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Rat's Assing Josh Harrison

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 8:58 am
'Josh Harrison (foot) went 0-for-4 with two strikeouts Monday in his return to the lineup against the Dodgers.'

The above is a rather benign rotoblurb update to most.
Allow me to now go on a bit of a rant....

We have moved away (not completely) from the steroid era and into the strikeout era.

We have seen major league teams with 30 games under their belt.
There are 90 players with at least 25 strike outs.
Do they really need to be mentioned any longer, except in extreme cases?
If Josh Harrison had not foul tipped a ball and elevated his swing a sixteenth of an inch to pop up to the catcher, would that make you feel better?

We have moved on. The second hitter in the lineup was once thought of as a contact hitter designed to move the leadoff hitter along on the bases.
Now, they are the free swinging Kris Bryant, Lorenzo Cain, Eric Thames of the world.
Only three hitters (Nunez, Mauer, Betts) have less than 10 strike outs.
All are hitting below .300 and they have five homers among them.
Is THAT what you want in today's game?

Look, baseball used to be more of a team game.
Batters really did try to move runners along. They would try to go to the right side to advance a runner.
Now they don't.
Now, we Joey Gallo, Ryan Schimpf, Chris Carter, Khris Davis, Chris Davis, and a lot more shooting for the moon.
And when shooting for the moon, there are going to be a lot of misses.
It's no big deal, just a change.
But, with that change, the strike out is an out like all the others.

I can understand if the k stat is being used on youngsters like Byron Buxton. This would reflect that Buxton is not making contact at a larger level and may have to go back to where he did make contact.
C'mon Rotoblurbs, move into the next era, willya!?

EDIT- Anybody who viewed the Yankees-Cubs game Sunday night would realize this is the strike out era.
I know the game set a record for total strike outs, but what struck me was different.
With each inning, it seemed batters were swinging even harder than earlier in the game.
This resulted, of course, in even more strike outs.
Javier Baez swings, late in the game were almost comical.
The broadcasters were talking about how his feet had taken multiple hits during the game, while he is coming out of his shoes with those feet with each swing.
He wanted to be 'the guy'. The guy to end the game. As did others.
We live in a 'We want it now' society.
Baseball and today's players, are no different.