It's the Day Before the First Main Draft

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It's the Day Before the First Main Draft

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:07 pm

It's the day before the first Main Draft.
I'm beyond middle age and I still get a knot in the pit of my stomach. I tell myself to enjoy it. But, it's hard.
These players are who we are going to live with for the next six months.
These players will either be saluting us for taking them, or baring their ass and laughing at us.
These players are who we will focus on for the next half year.
It's a big commitment.
The enjoyment is derived from picking the players that we covet. In many ways, it's like going to a whore house.
There are seemingly no bad picks there either. Two months later when a doctor tells us we have an std, it packs the same punch as being V-Mart'ed after selecting him in a slow draft.

It's the day before the first Main Draft.
Checking and re-checking player news throughout the day. Trying to filter out the noise, knowing that if a player had a good day today during spring training that it doesn't mean anymore today then had he done it yesterday or last week.
Tweaking lists. Calling fellow drafters in other leagues. E-Mailing.
Re-checking player news again. And again. And again. Then, one more time.

It's the day before the first Main Draft.
We're with friends and family. We're thinking about that first pick.
We talk with friends and family. We're thinking about that first pick.
We're wrapping up our day at work. We're thinking about that first pick.
And they say that straight men can't multi-task.
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

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Re: It's the Day Before the First Main Draft

Post by Gekko » Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:16 pm

for me, i'm trying not to adjust my rankings too much based on spring training. basing decisions on small sample sizes has been my biggest weakness throughout the years.

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Winston's Empire
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Re: It's the Day Before the First Main Draft

Post by Winston's Empire » Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:40 pm

Good luck tomorrow Dough! I don't draft until next Saturday, but am crazy excited. Just got our draft spots and feel like I am scrambling to come up with a game plan for my draft spot as its not anywhere near where I wanted.
Checking the news, watching film, looking at projections, and of course looking at spring box scores that don't mean that much in reality. This is an amazing time of year for guys like us and its the knot in our stomach that reminds us why we love this game so much!!
Good luck pal!!!! :D
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Re: It's the Day Before the First Main Draft

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:10 pm

Thanks Max, I'm looking forward to it!
It's been a loooong off season. :cry: :)
There are only ONE SET OF four words STRUNG together to fantasy baseball folks that beat, 'Pitchers and Catchers Report'.
And that is, 'IT'S TIME TO DRAFT'!

Good luck, everybody.
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

papa's nine
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Re: It's the Day Before the First Main Draft

Post by papa's nine » Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:35 am

tonight is my first main event. since my son got me into the nfbc last year i have been looking foward to tonights draft. i never realized how exciting this could be. i went on two slow drafts and many mocks, just to practice for tonight. i have read several mags to find others opinions. read the message boards. log on to many online fantasy helpers. in general i find they are all the same. i enjoyed every minute of it and as a bonus tomorrow i get my family back. My question: is there going to be a let down tomorrow?

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Re: It's the Day Before the First Main Draft

Post by Glenneration X » Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:04 am

Don't worry Dad. The fun lasts for 6 months. Today's just the first day (and the best :)).

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Re: It's the Day Before the First Main Draft

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:07 am

Mr. Lowy,
I envy you.
Both the family that raised me and my marital family think I'm a little nuts. They shake their heads as I get a little more giddy about approaching drafts. Most Saturdays, I run errands with my wife. Not this Saturday.
She knows I'm with my 'Fantasy Girl' as she calls it.
My family does not share my passion for baseball at all.

You and your son have a bond that most fathers in the NFBC can only dream about. You're a very lucky man.
Don't be hasty as to thinking your getting your family back :D
After your draft, you'll look at the players drafted and twist in your mind while thinking about the pro's and cons of each of their abilities.
As to your question, there may be a small letdown. After all, you've pointed towards this day for a long time.
But, it won't last long. When baseball starts in earnest, the team you draft today will be on your mind every day.

You may think you're getting your family back today, but today, you're adopting 30 new kids.
And they're a handful!
And like your current family, they're going to be on your mind a lot over the next six months.

By the way, you say the draft is tonight. I don't want you to be late, it starts at 1 pm your time.
Good luck today. You happen to be in my league and I'm looking forward to the challenge.
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

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Re: It's the Day Before the First Main Draft

Post by Schwks » Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:31 am

Good luck today Dough. As someone who makes the off season bearable, I will be rooting you on, and I look forward to seeing your teams. Doug
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Re: It's the Day Before the First Main Draft

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:58 am

Thanks Doug. One team down, one team to go. :)
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

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