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My Mistress and Her Faults

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:53 pm
My wife calls the NFBC, 'my mistress'.
She's right in a lot of ways. When not spending time with her or our family, what I'm doing usually has something to do with the NFBC.
I'm ok with that.
She asked me the other day, if 'my mistress' had as many faults as her.
I've been married long enough to know that this is a 'trap question'.
Expounding on your partners faults only leads to sleeping on the couch.
But it did lead me to think of the NFBC's faults.
Usually, I am rosy about the NFBC, so lets find some faults.

First and foremost is anything having to do with technology. It seems that over the 13 years of the NFBC, their technology has always been behind. You know, when everybody else has color tv's, the NFBC would still be black and white. When cell phones came, they held onto land lines.
The problem, in other words, being that the NFBC never gets in front of technology. Always lagging.
Funny now, in that with STATS ownership, a company who provides state of the art technology and numbers to others, that a small part of their company lags badly.

Next, auctions. The interest is through the roof. Somebody has to take the lead on these. I started a grassroots revolution to provide affordable auctions for NFBC members. Right now, Todd and Andy are taking NFBC members to another site for auctions. This is a good start. But the NFBC needs to take the next step.
That step would be to partner with a company who has an auction site. Even the site that Todd and Andy are using today.
When that happens, auctions could be more streamlined with signups taken directly by the NFBC and an Overall contest can be started with these auctions.

Next, (and this come under the technology paragraph), but these DC's are so wildly popular that the NFBC has to make them easier. I average a PM or email today asking me the speed of drafter in a current list of DC'ers.
I'd like to see statisitics on each drafter in how long they take between picks and their usage of auto1.
In this way, when folks sign up for a draft, their statistics will be beside them.
For instance....

1. Dan Kenyon, 9 mins, auto 8
2. Joe Blow, 1 hr, 2 mins, no auto
3. Yahoo Kid, 30 sec, auto auto 50
4. John Doe, 3 hr, 9 min, no auto
5. George George, 30 min, auto 10

Two different DC's would start to load. One with myself, Yahoo Kid, and George George, because we are simpatico time/wise.
Joe Blow and John Doe would go to another draft that more suits them. If they want to be in a quicker draft, then they would have to improve 'their stats'.
When these stats are made public, some drafters may be surprised at their stats and have more incentive to better their speed.
I try to limit myself to one DC at a time. A slow DC limits my participation, which takes money away from the NFBC.

Speaking of DC's, I believe there should be a discount for entering many DC's. It could start at three, five, or even seven.
There are discounts for the larger leagues.
Some NFBC folks spend as much money on DC's as some spend on the larger drafts.
There should be an incentive/discount for these folks.

One more, and this is more of a personal note.
The NFBC has allowed multiple entries into the Main Event for a few years now. Until lately though, it seems they never invited the watering down of the Main Event. They opened up competition to two weekends, which invited two entries.
Then, online which invited another entry.
Now, if a fellow were to go to Las Vegas for two weeks and partake in Online drafts, he could have s many as seven Main Event entries.
I know the reason.
We all know the reason.
New entries are limited, so we are left to feed off ourselves.
It cheapens the Event that most of us hold so dear.
And the dilemma is that until we get new entries, there is no way of solving the problem.
It's a sad situation though.
In the past, when winning the Main Event, the winner was asked, "How'd you do it?"
Now, when somebody wins, the question changes to, "How many entries did you have?"
That's not right.

Ok, those are the faults I see with my mistress.
I won't tackle whether they are more or less than my wife.
I know how things on the internet come around to bite one firmly on the ass.
But you know what?
Like my wife, we in the NFBC can live with the faults.
They have leadership unparalled, second to none and a base of customers that is loyal to a fault.
You might even say we love each other.
And when loving something, the faults fade.

Re: My Mistress and Her Faults

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 4:29 pm
by Navel Lint
DOUGHBOYS wrote: One more, and this is more of a personal note.
The NFBC has allowed multiple entries into the Main Event for a few years now. Until lately though, it seems they never invited the watering down of the Main Event. They opened up competition to two weekends, which invited two entries.
Then, online which invited another entry.
Now, if a fellow were to go to Las Vegas for two weeks and partake in Online drafts, he could have s many as seven Main Event entries.
I know the reason.
We all know the reason.
New entries are limited, so we are left to feed off ourselves.
It cheapens the Event that most of us hold so dear.
And the dilemma is that until we get new entries, there is no way of solving the problem.
It's a sad situation though.
In the past, when winning the Main Event, the winner was asked, "How'd you do it?"
Now, when somebody wins, the question changes to, "How many entries did you have?"
That's not right.
I couldn't agree with you more.

I hated when they went to multiple weekends
I hated the idea of the Main Event being done on-line. (wouldn't be so bad though if it was done at the same time as the live draft)

But I absolutely can't stand the idea of multiple entries :twisted: :twisted:

Re: My Mistress and Her Faults

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:07 am
by Edwards Kings
Dan, does this bathing suit make me look fat?
