The Mia Draft

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The Mia Draft

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:46 pm

Six years ago, 15 drafters entered a draft.
Slow drafts were still new at the time.
So new, they were still called 'slow drafts'.
Some of the drafters 'kind of' knew each other. Mostly, we had seen each others names on the Message Boards or participated in a previous draft with them.

What started as just another draft became a draft that every one of those drafters would remember.
Because I'm such a bigmouth on these Message Boards, some of the drafters would leave phone numbers and ask me to text them when they were up.
Little did they know that I didn't have a cell phone. So, I would call them from a land line.
For those of you not familiar with a landline, just think of your phone only working inside of your house.
Anyways, I wrote the numbers down and if somebody was up too long, I would give them a call.
This worked pretty well.

I got a call from Roger Martin. He was at the hospital. There was something wrong with his daughter.
He didn't know exactly what, but he said that he hadn't had time to put his draft on auto,but that he would just auto the rest of the draft.
I brought up the subject of baseball players.
I figured if my six year old daughter was in a surgery room, I'd rather bethinking about the merits of Ryan Braun or Miguel Cabrera, not the impending life or death of a loved one.
We talked baseball for awhile and he said he had to go.
I told him he wasn't going on auto.
That we would wait eight hours or another eight hours after that if need be.
Roger said, "Sure, Dan."

I got on chat and relayed to the other drafters what had happened in Roger's life.
Almost every drafter, a Father.
Fathers who felt for Roger's plight immediately.
We felt as if we were right there in the waiting room with Rog.
We would receive updates from Rog on the phone and mostly, it was good news.
When Rog's turn was about to come up to draft, we would take our time so that Rog did not feel rushed when making a pick.

Other events for drafters would slow down the draft as well.
There was a large hurricane that hit the East Coast.
One drafter was flooded in his house and drafted from another place two hours away.
Another drafter, Dan Semsel, had a goal of running a marathon in every state and was away for that.
Another drafter had a wife have an accident and had to have surgery on her achilles heel.
But the main focus was on Mia, Roger's daughter.

When Rog came on chat and expressed thanks to us and that Mia was going to be alright, it was something.
An outpouring as if Mia had had 15 real Dad's.
It was one of the most longest drafts on record.
There was not one 'zzzz' comment. Not one gripe. Not one bitch.
The length of the draft was secondary.
It lasted 36 days. Nobody cared.
It was the one draft that I will never forget.

After it was over, we received messages from Kathy, Roger's wife, expressing how much we meant to the family
And from Mia, thanking us for our well wishes.
They didn't know that it was us that should be thanking them.
They turned a meaningless event into a time of togetherness.
Where one Dad and 14 would-be Dads can all pull for what was really important during a fantasy baseball draft.

The 'Mia Draft' has been a yearly event since.
Some of the original members of that draft no longer participate.
They have been on the Boards since and said it was a draft never to be forgotten.
They have been replaced by some who know the history.
This Saturday, the Mia draft will be held once again.
Ironically, it will be a fast paced draft with a one hour clock..Maybe we're trying to make up for the length of the first draft :D
We do not KDS.
Mia picks each of our names out of a hat to decide draft slots.
A cute, happy, and healthy Mia, 12 years old, doubling her age since scaring the bejeezus out of Mom, Dad, and folks not known.
By far the cutest thing that ever happens on these Boards!
Watch for that this week on this thread.
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

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MadCow Sez
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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by MadCow Sez » Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:11 pm

Mia drawing the draft slots is a highlight of the pre-season :D
People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.
--Rogers Hornsby

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by JohnP » Mon Jan 22, 2018 8:46 pm

Mia - just like last year except mouth-a-sotto for spot 15!

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by uky » Tue Jan 23, 2018 9:10 am

Thanks Dan, it definitely was a draft to never forget. The outpouring of well wishing for a little girl that most didn't know was amazing. Whenever we found out she was going to be OK, it was like all of us had survived a crisis situation with one of our own. While making this league the Mia League with Mia selecting the draft slots, we have watched her grow up right in front of our eyes over the last 5-6 years. I don't do as much Baseball as I used to, but I look forward to this draft every year because of the group of men involved and of course a chance to see Mia again in the draft slot selection video.

Pick me a good one Mia... :D
Bill Cleavenger
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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by Hollenole » Tue Jan 23, 2018 9:57 am

Great Story. Sounds like a great group of guys to draft with. There must have been dust bunnies in my chair as I read this with my 2 year old son in my lap, for some reason my eyes starting watering while reading this. Glad to hear Mia is doing well.

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Baseball Furies
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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by Baseball Furies » Wed Jan 24, 2018 2:35 am

Beautifully and quite eloquently put as always, Dough. As one of the original and quite fortunate members of this draft, I would be remiss if I didn't chime in with my own personal story about it as well. To this day, what started out as near tragedy not only for Roger, but for me as well, turned out to be one of the most fortuitous events of all my years competing in the NFBC. What I have always loved most about these contests are the competitors and getting to know the people themselves, and even befriending most of them more or less ;). I think I have about a few hundred cell numbers in my phone by now...and the owners of those phones have all come to dread that fact. :lol: But being who I am, I decided that when I got involved with the NFBC, I would immerse myself in it not only as a staunch competitor, but also as a member of its close knit community as well. And I think the draft that turned out to become known as the "Mia Draft" will not only be the most special to me because I gained a new adopted niece as the "prize" from getting to know Roger while being a part of it, but also 13 other phenomenal guys, especially Dan Kenyon, who I truly got to know during this draft because I had the advanced technology of a cell phone (and he didn't) which I used to communicate via text with many of the other drafters after we would speak from time to time. All of us bonded during what became known as Super Storm Sandy out here in New Jersey and New York while this draft was going on. Coincidentally as I recall, other than Dough and a couple of others, I believe most of us were right in the middle of it when the storm hit. So as we learned about the news of Roger's daughter what she was going through, at the same time many of us were fighting to save our homes and families all while trying to get through a fantasy baseball draft with no power, no heat, and even no water for days on end, and surrounded by either flood water or so many downed power lines that we couldn't leave our homes. Yeah, shit was real, y'all!

I don't know what made me do it, but the night before the storm, I decided to venture out and stop at three places after hearing one too many doom and gloom weather reports even though I didn't want to believe them: Home Depot to buy a couple of the last 10 gallon gas cans, the gas station to fill up those gas cans, and Sears where I was number 88 of 88 in line to get the last generator that was available that night which miraculously I assembled when I got home which was a small miracle given my mechanical skill level at one in the morning just before the storm was going to hit. Turned out that these were all good moves, unlike the ones that I was making in the draft in the middle of all this. But at least when the storm hit I had some power to keep my laptop and phone charged, a space heater and my fridge going, and thankfully the DVD player for the kids. But all of this didn't prepare me for being jolted awake to a house full of smoke when it was discovered that the fire we had going in the fireplace continually for the first couple of days led to a freak occurrence of an ember getting behind the firebox into the wall which caused the house to catch fire. By some miracle, I just had insulation blown into the walls of the 100+ year-old Victorian I was living in at the time the summer before since the house was balloon construction and used as a summer home back in the day, so it was completely devoid of insulation. If it wasn't for that, the entire house would've went up in minutes as one had done in the neighborhood a couple years earlier. Thankfully we all got out quickly and the fire department did the rest before the damage became too extensive. At that point, I said "fuck it, we're out of here". All I cared about was getting the hell out of Jersey as fast as I could so that I could draft from the warmth and in the light of my summer home up in Maine which I took a gamble on that we have enough gas to get to given that there were no functioning gas pumps until you hit Connecticut due to the storm. It turned out to be a good call because it would be almost another week before power was restored.

All the while during this insane time, a little girl who none us knew, was going through surgery while the "storm of the century" hit in the midst of what ended up being the definition of a slow draft (36 days?! :shock: ). But despite the circumstances, her father was receiving hourly moral support from me and others. I'll never forget it, and I will never forget what it was like when Roger gave me the news that the tumor was benign and Mia was okay. I wish I could share some of the pictures on here that Mia and Roger have sent me from time to time over the years as she has thankfully celebrated birthdays and other milestones since then. And it was all because a bunch of guys got together online to do a fantasy baseball draft. Looking forward to the draft order call from you as always, Mia, and doing another one of these in your honor. Thanks kid, or I guess I should now be referring to you as "young lady." ;) :D
"If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base." ~Dave Barry

Darik B
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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by Darik B » Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:28 pm

Without a doubt the best legacy the NFBC (or fantasy sports period) has...there are a lot of them; but this one has to take the cake. As a father of a young daughter myself, this is beyond refreshing...restores my faith in people & humanity any time it comes up. Enjoy, guys!
DOUGHBOYS wrote:Six years ago, 15 drafters entered a draft.
Slow drafts were still new at the time.
So new, they were still called 'slow drafts'.
Some of the drafters 'kind of' knew each other. Mostly, we had seen each others names on the Message Boards or participated in a previous draft with them.

What started as just another draft became a draft that every one of those drafters would remember.
Because I'm such a bigmouth on these Message Boards, some of the drafters would leave phone numbers and ask me to text them when they were up.
Little did they know that I didn't have a cell phone. So, I would call them from a land line.
For those of you not familiar with a landline, just think of your phone only working inside of your house.
Anyways, I wrote the numbers down and if somebody was up too long, I would give them a call.
This worked pretty well.

I got a call from Roger Martin. He was at the hospital. There was something wrong with his daughter.
He didn't know exactly what, but he said that he hadn't had time to put his draft on auto,but that he would just auto the rest of the draft.
I brought up the subject of baseball players.
I figured if my six year old daughter was in a surgery room, I'd rather bethinking about the merits of Ryan Braun or Miguel Cabrera, not the impending life or death of a loved one.
We talked baseball for awhile and he said he had to go.
I told him he wasn't going on auto.
That we would wait eight hours or another eight hours after that if need be.
Roger said, "Sure, Dan."

I got on chat and relayed to the other drafters what had happened in Roger's life.
Almost every drafter, a Father.
Fathers who felt for Roger's plight immediately.
We felt as if we were right there in the waiting room with Rog.
We would receive updates from Rog on the phone and mostly, it was good news.
When Rog's turn was about to come up to draft, we would take our time so that Rog did not feel rushed when making a pick.

Other events for drafters would slow down the draft as well.
There was a large hurricane that hit the East Coast.
One drafter was flooded in his house and drafted from another place two hours away.
Another drafter, Dan Semsel, had a goal of running a marathon in every state and was away for that.
Another drafter had a wife have an accident and had to have surgery on her achilles heel.
But the main focus was on Mia, Roger's daughter.

When Rog came on chat and expressed thanks to us and that Mia was going to be alright, it was something.
An outpouring as if Mia had had 15 real Dad's.
It was one of the most longest drafts on record.
There was not one 'zzzz' comment. Not one gripe. Not one bitch.
The length of the draft was secondary.
It lasted 36 days. Nobody cared.
It was the one draft that I will never forget.

After it was over, we received messages from Kathy, Roger's wife, expressing how much we meant to the family
And from Mia, thanking us for our well wishes.
They didn't know that it was us that should be thanking them.
They turned a meaningless event into a time of togetherness.
Where one Dad and 14 would-be Dads can all pull for what was really important during a fantasy baseball draft.

The 'Mia Draft' has been a yearly event since.
Some of the original members of that draft no longer participate.
They have been on the Boards since and said it was a draft never to be forgotten.
They have been replaced by some who know the history.
This Saturday, the Mia draft will be held once again.
Ironically, it will be a fast paced draft with a one hour clock..Maybe we're trying to make up for the length of the first draft :D
We do not KDS.
Mia picks each of our names out of a hat to decide draft slots.
A cute, happy, and healthy Mia, 12 years old, doubling her age since scaring the bejeezus out of Mom, Dad, and folks not known.
By far the cutest thing that ever happens on these Boards!
Watch for that this week on this thread.

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:45 am

Roger promises that the Mia Show will be tonight....
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by Bigperl » Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:54 am

Looking forward to it, as always!

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Tom Kessenich
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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by Tom Kessenich » Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:33 pm

Had the pleasure of meeting Mia when Roger came to New York for the NFFC a couple years ago. Total sweetheart and clearly highly intelligent since she was wearing a Packers' jersey. :)
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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by Rog » Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:05 pm

Hey guys I need to apologize, l picked her up from school after a school function at 8 . Stopped for chick fil a ,got home she took a shower and crashed. We will have it up after school tom. around 530 or so. It's amazing how quick they grow up . She is really excited
I would like to thank everybody for their kind words.

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by Baseball Furies » Thu Jan 25, 2018 11:03 pm

No worries, Rog. I'm sure I speak for most all of us in saying that it will be the highlight of our respective weeks. :) Can't wait!
"If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base." ~Dave Barry

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by Rog » Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:21 pm

Ok Fellows here ya go

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:37 pm

My how that little girl has grown up!
Roger has gone from "DAAAADDY" to Roger Martin.
That's the best.
Thanks Rog and thanks MIA!
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by mbendar16 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:44 pm

You beat me to this Dan. The "DAADDY" from that 1st draft was "THE" memorable moment of my time in the NFBC and I'm sure all that were involved, especially Rog. Even though I'm not in the league anymore, I look forward to this video every year.

Great job Mia!

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by uky » Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:46 pm

Great stuff, once again. Thanks to Mia and Roger. My, how you've grown.

When will the league be set up? It's not under "my teams", yet. Is there something I need to do?
Bill Cleavenger
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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by MadCow Sez » Fri Jan 26, 2018 6:00 pm

Wow, Roger! She's become quite the young lady. Thanks Mia!
People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.
--Rogers Hornsby

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Fri Jan 26, 2018 6:13 pm

Fellas, I had to wait for the draft order before sending the info to Greg and Tom.
The League should be added to your teams very soon.
Just a reminder, it will begin at Noon, EST and have a one hour clock.
Can't wait!
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Fri Jan 26, 2018 6:36 pm

Fellas, you should have your teams now.
Don't touch KDS. It is set up as to Mia's commands :D
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

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Baseball Furies
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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by Baseball Furies » Fri Jan 26, 2018 7:15 pm

Just perfect, Mia. I held it together until the end when you thanked us all for our prayers and support over the years. Just the highlight of the fantasy baseball draft season for me. And funny how we were all thinking the same thing when she called her dad's name. Lol! Seems like "daaaady" was yesterday. Next thing you know she'll be doing these on her own with her husband giving her a hard time about it. :mrgreen: ;) Looking forward to our first 20-25 rounds out of the gate tomorrow at noon EST.
"If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base." ~Dave Barry

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Fri Jan 18, 2019 11:33 am

The Mia Draft is still going strong in 2019.
For those not up to speed about the Mia Draft, just read the initial post.
Along with being the most sentimental of all NFBC Drafts, it is also becoming one of the toughest for drafters.
This year, Lindy Hinkelman joins the Mia League.
With John Pausma's Overall Championship last year, the Mia League now has four Overall Championships under its belt, along with eight drafters who have finished in the top 5 of Major NFBC Overall titles.

However, the focus of this draft is Mia Martin.
A little girl who underwent two surgeries on her brain while her Father, Roger Martin, was with her in the hospital for days, she had 14 other 'fathers' pulling for her in an NFBC Draft. It was a draft that everybody involved will ever forget.
Mia is doing wonderfully now. She is a vivacious teenager who lives a normal life. Which means she is driving her parents a little crazy :D
She is raising a pig for 4H, so it only seems right that Lindy be joining the league this year.
Maybe you can give her a few pointers, Lindy!

Mia has been drawing names out of a hat every year since her malady and will again this year.
With the draft starting January 27 (Greg, Tom, Darik, I'll be sending the names and slots to you afterwards), be looking for the Mia version of KDS.
By far, better than any KDS ever.
Last edited by DOUGHBOYS on Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

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Baseball Furies
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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by Baseball Furies » Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:14 pm

Fri Jan 18, 2019 11:33 am
The Mia Draft is still going strong in 2019.
For those not up to speed about the Mia Draft, just read the initial post.
Along with being the most sentimental of all NFBC Drafts, it is also becoming one of the toughest for drafters.
This year, Lindy Hinkelman joins the Mia League.
With John Pausma's Overall Championship last year, the Mia League now has four Overall Championships under its belt, along with eight drafters who have finished in the top 5 of Major NFBC Overall titles.

However, the focus of this draft is Mia Martin.
A little girl who underwent two surgeries on her brain while her Father, Roger Martin, was with her in the hospital for days, she had 14 other 'fathers' pulling for her in an NFBC Draft. It was a draft that nobody involved will ever forget.
Mia is doing wonderfully now. She is a vivacious teenager who lives a normal life. Which means she is driving her parents a little crazy :D
She is raising a pig for 4H, so it only seems right that Lindy be joining the league this year.
Maybe you can give her a few pointers, Lindy!

Mia has been drawing names out of a hat every year since her malady and will again this year.
With the draft starting January 27 (Greg, Tom, Darik, I'll be sending the names and slots to you afterwards), be looking for the Mia version of KDS.
By far, better than any KDS ever.
Always the highlight of my drafting season. :D Can't wait! Bring it on, Mia! 8-)
"If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base." ~Dave Barry

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by Ultrarunner » Fri Jan 18, 2019 2:43 pm

Yeah, this is the one that makes my year, every year. I eagerly await Mia’s draft announcements.

This one is special

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by Gekko » Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:06 pm

If there is ever an open spot in this special league, i’d Be honored to be considered.

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Re: The Mia Draft

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:29 pm

Gekko wrote:
Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:06 pm
If there is ever an open spot in this special league, i’d Be honored to be considered.
You'd fit right in, Mark. You're on the list.
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

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