A Fantasy DFA

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A Fantasy DFA

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:40 pm

Former stars of baseball are getting DFA'd at a good rate.
Carl Crawford, Jose Reyes, Mat Latos, Jimmy Rollins, blah, blah, blah.
It got me to thinking about our game.
What if we had a DFA option?
We couldn't do it now. Asking Cousin IT to do anything new is both too much of an ask and too large of a task.

Here is how it would work if operable.
Tired of James Shields, I declare him DFA'd.
He would then go on the free agent list with DFA beside his name.
As with the Majors, I can't bring him back.
Players, like Shields would be DFA'd Mon-Fri.
These DFA'd players would be available to other teams. They would put in bids for them before a Saturday Night, 10 pm DFA Deadline.
If a DFA player is not bid on, he becomes a regular free agent the following week.
Those designating a DFA would not have to drop a player for their first pickup (whether a new DFA or free agent on Sunday), since their roster would be at 29 players.
Like Sunday free agents, newly picked up DFA'd players would not be available to play till Monday lineups go into effect.

Some will say that to add an additional deadline on Saturday would be time consuming.
It wouldn't.
If limiting DFA players to one per team per week, we would only be looking at 14 available players.
It would add a layer of within-league strategy of maybe having leaguemates pay more for our albatross'.
For buyers, it would be an opportunity to roster a dropped player immediately instead of looking at that name on the free agent list all week.

It's a fun idea and nothing more.
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

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Re: A Fantasy DFA

Post by Atlas » Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:36 am

I like the idea if only for the fact that I'd love to kick dead wood off at a whim. (Anyone remember what Bill Parcell did with Elvis "Toast" Paterson back in the 80's?)

So a team puts in a bid on the DFA Saturday and has to drop a player to accommodate the roster spot.

Does that player dropped become available for the next day's bidding? Or wait a week?

I wish I had this when I was married. :lol:

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