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Post by Money » Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:38 pm

This debate started on a different thread. The course of action for 2012 has been decided and we'll all go from there. While Greg might not like this topic it is absolutely and positively going to continue to come up as new folks join and wonder what's up with this? Please feel free to delete the thread at anytime, it is not my intent to cause any issues. This will continue to rear it's ugly head as these boards become more and more populated leading up to the new season. The NFBC may want to come up with a statement that addresses the issue consistently each time it's brought up, that way you won't have to keep re-visiting it.

I stated that I'd be entering as anonymous if others were allowed to do so. The reason I stated this was a form of protest against what I think is juvenile and ridiculous approach to these games. I thought if enough of us did it the NFBC would have to relent and do away with the practice. I'm abandoning the approach and will play the game straight up as it's meant to be played. The last comment I have on the subject is that it should not be allowed. Sign up, own up and play the game. If you decide to play a couple of less, then so be it, the NFBC will continue to flourish.

There were a number of top players comment in the thread. I'll leave you with a couple of their quotes.

I don't care about the rule one way or the other. I've never really cared what others do in a draft. And yesterday, I started a draft with 'Anonymous' as one of the drafters.
That said, maybe it's just natural, but I think less of 'Anonymous' while drafting against him. That he's a little bit of a coward. Sure, 'Anonymous' can boast that his picks are all that and a bag of Doritos too, but in the drafting room, he is just one of 15, only less so because in my mind's eye, he is a boy hiding behind mama's skirt. Not bold enough to put picks to his name.
Now, I know that sounds harsh, it's not meant to be, but that's what's in my mind and it can't be helped.

So, even though I welcome 'Anonymous' and know that he has to do this, in his mind to protect his picks, job, taxes, or what have you, I hope you'll pardon me if I think just a little less of you.


I'm not fond of the anonymous rule myself. But, if you assume the person(s) are going to find a way to sign up anyway, likely through a third party, well, at least the others now know if there is someone playing without revealing their true identity and they have the option not to join that league.

The threat of some people not playing if they had to use their name is likely the case, but this is balanced by just as many not playing because ANONYMOUS is allowed, so that's a wash.
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Re: Anonymous

Post by Sack » Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:25 pm


I fully understand your problem with the ANONYMOUS tag. While I don't like the idea of a person
cloaking there identity I've accepted Greg's explanation and I do understand certain people wishing to employ
this small protection during draft season. Honestly, that is the only time a person is truly anonymous.

When you register, you are allowed to list your team as ANONYMOUS for several reasons. I think the
most popular idea is that those of us that participate in MANY drafts don't wish to give even the slightest "perceived
edge" to a possible opponent. On the sign up page, you are allowed to enter a screen name to protect yourself
IN DRAFT to remain anonymous. ( I think Glenneration X wasn't quite clear on this in another thread...hope this helps)
After all, if you revealed you identity in the draft room, your picks could still be compromised and defeat the message
board label of anonymous. It isn't until AFTER the draft that your league mates can see you name and email address
in the league forum. By this time, no advantage of draft info should be able to leaked provided that the leagues aren't

I've stated before, the second I start concerning myself with what my opponents are doing then they have
won the mental battle. SOME, who shall be nameless, use this to simply stroke there own ego. I concentrate on
MY thirty selections. No need for me to hide my identity. If somebody reads a prior draft with my selections and
moves early on a player I previously selected it simply means a value is created in another area to me. I am capable
of adjusting in draft and lets be honest - every pick is no more than an educated guess. You showed last season that
you have "GAME". Don't let the little things hold you back going forward. Draft your teams to the best of your ability
and let the chips fall where they may. Don't let the anonymous tag ruin your enjoyment. Those people ARE NOT gaining
any edge on you or the contest.............unless you let them. Good luck this season, hope to see you in Las Vegas to say hello in person.


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Re: Anonymous

Post by Gekko » Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:48 pm

Sack wrote:SOME, who shall be nameless, use this to simply stroke there own ego.
Ken - Do tell. Who do you think uses Anonymous to "stroke their own ego"? Please put some names out there. No need for you to pull any punches, is there?

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Re: Anonymous

Post by Money » Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:05 pm


Thanks for the comments. Believe me when I say that this is the least of my worries when it comes to competing against the many great players here, yourself included. I to accept Greg's position on this, I don't necessarily agree with it, but it's a tough job being the commish and he can't possibly satisfy 100% of the players on all the issues. I do think that all players should be aware of this. Finding out after the fact is not a lot of fun.

I hope to compete in a number of different games this year and we'll probably end up head to head in another event. Possibly Greg adds a 12 team Super :D . I think it would sell out.

I look forward to seeing you in Vegas, I'll be there the second weekend as well.

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Re: Anonymous

Post by Atlas » Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:06 pm

:D Just an observation, if I may....

There may be many reasons why people play unnder "anonymous". Some very valid, some less valid...but I'll tell you what all this hoopla has now done...its focused everyone's attention from the draft to the Anonymous drafter!

I used to coach HS wrestling. I made my team put on dress shirts and ties to travel to matches. When we walked in the gym we certainly drew stares from most of the opposing teams. Did it make us a better team..hell no. But now their opponents were focusing on something other than what they should have been.

Frankly, I can't tell you who I'm drafting against when I get into that room (not that I've been a superstar in the league) and unless either Megan Fox or Angelina Jolie sign in,. :twisted: ..I don't give a rat's you-know-what.

Well, I'm obviously bored in the office this Friday before New Years to take enough time to comment on this, so I'll leave you with the gratuitous picture to close out another uselss post.


Last edited by Atlas on Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Anonymous

Post by Schwks » Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:15 pm

I will start this by saying a)that I would not play as anonymous and b) I do not care whether or not there is an anonymous in a league in which I compete. I also think that those who draft without revealing their names for reasons related to competition (e.g. not wanting others to scout their preferences) are truly weak....truly.

All of that said I can envision a scenario where a person may not want an employer to know that he is engaged in activities in which he wagered monies. I can easily envision scenarios where a person may not want his family, former family(ex-wives)religious organization, friends, former friends, business associates, creditors to know that he is involved in money related activities...especially quasi gambling. These could be legitimate REAL-LIFE concerns that far outweigh the importance of fantasy baseball competition that after all is still A GAME.

I am not a religious person but let's judge not.
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Re: Anonymous

Post by BK METS » Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:49 pm

Schwks wrote:I will start this by saying a)that I would not play as anonymous and b) I do not care whether or not there is an anonymous in a league in which I compete. I also think that those who draft without revealing their names for reasons related to competition (e.g. not wanting others to scout their preferences) are truly weak....truly.

All of that said I can envision a scenario where a person may not want an employer to know that he is engaged in activities in which he wagered monies. I can easily envision scenarios where a person may not want his family, former family(ex-wives)religious organization, friends, former friends, business associates, creditors to know that he is involved in money related activities...especially quasi gambling. These could be legitimate REAL-LIFE concerns that far outweigh the importance of fantasy baseball competition that after all is still A GAME.

I am not a religious person but let's judge not.
This is a great point. Also, wherever else you go play fantasy baseball or football, you don't know who you are playing with or if they are using their real names. The NFBC and NFFC has such a close group of guys/gals that it just seems commonplace that you know everyone you are drafting with, and at the live drafts, you always do (except I am not sure who was posing as Glenn/King of Queens at the NFFC this year). I like the fact that I am able to get to know the other owners in my league, but if someone wants to remain anonymous, who exactly is it hurting, other than the guy who wants to see an owners trends, which in the end, does that really matter? Owners trends are overrated. Just my opinion. For example..Mark will say just about anything to make you think he is going to draft a certain player, talking up guys, etc.. and in the end, you never know whats truth or fiction. What exactly is the difference?

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Re: Anonymous

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:14 pm

Schwks wrote:All of that said I can envision a scenario where a person may not want an employer to know that he is engaged in activities in which he wagered monies. I can easily envision scenarios where a person may not want his family, former family(ex-wives)religious organization, friends, former friends, business associates, creditors to know that he is involved in money related activities...especially quasi gambling. These could be legitimate REAL-LIFE concerns that far outweigh the importance of fantasy baseball competition that after all is still A GAME.
Geez, finally someone gets it. Joe is SOOOOOOOOO focused on Gekko that much of this thread and reasoning is because of that fixation. Many very good people have a reason for going ANONYMOUS and not all of them involve Gekko or reasons why Joe thinks every ANONYMOUS is Mark. Many are much older, respected folks who do this for a reason. If Joe wants to be ANONYMOUS just to piss me off, it's not going to work. I know why some folks ask me to not list their names on a public Message Board and thus I go to the mat for them. Joe will NEVER understand the many different reasons that people ask me for this and everyone thinks that ANONYMOUS is one person, but IT'S NOT!!!

So carry on with this thread, but someone finally did think outside the box here. And Ken did too with his explanation above.
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Re: Anonymous

Post by Sack » Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:03 pm


Good stuff, hope that 12 team Super idea comes to be a reality! Look forward
To meeting you in Vegas this season.

MARK: Getting into these petty message board battles last season was not something
I enjoyed. Going to try very hard this year to avoid a repeat. I will pass on "taking the bait"
in answering your question. Happy New Year to you and the family.

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Re: Anonymous

Post by Money » Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:59 pm

[quote="Greg Ambrosius"

Geez, finally someone gets it. Joe is SOOOOOOOOO focused on Gekko that much of this thread and reasoning is because of that fixation. Many very good people have a reason for going ANONYMOUS and not all of them involve Gekko or reasons why Joe thinks every ANONYMOUS is Mark. Many are much older, respected folks who do this for a reason. If Joe wants to be ANONYMOUS just to piss me off, it's not going to work. I know why some folks ask me to not list their names on a public Message Board and thus I go to the mat for them. Joe will NEVER understand the many different reasons that people ask me for this and everyone thinks that ANONYMOUS is one person, but IT'S NOT!!!

So carry on with this thread, but someone finally did think outside the box here. And Ken did too with his explanation above.[/quote]

Mr. Game Operator,

I respectfully disagree with your ENTIRE post. I'm actually insulted by your attack and the presumptions of how I think. My first thought was to take this off line, but you've chosen to do it here.

1. I am not focused on Gekko at all. You think that because I had a message board altercation with him my first year. I disagreed with the way the NFBC handled the Fanball first day of the season (it was my first as well). I carried on during the season in a manner which I wasn't proud of. I got off on the wrong foot with you because it was always in the spotlight. I've moved way past that.

2. The second ruling that I've strongly disagreed with is this one. The poster boy for this happens to be Mark. Could be anyone. I probably can't change your mind on that. You've read things into my initial post that simply are not there.

3. Your anonymous comment about me wanting to piss you off is way out of line. Go back and re-read what I said. I doubt you read it before your ridiculous post.

4. In a previous thread Glenneration X brought up the interpretation of the new rule. I understood it exactly as he did. We were wrong. I now disagree with the new approach.

If I'm playing in a league and they know who I am I should know who they are, period. These are high stakes games and everything has to be above reproach. I believe that the very few instances you want to stand behind is a convenient excuse to allow this to continue. So now I'm projecting what you think. You enable these folks because you're afraid of losing a few sign ups.

We now have multiple states who won't allow their residents to play. These players will continue on with family and acquaintances in other states. Let the very very few intimidated by personal repercussions do the same, I'm sure most have.

I realize that I'm bringing something up that you want to ignore. The fact that some of us mis interpreted it is enough to re-visit. Be glad we're doing it in December. I know I don't write or speak as eloquently as most on these boards and I wish I could come off in a different manner.

I respect you Mr. Game Operator. I'm allowed my opinion and sometimes I carry on to far, I apologize for hitting a nerve. This is not a deal breaker for me. I can live with whatever you have chosen. It's hard to get called out and interpreted publicly by someone that everyone (including myself) respects so fiercely.

Happy New Year and Thanks for the NFFC check. The promptness is awesome.
Last edited by Money on Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Anonymous

Post by KJ Duke » Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:56 pm

There is a Mr. Anon Imus in our slow draft, although we know who he is. I don't care who's anonymous, I'd just like them to show us they give a damn by humoring us with a made-up name. Of course, if their intention is to hide so they can be a l*ttl* b*tc* by slow-drafting our slow draft, that's another story. :D

And since the slow draft protocol thread got overrun by this subject, I'd like to even the score a little and talk about slow protocol ...

Just because it's called a slow draft, that doesn't give you the right as an upstanding citizen of the fantasy community to waste everyone's time by not checking-in at reasonable intervals and/or letting other drafters know when you may be out for an extended period. Some delays are understandable and reasonable, other are just plain rude. And if you don't communicate in the draft room, they'll be assumed rude. My first slow draft of the season, I'm happy to report is humming along just fine; everyone's being a good citizen and having a good time, including Mr. Imus.

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Re: Anonymous

Post by Baseball Furies » Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:11 am

KJ Duke wrote:There is a Mr. Anon Imus in our slow draft, although we know who he is. I don't care who's anonymous, I'd just like them to show us they give a damn by humoring us with a made-up name. Of course, if their intention is to hide so they can be a l*ttl* b*tc* by slow-drafting our slow draft, that's another story. :D

And since the slow draft protocol thread got overrun by this subject, I'd like to even the score a little and talk about slow protocol ...

Just because it's called a slow draft, that doesn't give you the right as an upstanding citizen of the fantasy community to waste everyone's time by not checking-in at reasonable intervals and/or letting other drafters know when you may be out for an extended period. Some delays are understandable and reasonable, other are just plain rude. And if you don't communicate in the draft room, they'll be assumed rude. My first slow draft of the season, I'm happy to report is humming along just fine; everyone's being a good citizen and having a good time, including Mr. Imus.
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Re: Anonymous

Post by morons » Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:01 pm

I think its fine if you want to be "Annonymous". Maybe its a celebrity, a politician, a witness protection program participant, a hitman, or whoever. Ive done a few of the online drafts where the person registers as "" or some other promo and thats kind of cheesy too.....but why does it matter, may I remind you, THERE'S NO CRYING IN FANTASY BASEBALL!!!!

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Re: Anonymous

Post by fwicker » Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:08 pm

I would like to know who I'm drafting against so I can avoid extremely slow and discourteous drafters (I've encountered a couple of these over the last few years).
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Re: Anonymous

Post by LTDave » Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:39 pm

yikes... what did I miss lol.. can I change my name to "Onymous"?

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