
Really, I only feel that way if I'm about to make a pick of a player whose ADP does not merit a pick that round, but somebody else feels the same way and selects that player.
What I don't get is when somebody selects a player at the top of the draft queue, then hears from another drafter that he sniped him.
The player at the top of the queue always gets votes as 'most likely to be drafted'. Still, somebody is surprised or miffed a little.

In some drafts, I'll have a doppleganger. A drafter who doesn't look like me (Thank God for them), but thinks along the same lines as me when it comes to drafting players. I hate dopplegangers. Not only do I feel 'sniped' constantly, but he has similar roster construction techniques that limit the player pool in area's that I am looking at times in the draft.
This doppleganger frustrates me more than an occasional snipe.

A snipe should happen often during a draft.
There are 750 fish in our fishing hole.
15 Lines go into that hole.
(And yes, it is amusing that the first fish out of most fishing holes is a player named Trout.)
No matter the draft though, the fish in the hole never change. Only the lines that are thrown in.
Sniping presents a momentary tangle in our line.
In a DC, we have plenty of time to fix that line and go after another fish.
In the Main Event, it may take us so long, that we allow the next fishing line to be thrown while we think out the tangle in our own line.
In poker, it is called 'On tilt'.
A snipe can cause a tangle so bad that the drafter never feels he recovers.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:05 am
Instead of having a 'plan B', preferring to agonize and tell others of his woes.
This, is a guppy.
Telling anybody who will listen about the shark-infested waters.
Don't be a guppy.

(Stupid damned Boards wouldn't let me finish my previous post)

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:45 am
Zach Britton signs with the Yankees....

This is the opposite feeling that early David Robertson drafters had. It looks like Britton will be the dreaded set-up or LOOGY guy for the Yankees.
Unless a Chapman injury occurs (more and more likely), Britton will be stuck in reliever purgatory with Dellin Betances.
Early drafters would have preferred the Braves, Angels, Red Sox, Twins, Cubs, or White Sox.
Drafters of Ottovino are hoping for the same.
Ottovino, I thought, fit the Yankees better.
Craig Kimbrel, when realizing that he won't be the highest paid reliever in history, will probably decide between one of those aforementioned teams.

Keon Broxton is traded to the Mets...

I like it. There's an opening for Broxton.
It seems like the Mets have given Juan Lagares a chance to be their CF since 1962.
Broxton is everything Lagares is defensively and has a chance to hit. Something Lagares has never brought to the table.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 10:48 am
by Thurman15
I'm a huge Yankees fan and a big supporter of Brian Cashman, but I hate the Britton signing. I don't get why people say he was "pretty good" with the Yankees. He was horrible. And he was horrible before he got to the Yankees. And he was horrible the year before that. Does anyone watch him pitch ? Does anyone look at his embarrassing strikeout rate ? Does anyone watch him walk way too many batters ? I wanted the Yanks to sign Ottavino. Much better pitcher. Make no mistake, Britton WAS elite. But that was back in 2015-16. We are now 2019. His FIP last year was 4.22. He struck out 7.52 batters. Probably not inthe 100 highest strikeout rates. Most teams had 6th and 7th inning guys strikeout more and walk less. He does one thing extremely well. He limits home runs. I know he came off an injury but what about 2017 ? I really think he is no more than average anymore. But oh well....I always support my team and hope Britton proves me wrong.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:18 am
by Bronx Yankees
Grandal reportedly to the Brewers for one year, $18.25 million.

Now, I would love to be paid $18.25 million for a year of work, but if Grandal really received and turned down a 4 year/$60 million offer, that was one hell of a miscalculation on his and/or his agent's part.

Kudos to the Brewers for going for it. Stearns is proving once again why he is one of the very best GMs working today. The NL Central is pulling away from the pack as the most interesting division in baseball for the upcoming season.

Given the money in the game right now, I'm still rather disgusted by the sheer number of teams that are refusing to spend to make their teams better. A pretty boring Hot Stove season to date.


Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:22 am
by Bronx Yankees
Thurman15 wrote:
Sun Jan 06, 2019 10:48 am
I'm a huge Yankees fan and a big supporter of Brian Cashman, but I hate the Britton signing. I don't get why people say he was "pretty good" with the Yankees. He was horrible. And he was horrible before he got to the Yankees. And he was horrible the year before that. Does anyone watch him pitch ? Does anyone look at his embarrassing strikeout rate ? Does anyone watch him walk way too many batters ? I wanted the Yanks to sign Ottavino. Much better pitcher. Make no mistake, Britton WAS elite. But that was back in 2015-16. We are now 2019. His FIP last year was 4.22. He struck out 7.52 batters. Probably not inthe 100 highest strikeout rates. Most teams had 6th and 7th inning guys strikeout more and walk less. He does one thing extremely well. He limits home runs. I know he came off an injury but what about 2017 ? I really think he is no more than average anymore. But oh well....I always support my team and hope Britton proves me wrong.
This Yankees fan agrees. Seemed like a very-rich contract to give Britton based on recent performance. Frankly, I'd have rather retained Robertson or signed Ottavino. I think they must have really wanted another strong lefty in the bullpen, or maybe they saw something at the end of last season that got them excited. Seemed like he did a little better late in the year. Oh, well, it's not my money. At least they are doing something to try to keep the strong bullpen intact. Guessing they also know that Betances is gone after this season, and so they wanted to get more high-end depth now. We'll have to see whether Britton performs like a high-end bullpen option.


Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 10:10 am
Grandal signs with the Brewers....

This was said by a noted writer and NFBC player.....
"Grandal is weird. The hitting and fielding metrics love him. yet, every time he's on my TV, he's walking back to the dugout after whiffing or chasing a ball to the backstop"

Now, what I'm about to say seems to be a slap at Grandal, but it is not and I'll explain....
If a baseball team wants a hit in a big situation...don't sign Grandal.
If a baseball team wants a 'clutch' player in the playoffs...don't sign Grandal.

In our game, our players play zillions of mundane, meaningless games. THAT is where Grandal excels.
It is why he is a top Catcher in fantasy. We don't care about clutch situations or the playoffs.
We want that guy who gives us decent day-to-day stats. THAT is Grandal.
A much better fantasy player than baseball player. Not many players can say that.

Milwaukee is a great landing spot for Grandal.
He won't be counted on to do the heavy lifting with hitters all around him.
Like with L.A., he'll get lost in the lineup and put up a lot of numbers without most folks realizing it.
Will he be the guy that the Brewers want up in the ninth inning, two outs, one run down, and Edwin Diaz on the mound?
Heck No.
But I'll take him every time the Reds, Pirates, or all those other meaningless matchups come calling :)

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:24 pm
by mbendar16
A positive reference for a Mets player in one of your posts Dan. I can't believe my eyes :mrgreen:

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:44 pm
Why, Mr. Bender, I have always been fair about the Mets...
Ok, maybe not so much the last few years... :D
I do like that they are trying this year. I haven't seen that in the past few years.
Instead on relying on blaming injury for bad years.
Which leads me into the next topic....

The Mets sign Jed Lowrie...

I really like Lowrie. And I like the Mets enthusiasm.
Bur as of now, this is similar to the Brewers signing Jonathon Schoop last year.
They didn't need Schoop. They hardly had a place for Schoop. But, they gave him money, so he mostly sat on their bench or played horribly.

It's January. I believe the Mets have another shoe falling after this signing. I believe that maybe they received a lot of interest in McNeil and other youngsters as a possible get for another player, be it a Starter, reliever, or outfielder.
Right now, Lowrie is their 2B and Cano is their 1B.
McNeil and Alonso may be trade bait with JD Davis coming to the organization.
If not, Todd Frazier is wilting on the vine and McNeil can take his job, while Alonso waits for a probable old man injury between Cano and Lowrie.

As for the Mets, I've said a lot of positive things since the Cano trade.
They are willing to try.
And actually, it is the Braves who are mostly standing pat while the Mets, Nats, and Phils are making moves.
I expected more from the Braves.
I believe the Nats have passed them in terms of player personnel at the top level and the Mets and Phils are getting closer.
Really, I don't think the Braves are good enough to just say "We're good for this year".
Donaldson is a nice piece, but hardly a player to hang a hat on.
If a Braves fan were to choose between Markakis year last year or gamble with Donaldson's year this year, I'm betting most would take the sure thing.
It is a division I look forward to watching.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 9:04 pm
Now the Mets are saying that McNeil could play in the outfield.
He could, I guess.
But a Super Utility Player or trade chip makes more sense.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 1:06 am
by mbendar16
I don't get the Lowrie signing either unless it is the beginning of a plan to trade some players for pitching or a CF, their two immediate needs at this point. if there isn't one, they certainly have a lot more infield depth, and if McNeil and/or others can add OF to their positions, it could work OK.

I don't know how much more money, if more at all, but I think Marwin Gonzalez would have been a better fit if the price winds up being similar, with the hope Nimmo or Conforto can handle CF.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 10:53 am
by Thurman15
Yes indeed guys.....Lowrie was a strange signing by the Mets. McNeil may well have a better year than Lowrie. They have a good young cheap player in McNeil and now they seem to be blocking him. Unless Nimmo or Conforto can indeed play a good centerfield, there is no outfield spot for McNeil. Why didn't they just put Cano at 1st and leave McNeil at 2nd base, and spend the money on either a center fielder or a real good bullpen arm. The Mets are improving for sure, but still some strange things going on.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 1:13 pm
LeMahieu to the Yanks....

Are NY teams trying to corner the market on unneeded 2B?
The Yankees are trying to sell LeMahieu as a Super Utility player.
That's big talk for a guy who mostly has played only one position.
Daniel Murphy would have been a better 2B for the Yankees.
The Yankees have Stanton, Torres, Judge, Sanchez, Voit, Andujar....Tulowitzki....and they add ANOTHER right handed bat!
I don't know.
Third base!
No. It won't be Manny at third base.

And they say that LeMahieu will get some time at third.
It says a lot that the Yankees will try a guy at 3B, who hasn't even been at the position in years, over their current fielder there.
All the butchers in New York City and the Yankees have one at 3B.
With Sanchez catching, Andujar at 3B, and a slowed Tulo at shortstop, the Yankees may have one third of the worst defense in all of baseball.
I know that if I were managing with Sabathia throwing against my team, that bunts would flood the third base line.
Voit and Torres are only average defensively and Stanton below average in the outfield.
The addition of LeMahieu is like putting flowers in a rat-infested, dirt-floored shack.
The Yankees are trying to help the looks of their defense, but fail by taking him away from the desired position.
Didi hasn't been gone yet and they already miss his stellar defense and lefty bat.
It'll only get worse when the season begins.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 1:43 pm
by Bronx Yankees
Don't understand this one at all. As a Yankees fan, did not see it coming, either.

Ironically, just yesterday, I was making fun of the Mets' Lowrie signing with a Mets fan friend and fellow NFBC'er. Was puzzled why the Mets would sign (and at a high price) an unneeded 2B for two years. One day later, my Yankees do the same thing.

I also don't like this plan to use LeMathieu as some utility guy. The guy is a gold glover at 2B. Keep him there. Use Torres at SS and keep Andujar at 3B. I don't think Gregorius is coming back before the All-Star Break, and the Yankees' approach to this off-season seems to confirm this. Also, Gregorius is a free agent at the end of the season, and so there's no guarantee he is with the Yankees next year. If he walks, I guess Torres and LeMathieu cover SS and 2B. What I do not want to see is Andujar losing at bats. Let the kid play. He was not good at 3B last year, but by the end of the season, he was not terrible, either. He'll never be an Arenado or Chapman with the glove, but it's a little too early to write him off as a serviceable 3B. Still, LeMathieu was not needed, and Murphy would have been much better for a year or two because he'd be a much-needed left-handed bat. Kind of shocking that the biggest characteristic of Yankees Stadium is the short porch in right field and the team seems incapable of acquiring a left-handed bat to take advantage of it.


Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:59 am
by Thurman15
Yup, as a Yankee die hard, I'm not amused at Brian Cashman and Hal Steinbrenner. They have not improved at all. There has been one big plus, James Paxton. And while he has injury history, he is one hell of a starting pitcher. But their infield is actually worse and so is the bullpen. Terrible decisions. They lost Didi for roughly half (but possibly more) of the season and replaced him with poor hitters Tulowitski and DJ Lemahieu. We can't live in the past. Tulo is a huge question mark and DJ can't hit at all. .229 away from Coors. His strikeouts increase every year and his walks go down. And to give DJ Lemahieu 24 million ?? Are they nuts ? He is an excellent fielder but there are 2 sides, and he can't hit. So we are worse than we were.

Then they lose D Rob from the bullpen and resign Britton ?? Bad choice. And they are playing hardball with Ottavino. Sign him already !! Then there is the claim they "added" 3 starters. They already had CC and Happ. They resigned them. No improvement except Paxton. And to think Manny might be forced to sign for 8 years, 200 million ? What was the point in negotiating with Machado if they were not really interested. He is going to get LESS than projected. He was in their lap. And please Yankee fans, stop the "he does not hustle" We have Gary Sanchez and he is worse. So is Bryce Harper. And Manny is well liked by teammates. He can be an ass to other teams, but he is good with his teammates. If you want a Superstar, you may have to accept faults. Yes it bugs me that he does not hustle enough, but I can live with it.

The point is the Yankees have had a lousy offseason, and Steinbrenner won't reinvest all their money in the salaries. Wake up management. The Red Sox are outspending us and it got them a World Series. The Yankees should have signed one of Machado or Harper. No room for Harper ?? This is ridiculous. We could have Judge, Hicks and Harper in the outfield. Brett Gardner as the 4th outfielder. Stanton DH.

There is still a chance to save the offseason. Lets do it. Yes I ranted about these horrible "demands" by free agents....but we are talking the ones over 30. Harper and Machado are 26. I'm not happy with Brian Cashman, but I will support him. He history speaks for itself. Turn the offseason around Brian !!

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:00 am
I'm going to play a little bit of Devil's Advocate here....
Like everybody else, I thought the LeMahieu signing was mysterious.
At first.
Now that I've had time to think about it....I sorta like it. Here's why....

You are in an NFBC auction, it is late in the draft.
You bid a dollar on Troy Tulowitki...and then....crickets.
Adding Tulo to your roster, you discover that Tulo, as of the moment, is your starting middle infielder.
You have Gleyber Torres and you have Didi Gregorius, but nobody else.
You are depending on Tulo playing every day!
You can't have that!
So, you overbid a little bit on DJ LeMahieu, the best remaining middle infielder available to ensure that a starting middle infield is intact when the season begins.

I know, I know...The Yankees are not playing fantasy baseball.
My points are...
1. They can't depend on Tulo to stay healthy.
2. Didi won't be back till Summer.
3. Didi may be gone next year (Hence give DJ two years)
4. Torres or LeMahieu, even without time there, may be a better 3B than Andujar (flexibility).

Flexibility is the word of the day for this deal. It saves our ass from a fantasy perspective and it saves the Yankees ass in the same way.
I really don't think the Yankees over paid LeMahieu.
McCutchen got 50 million for three years!
If Yankee fans want to stomach this better...pretend that LeMahieu was signed first, THEN they got Tulo at the minimum.
You would be hoping that Tulo is lightning in a bottle, not the starting shortstop for the Yankees. You would be thinking that Torres is now their shortstop and LeMahieu their 2B with Tulo getting at bats when fit.
I believe that is the way the Yankees are really looking at it.

Sure, LeMahieu's average will go down. Yankee Stadium does not have the volume of area that Coors provides.
But, I also know that their fans will come to enjoy his game.
He does all the little things, not on a stat sheet really well.
And yeah, after thinking about it, this is more than just Devil's Advocate.
I believe it to be a solid signing.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 3:13 pm
The Yankees sign Adam Ottavino....

Wow. Really WOW.
What a bullpen the Yankees have!
And that is after losing David Robertson.
Chad Green, Ottavino, Dellin Betances, Zach Britton, and Aroldis Chapman.

The Yankees only need four innings from their Starters.
And,,,with Sabathia being a pitch away from a heart tremor, Paxton a pitch away from Tommy John, Tanaka a pitch away from making a partial tear a full tear, and Happ a pitch away from showing his true age....they may need those firemen a lot.

Fantasy-wise, I can see both sides of the fence...
The PRO for drafting a Yankee Starter would be to say that they could get more Wins with less spoilage from the bullpen.
The CON for drafting a Yankee Starter would be to say that they could get less innings with a Manager waiting to do his best Dave Roberts imitation and start the bullpen rotation as early as possible.
As for Ottavino, his ADP drops.
He's become a possible Closer to, now, just another middle reliever.

The Yankees have shot many bullets this off season.
Even loaded up with right handed hitting to combat Boston's Lefty Starting pitching.
The Red Sox have done nothing to their bullpen,,,except to lose Joe Kelly and Craig Kimbrel.
The Red Sox, really, have rested on their laurels.
They have to re-sign Mookie Betts and possibly Xander Bogaerts so expensive free agents are not their thing this off season.
Still, they haven't made any of the little deals that great clubs have to make.
The Red Sox have re-signed Nathan Eovaldi and Eduardo Nunez which comes under the heading of 'Things that make you go...MEH'.
No wonder their GM wanted a deadline for the signing of players. It is the only way of stopping other teams from improving themselves, while the Red Sox remain dormant.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:27 am
Just a pet peeve....

'Kris Bryant and Chris Sale say their shoulders feel strong and healthy'....

No shit?
They've had months of babying them without, you know, throwing, hitting, or fielding in a tough game.
These kind of reports are useless.
Tell me when something goes wrong.
We assume health till then.
Earlier Troy Tulowitzki says, "I feel better than last year".
He should! He hasn't played much in years!

In fantasy, we know how it goes.
We know that James Paxton, Jose Altuve, and Adam Eaton all go into Spring Training feeling wonderful.
We don't care.
The past is the past and we know to be concerned about them once they start playing.
We DO care about ongoing injury.
How about an update on Ohtani? Gregorius? Is Pineda throwing? Wacha missed half a season, how's he doing?
Sale and Bryant ended their seasons playing for the most part.
Assuming rest would do them good is easy.
And that is the route writers seem to take for us.
Does it help?
Not really.
I guess they have to do something else besides make guesses on Machado and Harper's landing spot for the millionth time.
Rant done.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:29 pm
Asdrubal Cabrera signed a deal with the Rangers....


Nick Markakis signs a deal with the Braves...

So much for the Braves running away with a Division Title.
The Braves have a chance to be damned good for many years.
A good young offense.
Pitching up the wazoo.
When having pitching up the wazoo that is verty young, a franchise has a large advantage.
They can develop that talent or trade the talent.
The Braves have a dozen or so of these pitchers.
It looks like they're going to try and develop every one of them.
Otherwise, they would have traded for a monster outfielder, not sign Nick Markakis.

Not to malign Markakis, he was instrumental in the Braves title last year.
Now, raise your hand if thinking he'll repeat that same year.
Yeah, me too.
The Braves brought a M in from Toronto.
He signed Jose Bautista short term and Josh Donaldson short term and if the Braves didn't have Freddy Freeman, you can bet that Encarnacion would have been added too.
Now, the re-signing of Markakis.
It shows little initiative and ingenuity.
It also feels like the Nats and Phils and Mets have made huge strides while the Braves have taken baby steps this Hot Stove.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:31 pm
By the way, one current Major Leaguer has played seven seasons with at least 160 games played.
The answer?

Nick Markakis.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 11:38 am
AJ Pollock signs with the Dodgers...
Pollock will earn a guaranteed $45 million in the first three years of the deal, which includes a vesting opt-out after 2021. If he remains with the Dodgers after that, he's guaranteed $55 million over four years or $60 million over five years.

I had to copy that last part cause it's a little confusing...

Money-wise, this is a pretty good deal when thinking that the Phillies are paying McCutchen over 50 million dollars for three years.
The problem being that Pollock will probably have to play the full five years to match McCutchen's three years on the field.
He gets hurt that much.
Pollock was a top five round pick for many years.
That was when drafters felt that THIS may be the year he doesn't get hurt.
Now, we know it'll be every year.
In 2015, he buoyed drafters hopes by playing 157 games.
In the three years since, he has averaged 80 games a year. Half a season.
On the field, he is a five tool player.
But drafters know his top skill is getting hurt.

Experts like to say that he is not injury prone' as much as he is unlucky.
They say that he breaks bones and breaking bones is not the same as nagging injury.
All we know is that he misses time. Lots of time.
He is on the downside of 30 now.
Milk, no longer a cure for his brittle bones.

So, is this a good signing?
I don't know.
If Pollock gives them one full season and two half season's, I guess they can call that square.
If less, it'll be bad. If more, it'll be good.
Forecasting health is easier for us.
We only lose a draft pick.
The Dodgers are putting millions on the line.
Which sounds like a lot to us.
But, what are we talking, a Magic Johnson estate and yacht?
Not a problem.

In a baseball sense, Pollock is going to the right team.
David Roberts is a budding Joe Maddon.
A Manager who enjoys Over Managing.
Pollock will see a lot more time on the bench than with any other Major League team.
Roberts will be the smart guy and platoon Pollock sometimes.
Does it matter that Pollock hit .275 vs righties and .221 vs. lefties?
As smart as Managers think they are with today's analytics, they still push button players.
Especially Maddon and Roberts.
For us, the extra rest will have the effect of less chance of Pollock getting hurt.
I guess that's a good thing. :?

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:09 pm
Just a time out to reflect while seeing this blurb....

'Rangers' manager Chris Woodward officially announced Friday that Jose Leclerc will begin the 2019 season as the team's closer.

Woodward indicated that it was important for Leclerc to know his role heading into spring training. The 25-year-old was phenomenal during the 2018 season, registering a 1.56 ERA, 0.85 WHIP and 85/25 K/BB ratio across 57 2/3 innings. Fantasy owners have certainly taken notice, as Leclerc has been the 12th closer selected on average in early mixed league drafts.'

I don't care anything about LeClerc. If you like him, draft him.
What I love is the last sentence.
Years ago we nagged, begged, and pleaded with Greg for earlier and earlier drafts.
He found it hard to believe that there were diehards who would want to draft during the winter months.
But Greg listened and now, not only the NFBC, but other sites have baseball drafts in the dead of Winter.
The persistence of rabid fantasy baseball drafters and the listening leader who was eager to please was sublime.
It makes me smile that years later, there are already hundreds of leagues in the books.
It's been like a locomotive gaining more momentum each year.
Awesome, really awesome.
And now we have a blurb that mentions the NFBC ADP...IN JANUARY.
The best.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:59 pm
JT Realmuto goes to the Phillies....

This is like watching previews of a movie for six months, getting all excited to go, then watch the movie and shrug the shoulders.
Really, I didn't care where Realmuto went.
Same for Harper. Same for Machado.
And Realmuto is just an above average Catcher. Not much more.
Being the best Catcher in baseball right now is like being the best car in a Kia dealership.

Realmuto improves the Phillies a lot.
Alfaro was blah in his first year.
If signing Harper, Philadelphia's worst offensive player may be the player they touted as their best hitter just a couple of years ago, Maikel Franco.
They have become a force, offensively.
Pitching is where they still have issues.
Realmuto may even help there in already knowing that league like the back of his throwing hand.

Who does this effect in fantasy baseball?
Alfaro gets dinged for going to Purgatory.
Austin Barnes gets a boost in not reading the papers every day to see if Realmuto is taking his job.
Sixto Sanchez drafters now have no chance of seeing him in the Bigs this year.
Realmuto goes from the fourth to bottom of the third or top of the fourth in drafts.
And every Marlins offensive player takes yet another hit. BUT, if we were depending on them, we were hurting anyway.

Re: Hot Stove

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 5:18 pm
Until now, no news has really moved our fantasy needle much.
Especially in the first round.
This news, I believe will make a difference...

Francisco Lindor.... OUT 7-9 WEEKS WITH STRAINED CALF......

We like our first round picks pristine. Sure, they have minor flaws, but we go into each season with the thought that our first round picks are not going to miss a start if a Starter and going to play almost every game if an offensive player.
This throws doubt on Lindor.
Most, are saying that he'll miss a good deal of April.
Others are bringing up Josh Donaldson in illustrating how calf injuries can linger for a long time.
Which bolsters Lindor missing most of April so that his calf is 100% when returning to the lineup.

For sure, Lindor will lose his number three ADP.
I believe he will not be drafted in most drafts till double digits hit.
Most likely a player going from the front of the first round to closer to the back of the first round.
This may irk a few folks who covet Ramirez, Acuna, Scherzer, JD Martinez, Yelich, or Arenado who love another 'filler' player taking up ADP space.
They'll just have to adjust their ADP accordingly.
For some, Lindor will be the dreaded 'value pick' at pick 10-15 in the first round.
Almost as if dismissing April's disappearing act in seeing Lindor's name in a place not seen by drafters before.